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杭州5小升初英语阅读理解(训练)10题(答案解析)1Hello, Im Frank. Whats this? Its a pen. Its my red pen. My black pen is in my bag (在我的包里). My bag is orange. And my key is in it. Its blue. This is my ruler. Its white. Its on my desk (在我的桌子上). And my orange is on the desk, too.1Frank has (有) _ pens.A1B2C3D42What are in Franks bag?AA pen and a key.BA pen and an orange.CAn orange and a ruler.DAn key and a ruler.3Whats the meaning of (的意思) orange?A大码的B淘气的C橙色的D亲切的4What color is the ruler?ARed.BBlack .CWhite.DBlue.5Where (在哪里) is the orange?Ain my bagBon my deskCon the chairDin the desk【答案】1B2A3C4C5D【解析】【分析】试题分析:1根据短文中Its a pen. Its my red pen. My black pen is in my bag可知,Frank有两支钢笔,一支是红色的,另一支是黑色的。因此应选B。2根据短文中My black pen is in my bag. My bag is orange. And my key is in it可知,Frank的书包里有他的黑色钢笔和他的钥匙。由此可知应选A。3orange有两个意思,一个是名词,意思是橘子;还可以做形容词,橘色的。根据这个词所在的句子My bag is orange可知,这里说的是书包的颜色,故应选C。4根据短文中This is my ruler. It is white可知,Frank的尺子是白色的,因此应选C。5根据短文的最后一句话And my orange is on the desk, too可知,Frank的橘子也在桌子上,故应选B。考点:日常生活类短文阅读。2(题文)阅读理解。Alice: Good morning, Bob.Bob: Good morning, Alice.Alice: Bob, this is Grace.Bob: Hi, Grace.Grace: Hi, Bob.Alice: Oh, what is that?Bob: Its my green key.Alice: Whats this?Bob: It is a ruler.Alice: Is it your (你的) ruler?Bob: No. My ruler is red. This ruler is blue.Alice: Grace, is it your ruler?Grace: Oh no. It is Franks ruler.Alice:40 .1(小题1)Alice and Bob meet (遇见) _.Ain the morning Bin the afternoonCin the evening Dat night (在夜里)2(小题2)Bobs _ is green.Akey BpenCmap Djacket3(小题3)The ruler is _.Ared and blue Bwhite and blackCblue Dblack4(小题4)The ruler is _.AAlices BBobsCGraces DFranks5(小题5)40 处应该填_.AIts your ruler. BThank you.CNo, its my ruler. DIts a pen.【答案】12A34A5【小题3】C【小题4】【小题4】D【小题5】【小题5】B【解析】【分析】试题分析:这篇文章主要讲了早上鲍勃和爱丽丝在早上相遇了,他们询问物品的归属。12细节理解题。根据Good morning, Bob.可知他们是在早上见面的。可知选A。34细节理解题。根据Its my green key.鲍勃的钥匙是绿色的。可知应选A。5【小题3】细节理解题。根据This ruler is blue.这把尺子是蓝色的。故选C。【小题4】【小题4】细节理解题。根据It is Franks ruler.这把尺子是弗兰克的。可知故选D。【小题5】【小题5】归纳理解题。通过It is Franks ruler.应回答谢谢。故选B。考点:日常生活类阅读。3Dear Tom,I go on a trip to Beijing with my father Rick. On the first day, we visit (参观) the Palace Museum. It is in the centre of Beijing. There are many rooms in it. You can see “No photos!” in some places. If so, you need to follow the instructions (指示). On the second day, we visit the Summer Palace. Its great fun to boat there. I can swim, so Im not afraid of water. Tomorrow we will go to the Great Wall.I also make a new friend Tony who comes from Australia. When he leaves, he gives me his e-mail address and telephone number. After the six-day trip, we can go back to New York by plane. I hope to see you soon.Bill1This is a letter for _.ATomBBillCTonyDRick2Why isnt Bill afraid of water?ABecause he can take photos.BBecause he can swim.CBecause he can draw pictures.DBecause he has a new friend.3How many days does Bill stay in Beijing?AFor three days.BFor four days.CFor five days.DFor six days.4What does Bill do before he writes the letter?visit the Palace Museumvisit the Summer Palacevisit the Great Wallmake a new friendABCD5We can know that _.ABill comes to Beijing with his motherBBill will go back to New York by shipCits fun for Bill to boat in the Summer PalaceDBill sees “No talking!” in the Palace Museum【答案】1A2B3D4C5C【解析】【分析】试题分析:这篇短文是Bill写给Tom的一封信,在信中他告诉了Tom他和爸爸去北京旅行的事情。第一天他去了故宫博物馆,第二天去了颐和园,明天他将会去长城。他还交了一个新朋友。他将在北京旅行六天,然后坐飞机回纽约。1细节理解题。根据这封信开头的称呼Dear Tom可知,这封信是写给Tom的。故选A。2细节理解题。根据短文第一段中I can swim, so Im not afraid of water.可知,Bill在信中说他会游泳,所以他不怕水。由此可知选B。3推理判断题。根据短文的最后after the six-day trip, we can go back to New York by plane.可知,Bill在信中说在六天的旅行之后,他们将会乘坐飞机回到纽约。由此我们可以推断出,Bill在北京会呆6天。故选D。4推理判断题。根据短文中On the first day, we visit (参观) the Palace Museum.、On the second day, we visit the Summer Palace.、I also make a new friend Tony who comes from Australia.可知,这些事情Bill都做过了。而根据短文中Tomorrow we will go to the Great Wall可知,Bill在明天才会去长城,因此选C。5细节理解题。根据短文中On the second day, we visit the Summer Palace. Its great fun to boat there.可知,Bill在参观颐和园的时候,他觉得划船很有趣,故C是正确的。根据I go on a trip to Beijing with my father Rick可知,Bill是和他的爸爸一起旅行的,故A不对;根据we can go back to New York by plane可知,Bill将会坐飞机回到纽约,不是乘船,故B不对;根据You can see “No photos!” in some places.可知D不对。考点:日常生活类短文阅读。4Here are some great activities in a school. Welcome to take part in them!Activity: volleyball game Time: October 10thPlace: school playground People: all the students in Class TwoActivity: book sale Time: November 19thPlace: school library People: all the studentsActivity: Miss Zhan
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