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工程编号:_ Project No.: 合同编号:_Contract No.: 建 设 工 程 施 工 合 同Construction Contract for Construction Projects(GF-2013-0201)工程名称: Name of project: 工程地点: Location of project: 发 包 人: Client: 承 包 人: Contractor: 制定住房和城乡建设部国家工商行政管理总局Made byMinistry of Housing Urban-Rural DevelopmentState Administration for Industry & Commerce of the P. R.C目 录Table of Contents第一部分 合同协议书.17Part I Contract Agreement .17 一、工程概况.17 I. Project Overview . 17 二、合同工期.18 II. Project Duration under Contract . 18 三、质量标准.18 III. Quality Standard .18 四、签约合同价与合同价格形式.18 IV. Contract Price and Form of Contract Price .18 五、项目经理.19 V. Project Manager .19 六、合同文件构成.19 VI. Composition of Contract Prices . 19 七、承诺.20 VII. Undertakings . 20 八、词语含义.20 VIII. Meanings of Terms . 20 九、签订时间.21 IX. Time of Signing .21 十、签订地点.21 X. Place of Signing .21 十一、补充协议.21 XI. Supplementary Agreement. 21 十二、合同生效.21 XII. Effectiveness of Contract .21 十三、合同份数21 XIII. Counterparts of Agreement .21第二部分 通用合同条款.23Part Two General Conditions of Contract .231. 一般约定.231. General Stipulations .231.1 词语定义与解释231.1 Definitions and Interpretations . 231.2 语言文字.291.2 Language .291.3 法律301.3 Applicable Laws . 301.4 标准和规范301.4 Standards and Specifications . 301.5 合同文件的优先顺序311.5 Order of Priorities of Contract Documents .311.6 图纸和承包人文件321.6 Drawings and Contractors Documents . 32 1.7 联络331.7 Contacts .331.8 严禁贿赂341.8 Bribery Strictly Forbidden . 341.9 化石、文物341.9 Fossils, Cultural Relics . 341.10 交通运输351.10 Traffic and Transportation .351.11 知识产权371.11 Intellectual Property Rights .371.12 保密381.12 Confidentiality .
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