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.单项填空It is reported that the government has _ the poor in some African countries _ food,clothes and medicine.Asupplied;toBoffered;withCoffered;to Dsupplied;with解析:选D。“向某人提供某物”可以表达为:supply sb.with sth.或supply sth.to sb.;offer sb.sth.或offer sth.to sb.。再结合句意应选D项。(2012成都三诊模拟)It matters little who does it _ it is done,for you see,we are short of hands now.Aas soon as Bas far asCas early as Das long as解析:选D。考查连词。句意:“只要有人做就行,谁做并不重要,你知道我们现在缺少人手。”as soon as“一就”;as far as“就而言”;as early as“尽早”;as long as “只要,如果”。His words remind me _ we did together during the past holiday.Athat Bof thatCwhat Dof what解析:选D。remind sb.of sb./sth.意为“使某人想起某人或某事”。what在句中引导宾语从句,并在从句中作宾语。Whenever youre in trouble,please _ me.Aturn down Bturn upCturn to Dturn at解析:选C。考查动词短语。句意:“无论什么时候你有麻烦,请来找我。”turn down“开小”;turn up“开大”;turn to“求助于”。Take this medicine three times a day,Tom.Do I have to take it?It _ so terrible.Ais tasting Bis tastedCtastes Dhas tasted解析:选C。taste意为“尝起来”,是系动词,不用于进行时和被动语态,又根据语境,不能用完成时,而要用一般现在时。_ everybody is here,lets start at once,shall we?AThough BSinceCAnd DSo解析:选B。句意:既然大家都到齐了,我们立刻开始吧,好吗?since“既然,由于”,引导原因状语从句。Being angry is OK,but knowing how to tell someone _ made you angry is important.Athat BwhichCwhy Dwhat解析:选D。考查名词性从句。句意:生气没什么,但是知道如何告诉别人什么导致你生气的是很重要的。tell someone之后是宾语从句,且从句缺少主语,因此空处填what。Wow,what a beautiful hat you are wearing!_My father bought me yesterday.ADont say that BNo,not at allCThanks a lot DYoure kidding解析:选C。考查交际用语。说话人夸对方的帽子很漂亮,对方应说“Thank you”或“Thanks a lot”以表示礼貌。I want to book a ticket to London on May 4th,sir._AWhat can I do for you?BAnything else you want?CLet me see whats available.DThat would be a great idea.解析:选C。考查交际用语。句意:先生,我想预订一张5月4日去伦敦的票。我看看是否有票。根据句意可知,C项符合语境。I have tried to get up earlier to avoid the rush hours,but it still doesnt _Aaid BmatterCcare Dwork解析:选D。考查动词辨析。句意:我已尽量早起避开高峰期,但不管用。aid意为“帮助”;matter意为“要紧”;care意为“关心”,都不符合题意。work意为“奏效,起作用”,符合题意。故选D项。.完形填空The remarkable weather extremes of the past decade were not directly caused by global warming,President of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Professor Neville Nicholls said on Monday.Professor Nicholls,who is one of Australias most _1_ climate scientists,said such extremes_2_the heat wave in Victoria of Australia that_3_the Black Saturday bushfires,similar heat in Pakistan and Russia,and the devastating tornado(龙卷风) ripped through parts of the US.earlier this year are,in many_4_,unprecedented(空前的) in modern times._5_,he said that global warming should not be_6_for these events.“_7_these things happen,people askwas it caused by global warming?”The short answer is no,“Professor Nicholls told the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) conference in Melbourne on Monday.“They were all caused by wellknown and reasonably wellunderstood weather and climate events,even with some predictability.”_8_global warming does not cause the weird(怪异的,超自然的) weather,Professor Nicholls _9_its part in making some of the extreme weather more_10_“Global warming doesnt produce these events,however,its_11_hard to avoid the conclusion_12_global warming has increased the frequency and the intensity of these heat waves,”Prof.Nicholls,who is also a famous Monash University professorial fellow,said.“It is _13_harder to make the connection to_14_those floods in Queensland in early 2011 to global warming,”“There was a particular and very unusual meteorological(气象的) sequence that_15_those floods and_16_is very difficult to work out if climate change is worsening that situation_17_”He_18_that the cause of the recent floods in Australia,instead is a recordbreaking version of La Nina.The 25th general assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)_19_on Wednesday in Melbourne.Almost 4,000 participants from about 100 countries will discuss recent natural disasters and the_20_on human life and infrastructure at the eightday conference.A.famousBcommonCsharp Dstrict解析:选A。此处表示“尼科尔斯教授是澳大利亚最著名的气候科学家之一”,famous是“杰出的,著名的”,符合语境。common是“普通的”,sharp是“敏捷的”,strict是“严格的”。A.like BforCas Dto解析:选C。such.as.是“和一样的”,表示列举。A.kept BbroughtCaccompanied Dproduced解析:选C。此处表示“伴随极端热浪而产生的森林大火”,accompany是“伴随而生;同时发生”,符合语境。A.cases BpositionsCconditions Dscenes解析:选A。“在很多情况下,这样的现象在现代是很空前的。”case是“情况”,符合语境。position是“位置”,condition是“条件”,scene是“场景”。A.Therefore BHoweverCYet DBut 解析:选B。“然而,他说不应该把这些事件的发生都归咎于全球变暖上。”与上文形成转折,故用however。A.accused BchargedCblamed Dcriticized 解析:选C。be blamed for.是“为负责;因为责备”之意。A.Whenever BWhereverCHowever DWhichever解析:选A。“无论何时这些事情发生时,人们都是问是全球变暖造成的吗?”whenever引导让步状语从句,表示“无论何时”之意。A.
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