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目 录摘要1ABSTRACT3引言61 绪论71.1 问题的提出71.1.1 选题的背景71.1.2 相关概念界定101.1.3 研究的目的与意义121.2 国外研究现状141.2.1 国外研究现状与分析141.2.2 国研究现状与分析161.3 相关理论基础181.2.1 人力资本理论181.2.2 动机理论201.2.3 激励理论201.2.4 危机管理理论232 企业人才流失的原因分析252.1 环境因素252.1.1 经济发展水平252.1.2 行业环境262.1.3 社会保障和企业福利262.2 企业因素272.2.1 企业前景272.2.2 企业规模282.2.3 企业文化282.2.4 企业制度292.2.5 企业薪酬302.3 个人因素312.3.1 需求差异312.3.2 个性差异312.3.3 择业观念323 我国民营企业人才流失影响分析333.1 造成人力资源的浪费333.2 影响企业的工作绩效343.3 削弱企业的竞争能力343.4 损害企业的品牌形象353.5 影响企业员工的士气354 TF公司的人才流失案例分析研究364.1 背景介绍364.2 TF公司的人才流失调查问卷设计与分析414.2.1 调查方案的设计414.2.2 调查数据的结果统计424.2.3 调查结论544.3 TF公司的人才危机管理体系的构建与实施584.4 TF公司的人才危机管理存在问题与管理效果645 民营企业人才流失对策研究655.1 诚信招聘留住人才655.2 高效培训留住人才685.2.1 员工培训的意义685.2.2 培训的主要形式695.2.3 培训的常见误区695.3 恰当评估留住人才705.3.1 评估方法705.3.2 评估与考核周期715.3.3 评估结果转化725.4 合理待遇留住人才735.4.1 通过薪酬留人735.4.2 通过福利留人755.4.3 员工持股的新型方法775.5 职业发展留住人才785.5.1 合理安排事业岗位785.5.2 构建部晋升渠道785.5.3 职业生涯发展计划795.6 企业文化留住人才795.7 情感管理留住人才815.7.1 情感管理和人才流失的关系815.7.2 如何进行情感管理815.8 人才流失危机处理825.8.1 确定危机级别并制定相应计划835.8.2 危机处理小组845.8.3 人才流失危机处理措施855.8.4 危机沟通865.9 人才流失事后处理875.9.1 成功的处理危机后的管理875.9.2 失败的处理危机后的管理876 结论887 附件89参考文献93 / 摘 要民营经济是我国国民经济的重要组成部分,而民营企业则是支撑民营经济发展的关键。伴随着全球化进程的加快,人才逐步作为企业获得竞争优势的最关键要素,企业间的人才竞争将更加激烈,渐渐从国企业间的人才竞争转向国外企业间的人才竞争。而目前我国民营企业人才流失的俞加严重,已成为制约民营企业发展的瓶颈。如何吸引人才、激励人才、留住人才和防人才流失日渐引起政府和企业的关注,成为一个非常重要的研究问题。本文将欲从经济学、管理学、心理学等多维角度对我国民营企业人才流失的问题进行探讨,以民营企业TF公司为引入点,通过国外大量文献研究对人才流失理论和人才流失原因进行分析研究,运用定量和定性分析方法分析当前我国民营企业人才流失的现状和影响因素,为我国民营企业吸引、培养和留住人才,提高企业人才忠诚度,增强企业部凝聚力,提高民营企业人力资源管理水平和提出有效的防控对策。本文主要研究我国民营企业人才流失问题,并有针对性提出切实有效的解决措施,全文共分六部分进行论述。第一部分是绪论,主要论述文章的选题背景,国外研究现状,研究目的和意义和相关理论基础的一些重要概念的界定。第二部分是民营企业人才流失的原因分析,流失原因主要从外部环境,企业部和员工自身三方面进行分析。第三部分是我国民营企业人才流失的影响,分析人才流失对民营企业的影响。第四部分是TF公司的具体案例分析,从调查数据、产生原因到人才流失危机系统的构建与实施,并对危机管理效果进行了客观评价,而且也找出了存在的问题。第五部分是解决我国民营企业人才流失的人力资源管理对策,着重从招聘、培训、评估、待遇、职业发展、企业文化、情感管理、人才流失的危机处理与其事后处理等角度进行研究。最后是论文的结论和展望,希望本论文的研究能对我国民营企业的人力资源管理提供一点启示和帮助。通过本文研究,发现目前民营企业的人才流失情况比较严重,笔者从环境、企业和个人三方面因素进行分析,并且结合TF公司的真实案例,做出了针对人才流失的若干对策,希望能够给民营企业的人力资源带来帮助。关键词:民营企业,人才流失,对策Study on Brain drain of Chinese Private Enterprises and Countermeasures-Taking Zhejiang TF Company as exampleABSTRACTPrivate economy is an important part of national economy,while private enterpriseis a key part to supporting the development of private economy.As globalizationaccelerates,talents will become more crucial for gaining competitive advantage,and theinter-firm competition for talents will also become more intense,which will graduallyfrom between domestic enterprises turn to between domestic and foreign enterprises.Atpresent,brain drain of private enterprises is very serious,which has become abottleneck restricting the development of private enterprises.How to attract talents,motivate talents and prevent brain drain caused serious concern of government andenterprises,become a very important research issues.In this study,brain drain is discussed deeply through a multi-dimensionalperspectiveof management,economics and psychology.Research on brain drain theoryand the process model of it is done by literature research,and by using quantitative andqualitative analysis,the study analyzes the current status and influencing factors ofbrain drain in Chinese private enterprises.It is beneficial for Chinese private enterprisesto attract,train and retain qualified talents,to enhance personnel loyalty,to strengtheninternal cohesion and to improve the level of private enterprise human resourcesmanagement.This paper studies the brain drain of Chinese private enterprises,and provides theeffective solutions.The whole text consists of six sections.The first part is theintroduction,which discusses the research background,purpose and significance,basicthoughts and review of the research of brain drain homeand abroad,the theory ofreference. The second part studies causes of braindrain in private enterprises,which is analyzed from three aspects of the externalenvironment,internal environment and employee themselves.The third part is the influence of braindrain in private enterprises, analyzethe brain drain to the influence of the private enterprise. The fourth part is Zhejiang TF Companys specific case analysis, from the survey data and causes of the brain drain to construct and implement the crisis system,make the crisis management objective evaluation, find out the existing problems and the effect of the management.The fifth part providesthe solution of brain drain in Chinese private enterprises,focusing on the several perspectives of the recruitment, training, assessment, payroll, career development, corporate culture, emotion management, the brain drain crisis management and post processing. The last is the conclusion and outlook. Hope this thesis can provide some help forthe human resource management ofChinese private enterpris
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