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笔试题考试题型:一、从下列选项中选出最佳答案(40x1.5=60 分)二、计算题( 10x2=20 分)三、段落中英互译( 5x4=20 分)Part I Choice questions40x1.5=60 points) (Please write your answer inthe following table)1. Financial statement does not include ()A. balance sheetB. income statementC. cash flow statementD. working sheet2. An increasein whichone ofthefollowingwillincrease the operatingcash flow?A.employee salariesB. office rentC. building maintenanceD. equipment depreciation3. The process of planningand managing a firm s long -term investmentsis called:A. working capital management.B. financial depreciation.C. capital budgeting.D. capital structure.4. Cash equivalents include ()A. time depositsB. inventoriesC. accounts receivableD. prepaid expenses5. The internal rate of return for a project will increase if:A. the initialcostoftheprojectcan be reduced.B.the totalamountof the cash inflows is reduced.C. the required rate of return is reduced. D. the salvage value of theproject is omitted from the analysis.6. Which of the following belongs to current liabilities?()A. mortgages payableB. prepaid expensesC. notes payableD. bonds payable7. You spent $500 last week fixing the transmission in your car. Now,the brakes areactingup and you aretryingto decide whether tofix themor trade the car infora newer model. In analyzing thebrake situation,the $500 you spent fixing the transmission is a(n) _ cost.A. opportunityB. sunkC. incrementalD. fixed8. Which of the following statements are correct concerning diversifiable risks?I. Diversifiable risks can be essentially eliminated by investing in several securities.II. The market rewards investors for diversifiable risk by paying a risk premium.III. Diversifiable risks are generally associated with an individual firm or industry.IV. Beta measures diversifiable risk.A. I and III onlyB. II and IV onlyC. I and IV onlyD. II and III only9. Which of the following is a liability account?()A. prepaid insuranceB. additional paid-in capitalC. salaries payableD. accumulated depreciation10.Accountants employed by large corporations may work in the areas ofthe following except( )A. product costing and pricingB. budgetingC. internal auditingD. product producing11.A corporation s first sale of equity made available to the publicis called a(n):( )A. share repurchase program.B. private placement.C. initial public offering (IPO).D.seasoned equity offering(SEO).12.Standard deviation measures _ risk.A.totalB.nondiversifiableC. unsystematicD. systematic13.() is the valueat some future time of a present amount of money,or a series of payments, evaluated at a given interest rate.A. future valueB. present valueC. intrinsic valueD.market value14.EllesmereCorporation issues1 million $1 par valuebonds. The statedinterest rateis 8% per year andthe interest is paid twice a year. Whatis the real interest rate of the bond? ()A. 6%B.4%C. 10%D. (1+8%/2)2-115.Your firmpurchased a warehouse for $335,000 sixyears ago. Four yearsago, repairswere madetothe buildingwhich cost$60,000.The annual taxeson the property are $20,000. The warehouse has a current book value of$268,000 and a market value of $295,000. The warehouse is totally paidfor and solely owned by your firm. If the company decides to assign thiswarehouse to a new project,what value, ifany,should be includedin theinitial cash flow of the project for this building?()A. $268,000B.$295,000C.$395,000D.$515,00016.Which one of the following will decrease the operating cycle?A. paying accounts payable fasterB. discontinuing the discount given for early payment of an accountsreceivableC. decreasing the inventory turnover rateD. collecting accounts receivable faster17. Assumethatdividendsofa commonstockwillbe maintained atD forever,and the required return of the stockholder is r, the par value of thestock is m, the value of the stock is ()A. mB. m+DC. m+D/rD. D/r18. Which of the following items has the most risk? ()A. treasurybillB.corporatebondC.preferred
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