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【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流剑桥少儿英语一级考级口语内容11.精品文档.剑桥少儿英语一级考级口语内容口语题型口语分5个部分,分别如下:1.Scene Card(一张大图片)这一部分学生不需回答,只需在图上按考官所问的问题指对地方。问题大致是:Where is .? Where are .?2.Object Cards(八张小卡)这部分主要是考介词。学生依然不需要回答,但要按照考官所说,把小卡放到大图片上。学生要对介词非常熟悉。问题是:Which is the .? Put the (in, on, under, behind, next to, between, in front of)3.Scene Card考官会指着大图上的某种东西问学生。Whats this? What are doing? What is doing? How many are there?What color is it?4.考官从8张小卡中选3张,针对这3张提问。Whats this? What are these? Do you like .?Whats your favourite ?Have you got ? Can you ? What do you do ?5.考官拿走所有的卡片,对小孩的生活进行提问,只有三个问题。大致关于以下方面:家庭(父母,几个人),个人爱好,个人资料(年龄)。How many people are there in your family? Whats your fathers /mothers name?Who is the tallest in your family/class? What do you like play?How old are you?学生在进行口语考试时,可以简略地回答,如yes , no。但尽量多说句子,给考官留下好印象,得高分。1. Q: Whats your name?A: Im Linda /Im Benny /Im Sam.2. Q: How old are you?A: Im four.(Im four years old.)3. Q: Where are you from?A: Im from Beijing.4. Q: What day is today?(yesterday,tomorrow)A: Today is Saturday.(Sunday;Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday; Thursday;Friday)5. Q: Whats the weather like today?A: Its sunny day.(winday;cloudy;rainy;cold;hot;warm)6. Q: Which kindergarten(school) are you from?A: Im from Aerospace Kindergarten.7. Q:Which color do you like (best)?A: I like green.(red;yellow;blue;pink;white;orange;black)8. Q:Do you like singing and dancing? Can you sing a song?A: Yes.Shool is fun,school is fun,yeah,yeah,yeah.9. Q: What color is my T-shirt?(jeans;shirt,hair)A: Its blue.(pink;orange;black)10. Q: Which animal do you like (best)?A: I like monkey.(rabbits;cats;dogs;elephants;ducks)11. Q: Which food do you like best?A: I like pizza.(butter;chips;cornflakes )12. Q: Which fruit do you like best?A: I like apples.(bananas;plums;pears )
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