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Lst nd RepoTskne Focusngon th Man Iahooste bt answe tocompeeech thefolloigsentences accrdin o he informatio oane n te litnin passge. Thpeakr belives that ou scs in lif iei _.)ong well with oheppe)beingareapaerin atem) workng ith a gat payer lke Michael JoranD) perfoig pecfc ole in a em The speake cits Michel Jordan as an ealeecau_A)Mchoran paysvey imortnt ole in a temB) he wans to convic peole f thmportane of te orC) gret playersre itl fatamD) Michael rais inspinexmple of cces3ccordinto the speak, th conceptof temwok is wde ppledn many plcsXCEPT _A) scho B)in the wplaceC)inprts D) in a It is the eakes opinio ht i you wan tobcom a uccessul college stuent yunedto _.A) ok hrda your coses) o som ab kC) coperatewellwith othD) somprojetsTsk Two Zooming In ohe tilsLiten o theering gan and l ach of blanks accin oht youa har. 1hough MichJrdn is a great plaer, he sil hs to coperat wllwih histam mmers to wi agame. Becausever memr ofhis em has avryecc ol , ad erymmer f the teami vitl to te successo t tam. In theworlae, its iprtnt to be regarded as ateam player, o oone personcanbuid railrod r anae an airline. Succes in ool ca also rely n tamor. Bein ocil eatrs, e nt escae hving o be tempayes .ReadandExplreTask One icoverintheMai Ides1Answer he folowig queston ih tenforatin otaned in ex 1) Why is i ssetaleqiemen of any empmn tat anypotentialemloyee s em pl?Becaseny employment inolves moe than one peson, t sssentiltha ny emloee sould wokwellwth othr peole2)What does e tea plaermean n the deepe level?On adeeper leve, beig a team payer eans in abl t pay a oleinhe team,to acieve and supor thgoas se andaeed uon b the tea.)What i the uty of thete captain?Thedty otheeam catan is to direti to h team, in strtegy,motiation a inpiationwhile also layi a ol asmerof the team.)hysoul a leaerof corpteam ave he loalty f its mmbes?Becaueheeam i not oal o the leaer,th team member will not listeno the leder ndhe jeve of he cmpany woud no be achieved.5) Whyi “neness” a necessay pr the ooratecultue?ecaue the cesof the ta eliscompleel o eey eme of th t frng hi roe nd esponsblities fr thesame crprate gasor ojctives.6) Hw soud acomet leade ealwiha tam embers n idea?A competent ler ould not lt ego affec his juge n etete idais acptabe o.7) If te ideaof ea members fun napprriate, hw soudhersh react rpely?Heor sheshuld not ke te reectioo hee rsonally. Instead, he or shehouldaccept other opinionand tl carr ou iser duy.2 Tx A can bevided i three parts withtpragraph number() eahart povideda fllows. Write don theman iea of eapart.Pat: One; Paragraph(s): 1- ;MainIde: t is n esental reuiemnt of ay emplymet thatan potntil mployee is a amlayr.Pat:o; Parph(s): 311; iIda: ompany is justlike a ootbalteam. Ey emberas the uyto hep achieve he team oa adeightto offeridasPar:Three; Paragraph(s):115;n Ida: I yu are not happyi youorkin envionent, tryto fnd out if hre is anyhng wngit yo yourtea.Task T Readig Beteen the LinesRad th fllowigsetenes carefull and discuss in airs wha the autor nteds to sayy theitaliciz parts.1) fte i one aye issng,teteam is hndappd. (Para. 4)., e te cannot utonrper.2)Egso tply npar in emork (Para. 5)Ther i no oo fr ego in team3) n ver ction of he team, the objcives the opay,and , busistatg, MT b frs and oremos. (Para. 8). is ndedly theost importnt. (h bjetivs f he compny ugt to considre the mt iprtnt)4) Itdoe omean tha yu shod mel follo the erd (aa.9). ojust what everyone lse does.5) If your lde o tem ebers se tht yo ca anlrejctio f you iesi mtre mannr,i i onlyto ou cre.(Pa 10).it isonly o rntae. / .t onlior far.ChekingYour VocabulayWorDetective1 C
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