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满分100分 时间60分钟班级- 姓名 - 分数-第一部分 听力 (30分)一、 请选出你所听到的单词。(10分) ( )1. A.USA B.UK C.UN ( )2. A. Summer B. Welcome C. come ( )3. A. hedgehog B. daughter C. kangaroo ( )4. A. what B. whats C. who ( )5. A. try B. cry C. my二、请选出你所听到的句子。(10分) ( )1.A. Hello, Baby Bear! B. Hello, Baby Lion! ( ) 2. A. And you? B. How are you? ( ) 3. A. Welcome to the USA! B. I am from the USA. ( ) 4. A. What is your name? B. Whats your new name? ( ) 5. A. Dont laugh, please. B. Dont move, please.三、请选出你所听到问题的答案。(10分) ( )1. A. Im fine. B. Im ten. ( )2. A. My names Sunny. B. My name Sunny. ( )3. A. Im fine. B. Im ten. ( )4. A. Brown. B. M r Brown ( )5. A. Im from Sichuan. B. Im here.第二部分 笔试 (80分)四、根据汉语意思将下列单词补充完整。(10分)1. _ _gl _(老鹰) 2. p_ _da(熊猫) 3. d_d(爸爸) 4.s_n(儿子)5. Ch_n_(中国) 6.C_ n_d_(加拿大) 7. p_ _c_ck (孔雀) 8. k_al_(考拉) 9. zeb_ _ (斑马) 10. t_ _k(说话)11、s n 太阳 12、s y 天 13、 oon 月亮 14、 loud 云 15、sta 星星 16、eg 鸡蛋 17、 ce-cream冰激凌 18 、hamburg r 汉堡包 19、h t-dog 热狗20、 read 面包五、将下列短语与它的缩写形式连起来。(5分) 1. let us 2. do not 3. I am 4. you are 5. he is A. Im B. lets C. dont D. hes E. youre六、用am, is, are填空,完成下列句子。(5分) 1. I _ from the USA. 2. How old _ you? 3.Where _ you? 4. You _ welcome. 5.What _ your name?七、请选出下列单词的反义词。(10分) a. white b. yes c. big d. short e. happy f. cry g. up h. stand i. daughter j. here1. small_ 2.no_ 3. tall_ 4. sad_ 5. down_6.sit_ 7. son_ 8.there_ 9.laugh_ 10.black_八、单项选择。(20分)( )1.- Nice to see you again! -_ A. Nice to see you. B. Nice to see you, too. ( ) 2.-_ -Im fine, thank you. A. How old are you? B. How are you? C. How do you do? ( )3.-Whats _ name? -My names Millie Mouse. A. your B. you C. me ( )4. Im _ USAA. from B. for C. to ( )5. Welcome _ the Uk.A. for B. from C. to ( )6.Im Hen, call _Mrs Hen. A. I B. my C. me ( )7.-What colour is it? -_A. Mr Brown B. Brown C. Colour ( )8. -How old are you? - _A. Im fine. B. Im nine. C. Im OK. ( )9. -Happy _ Day, Mum. -Thank you. A. Women B. Womens C. Fathers ( )10. -Good morning, Sir. -_, Summer.A. Good afternoon B. Good morning C. Good evening九、情景交际。(10分)( )1. 再次见到某人时,应说: ANice to meet you. B. Nice to see you again! ( )2.向熟人问好时,通常用: A. How do you do? B. How are you? ( )3.表示欢迎时,应说:A. Welcome! B. Oh, yeah! ( )4. 询问别人姓名的常用语是:A. Who are you? B. Whats your name? ( )5.你想让别人跟你一起做时:应说:A. Follow me. B. Stand up, please. C. Sit down, please.( )6.当你饿了的时候,你应说:A. Im hungry B. Im OK C. Im thirsty.( )7.今天是几号,你应说:A. What day is today? B. What it?( )8.今天天气怎么样,你应说:A. Hows the weather? B. How are you?( )9.当你渴了的时候,你应说:A. Im hungry B. Im thirsty.( )10.我能帮助你吗?应怎样说:A. Can I help you. B. Can you help I十、翻译下列句子。(10分) 1. How are you?_ 2.Nice to see you again! _ 3. Whats your name? _ 4. Dont talk, please. _ 5. Class, lets play a game. _6. Hows the weather? _7. What day is today? _8. Im hungry _9. Im thirsty. _10.Good idea! _
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