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2022-2023年考博英语-浙江大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题Firefighters were not attacking the major fires in Virginia directly but were putting out hot spots that could prove dangerous if winds ( ) .问题1选项A.picked upB.picked outC.picked throughD.picked in【答案】A【解析】pick up捡起,获得,收拾;pick out挑选出;pick不与through和in搭配。句意:消防队员没有直接扑灭维吉尼亚州的大火,而是正在扑灭一些如果被风吹到可能会变得很危险的热点地区。选项A符合句意。2. 单选题You must pack plenty of food for the journey. ( ), you will need warm clothes, so pack them too.问题1选项A.EquallyB.IncidentallyC.InevitablyD.Likewise【答案】D【解析】语法知识。Equally相等地,Incidentally偶然地,Inevitably不可避免地,Likewise同样地。句意:你必须带上足够的食物去旅行,你还需要暖和的衣服,所以也要一起打包。句子为并列关系,所以选项D符合语境。3. 单选题Immigrants of all races in this area are demanding that they receive ( ) treatment from the authorities.问题1选项A.uniqueB.unitedC.uniformD.universal【答案】C【解析】句意:这个地区所有种族的移民都要求得到当局的统一对待。unique独一无二的;united团结的,统一的;uniform一致的,相同的;universal普遍的,通用的。选项C符合句意。4. 单选题Both civilization and culture are fairly modern words, having come into prominent use during the 19th century by anthropologists, historians, and literary figures. There has been a strong tendency to use them interchangeably as though they mean the same thing, but they are not the same.Although modern in their usage, the two words derived from ancient Latin. The word civilization is based on the Latin civis, of a city. Thus civilization, in its most essential meaning, is the ability of people to live together harmoniously in cities, in social groupings. From this definition it would seem that certain insects, such as ants or bees, are also civilized. They live and work together in social groups. So do some microorganisms. But there is more to civilization, and that is what culture brings to it. So, civilization is inseparable from culture.The word culture is derived from the Latin verb colere, “to till the soil”. But colere also has a wider range of meanings. It may, like civis, mean inhabiting a town or village. But most of its definitions suggest a process of starting and promoting growth and development. One may cultivate a garden; one may also cultivate ones interests, mind, and abilities. In its modern use the word culture refers to all the positive aspects and achievements of humanity that make mankind different from the rest of the animal world. Culture has grown out of creativity, a characteristic that seems to be unique to human beings.One of the basic and best-known features of civilization and culture is the presence of tools. But more important than their simple existence is that the tools are always being improved and enlarged upon, a result of creativity. It took thousands of years to get from the first wheel to the latest, most advanced model of automobile.It is the concept of humans as toolmakers and improvers that differentiates them from other animals. A monkey may use a stick to knock a banana from a tree, but that stick will never, through a monkeys cleverness, be modified into a hook or a ladder. Monkeys have never devised a spoken language, written a book, composed a melody, built a house, or painted a portrait. To say that birds build nests and beavers their dens is to miss the point. People once lived in caves, but their cleverness, imagination and creativity led them to progress beyond caves to buildings.1.What does the author think of the words “civilization” and “culture”?2.According to the author the word “civilization” originally refers to().3.The Latin verb colere originally means “( ) ”.4.The author believes that creativity( ) .5.The author mentions monkeys in the last paragraph to show that( ) .问题1选项A.They are identical.B.They are different concepts.C.They can often be used interchangeably.D.They are denied differently by different people.问题2选项A.peoples way of life in cities.B.peoples ability to live together in cities.C.a type of social organizations.D.an advanced level of social life.问题3选项A.live in a city.B.develop oneself.C.promote growthD.cultivate the land问题4选项A.is a unique feature of civilized beings.B.brings forth the improvement of tools.C.is the result of human development.D.helps the advance of culture.问题5选项A.monkeys are the same as birds.B.people once lived in caves like monkeys.C.monkeys can never develop into human beings.D.man is different from other animals such as monkeys.【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:D第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.根据第一段的最后一句“There has been a strong tendency to use them interchangeably as though they mean the same thing, but they are not the same.”人们经常把它们互换使用,就好像它们的意思是一样的,但其实它们是不一样的。选项B正确。2.根据第二段的第三句“Thus civilization, in its most essential meaning, is the ability of people to live together harmoniously in cities, in social groupings. ”文明从最基本的意义上说,是人们在城市或社会团体中和谐地生活在一起的能力。选项B符合原文。3.根据第三段的第一句可知c
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