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欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!.2009学年第一学期卢教院附属中山学校质量监控考(1)班级 _ 学号 _ 姓名_八年级 英语(满分100分,考试时间70分钟)Part One Listening 25%I. Listen and choose the right picture. (选择正确的图片)5% A. B. C. D. E. F. 1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. (根据对话,选择正确的答案)8%1. A. A conductor.B. A visitor.C. A guide.D. A car driver.2. A. Yellow.B. Black.C. Red.D. Brown.3. A. Tennis.B. Football.C. Badminton.D. Table tennis.4. A. In August.B. In November.C. In October.D. In December.5. A. DumplingsB. Eggs.C. Noodles.D. Cakes.6. A. They re net friends. B. Theyre brother and sister. C. Theyre deskmates.D. Theyre neighbours.7. A. Shell make some chocolate.B. Shell buy a box of chocolate. C. shell make a cake.D. shell buy a chocolate cake.8. A. On Tuesday.B. On Saturday.C. On Sunday.D. On Thursday.III. Listen to the story and tell whether the following statements are true or false. (听短文,判断正误)6%1. Mrs. Smith walked in the park alone.2. The thief was a woman.3. Mrs. Smith took three pictures of the man.4. It was a story about the party.5. Mrs. Smith help the police to catch the thief.6. The policemen knew who the man was at once.IV. Listen and complete the table (听短文,填写表格)6%NameRelation (关系)AgeFavourite Sport_1_/16_2_Marysister14_3_Alicecousin_4_table tennisGary_5_16_6_Part Two Vocabulary and Grammar 36%V. Choose the best answer. (选择正确答案)14%1. Mary is _ active girl in her class.A. an B. a C. the D. /2. Little Tom was keen on _ computer games. A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play3. _ does your mother do some shopping? Once a week.A. How long B. How fast C. How often D. How much4. His dad _ enjoys food. A. probable B. probably C. may be D. maybe5. -Would you like to play football with me? - Yes, I _. A. had like to B. would like C. would love to D. would love6. Benny is responsible for _ the blackboard today.A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleans7. In the letter, Mary tells some things about _.A. her B. she C. herself D. hers8. You _ very tired after a days hard work. A. must be B. may be C. mustnt be D. cant be 9. Marys ambition is _ a businesswoman.A. to be B. be C. to being D. /10. I attend school from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. _ weekdays. A. on B. in C. for D. with11. Alice plays_ violin on Fridays and _ basketball on Sundays. A. /, the B. the, the C. the, / D. /, /12. _ people are sitting quietly in the hall and listening to the speech. A. Six hundred of B. Six hundreds C. Six hundred D. Six hundreds of13. Im going to _ a meeting tonight. A. join B. take part in C. join in D. attend 14. It is raining outside. _ your raincoat. A. Wear B. Put on C. Wearing D. Putting onVI. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用所给单词的适当形式填空)6%1. I like swimming in winter. It is _ (enjoy).2. _, the police came to help them right away. (lucky)3. Its _ (necessary) to water the flower because its going to rain. 4. The _ (twelve) lesson is the most difficult. 5. We had a warm _ on how to plant so many trees in a short time. (discuss)6. Some of the work is _ because its too simple for me. (bored)VII. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in their proper forms. (动词的适当形式填空)6%1. Tom enjoys _ (read) cartoons.2. It often _ here. (rain)3. The Smiths _ (watch) TV now.4. Mr. Brown _ (live) in Beijing since he came to China.5. We _ (visit) the Palace Museum two years ago.6. I would like _(share) food with you.VIII. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子)10%1. Tom plays the piano three times a week.(对划线部分提问)_ _ does Tom play the piano?2. Tom is a clever boy.(改为感叹句)_ _ Tom is!3. Wendy is too young to drive a car. (同意转换)Wendy is not _ _ to drive a car.4. He has a meeting every week.(否定句)He _ _ a
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