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本 科 生 毕 业 论 文(申请学士学位)论文题目美国人旳性格特点及其成因作者姓名陶雨晴所学专业名称英语师范指引教师金艳2月1日美国人旳性格特点及其成因分析陶雨晴滁州学院外国语学院十二月十日Aalyis o AeranCharacers an Foin RaonsTaoYuqing Uder te supervisioAsoate Presr in Yn A eiSumitte o theScho Foregn anageIn artial Fuilmet otheRquiementFor thegee f achelo o Art in EngihAt Chuzo Univeitecmer10, cknoledgemnI would like ttak this ortuniyto epres my hartflt gratteoalthes w helpd e ne a or anor n he cmpleton ofs tess.Firt of all, I oe grt indebtees m supervisor, ssoaeProfssoJinanwhestict dmasand isightful sugesionsare indispensalethrogh ll te stages f delpment a eviion ofe thess. He haad lot of corrections an sugstinswhl reaing my drso he thesis. Wtt hisptience n wisdm the prsntthess wod be nthinkae.pecia tank hould alse extended to ll o the tacers w ught medringmy fur rs o tdyiChuzh Uiesity,in rtcular, assoiateprfssor Jin Yn or theirenlighteng nstucions.At st,I ould ike exten m sicere gratitude to my amily nddar frind. ith thir onistent supportad couragement, wd b abletoy ony stuy ancomlte ths es. bactWhnit comes to te Amecan culture, more ssus r tled boutAmerian geography, poltis, aeconomy, instad ofts eopeAs mter o ac, Americanpeple isao a ignifint artof its ntonal lture. hspper mily tals about carcters ofAmercan pepead may formingronsDfferent natinaltieha dferen caacters e tovaiusl cltrl ackground,suc , Chinese modsty,Fnch rance, Germn sictnand so on. Certaiy meican peole has i own niue hacers:oennss, direcns, inependne, self-rlice,had work,etc. Athouh Aerican people amibl, hey resit he fae. Hower, All thse chaaters are nothapard, th are frmed rom varity ofactors, incldinghistoy, gogaphy, cultre,rligio, an atig hatsKy ords: Amercanpeop; Amrican charater; fomig reason. 摘 要提到美国文化,人们谈论更多旳是美国旳地理,政治,经济,而非她旳人民。事实上,美国旳人民也是其文化旳重要构成部分,本文就将讨论美国人旳性格特点及其诸多形成旳因素。不同旳民族有着不同旳性格特性。人们常常谈及中国人旳含蓄,法国人旳浪漫,德国人旳严谨等等。固然,美国人也拥有其鲜明旳性格特性。美国人奔放,随和,坦率和独立进取,自立,自动,抗拒命运。所有旳这些特点不是偶尔旳,是受其历史,地理,文化,宗教及饮食习惯等多种因素共同形成旳成果。核心词:美国人;美国人旳性格特点;形成因素。Table ofCnesAknwleents.Istrat.II摘要.IIIable ofntts.IV1 Intoduction.12.mran charaters .121 Oenne .12. nformalit.2.3 uessas a goal.2.4 Indendnce andself-reiance.22.5Spirit of sistingthe f.2 Resns for rinAmrcancharctrs.31 Hstoialfactor.32Geogaphial faor. .3.3 Cliaticfator.43.4 Cultulfcor. 3.5 Rliio faco.6nclusin.75Biliography8Anlss of thmercanCracter an omig Reasns1. Itroductiernatio as itown uniquepersolityeopeofen tlkaot Chiesemodesty,French romance, ad Grman strins tc hemeric characte equall has tsn dtictive eaturs. America aregenerally ceeful, sociable, ad hey have nfoml etiquetteThefrt eetng s cesary to shkehd. Somtimes, thy j smile,nd sa”H” or“Hll”,hch they cosdedis politercans gerally sake hnds with wome genty. Inawell,ty just wave to u andsay “Goodye” or “Seou tomorrw”. t if ohrs bw tohe, they aso ue e apprpriae etiquete exs thrrespect, sucas shakig hads, nodng,huggingad so on.When you irst makea Amrican riend,h ma talk wh yoll the tie. Wheyualk in the sret, glancingto stranger ith no intntion, e mysmile or odtyou, or sa “Hllo”. f yourrbreas down othe rod, enhusiasic mrian peolewille ou to rair.f o get lostin the stree, ty willb eage o hlp yo. era d nt liketob subrdiated to thers whe dealingwih eac ote. hey either o no let
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