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山东德州2013届高考英语二轮复习完形填空精练精析9In Spain, there was a small village whose people were very joyful. The children 1 under the shade of trees in the gardens of their home. Every morning, Nasir, a shepherd boy(牧童), took his goats up the hills. One day, as he was 2 his goats, he found a beautiful crystal(水晶) ball in the bush. Nasir took it in his hand and heard a voice coming from it, “You can make a wish and youll 3 it. ” Nasir had many 4 , so he said to himself, “If I wait till tomorrow, Ill 5 many things. ” He put the ball in a bag, 6 the goats and returned to the village. The next day, Nasir could not 7 what to wish for, because he really had 8 he needed. The days passed as usual, and Nasir was happy and 9 . One day, a boy 10 Nasir and found the crystal ball. He took the ball away. Then he showed all the people the ball. Suddenly the ball said, “I can fulfill (实现) your wish. ” One person screamed, “I want gold. ” Another said 11 , “I want jewelry. ” Some of them wished that they would have palaces. All their wishes were fulfilled but still they were not 12 . They were jealous 13 the person that had a palace had no gold and the person that had the gold had no palace. The villagers were not 14 each other. The palaces and jewelry only brought them 15 . When Nasir saw that the people were regretful, he said, “I have not 16 till now. If you really want everything to return to its own 17 , then I will wish for it. ” Everyone happily 18 . Nasir took the crystal ball in his hand and wished that the village became the same as it was before. Everyone saw it become the 19 village. Once again the people started to 20 happily and the children played under the shade of trees. 1. A. restedB. sleptC. arguedD. played2. A. killingB. protectingC. watchingD. delivering3. A. haveB. helpC. obeyD. express4. A. chancesB. goatsC. wishesD. conditions5. A. missB. rememberC. affordD. order6. A. dividedB. fedC. raisedD. gathered7. A. sayB. findC. decideD. forget8. A. everythingB. somethingC. anybodyD. everybody9. A. differentB. contentC. healthyD. successful10. A. followedB. beatC. praisedD. admired11. A. loudlyB. politelyC. carefullyD. patiently12. A. quietB. happyC. greedyD. honest13. A. becauseB. ifC. unlessD. so14. A. learning fromB. fighting withC. looking atD. speaking to15. A. failureB. painC. hopeD. harmony16. A. stoppedB. arrivedC. experiencedD. wished17. A. timeB. shapeC. sizeD. place18. A. introducedB. answeredC. agreedD. tried19. A. darkB. oldC. beautifulD. large20. A. singB. countC. liveD. work答案解析【文章大意】一个小牧童偶然发现了一个能满足任何愿望的魔球,没想到却使整个村庄失去了原有的宁静和幸福,最终悔悟的人们依靠小牧童的许愿恢复了原来的幸福生活。1.【解析】选D。此处是对小山村幸福、平静生活的描述:孩子们在自家花园的树荫下嬉戏。文章最后一句有提示。2.【解析】选C。既然他是一个牧童,那么他平时主要的工作就是照看羊群。此处watch意为“看管(羊群等)”。 3.【解析】选A。根据下文可知,这个水晶球是一个能满足人们任何愿望的魔球,因此Nasir听到的是:许一个愿望,我会帮你实现(你会得到你想要的)。只有have符合语境。4.【解析】选C。他有很多“愿望”,一时难以作出决定。5.【解析】选B。如果等到明天再说,那么他会想起(remember)许多愿望。6.【解析】选D。他把球放进包里,把羊群赶到一起,然后回到村庄。gather“使集中,使集合”。7.【解析】选C。到了第二天,他仍然没有决定(decide)要许什么愿。8.【解析】选A。他迟迟未许愿是因为他觉得已经拥有了他所需要的一切(everything)。9.【解析】选B。根据下文可知,Nasir一直过得幸福、满足(content)。10.【解析】选A。另一个孩子发现了水晶球,显然他跟踪了Nasir。follow“跟随”。11.【解析】选A。根据上文的screamed可知,此时的村民都非常激动,争相许愿,故用loudly“大声地”。“有礼貌地”、“仔细地”、“耐心地”都不能表现村民的激动之情。12.【解析】选B。下一句的jealous说明,虽然人们都实现了愿望,但互相嫉妒,过得并不开心(happy)。13.【解析】选A。人们相互嫉妒是因为拥有了宫殿的人没有金子,而拥有金子的人又没有宫殿。前后是因果关系,故用because。14.【解析】选D。由前面描述的村民的关系恶化可以推断,这里是说他们互相不说话。15.【解析】选B。此句是对本段的总结:宫殿和珠宝给他们带来的是痛苦(pain)。16.【解析】选D。根据上文可知,在此之前Nasir由于知足而觉得无愿可许。由此判断,此处意为:我还没有许愿。17.【解析】选D。此处意为“如果你们想让一切恢复原样”。return to its own place还可解释为“各回各位”。18.【解析】选C。由下文Nasir真的许愿使村庄恢复了原貌可以推知,对Nasir的提议所有人都欣然同意(agree)。19.【解析】选B。Nasir的愿望马上实现了,这里又变成了过去的(old)那个小山村。20.【解析】选C。村庄恢复原貌后,人们又开始快乐地生活(live)。
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