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2022年考博英语-西南交通大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Each of the early articles about television is invariably accompanied by a photograph or illustration showing a family cozily sitting together before the television set. Jenny sat on Moms lap. Buddy perched on the arm of Dads chair, Dad with his arm around Mons shoulder. Who could have guesses that twenty or so years later Mom would be watching a drama in the kitchen, the kids would be looking at cartoons in their room, while Dad would be taking in the ball game in the living room?Of course television sets were enormously expensive in those early days. The idea that by 1975 more than 60 percent of American families would own two or more sets was preposterous. The splintering of the multiple-set family was something the early writers could not foresee. Nor did anyone imagine the number of hours children would eventually devote to television, the common use of television by parents as a child pacifier, the changes television would effect upon child rearing methods, the increasing domination of family schedules by childrens viewing requirements in short, the power of the new medium to dominate family life.After the first years, as childrens consumption of the new medium increased, together with parental concern about the possible effects of so much television viewing, a steady refrain helped to soothe and reassure anxious parents. “Television always enters a pattern of influence that already exists: the home, the peer group, the school, the church, and culture generally.” Write the authors of an early and influential study of televisions effects on children. In other words, if the childs home life is all right, parents need not worry about the effects of all that television watching.But television does not merely influence the child; it deeply influences the “pattern of influences, that is meant to ameliorate its effects. Home and family life has changed in important ways since the advent of television. The peer group has become television-oriented, arid much of the time children spend together is occupied by television viewing. Culture generally has been transformed by television. Therefore it is improper to assign to television the subsidiary role its many apologists (too often members of the television industry) insist it plays. Television is not merely one of a number of important influences upon todays child. Through the changes it has made in family life, television emerges as the important influence in childrens lives today.Televisions contribution to family life has been an equivocal one. For while it has, indeed, kept the members of the family from dispersing, it has not served to bring them together. By its domination of the time families spend together, it destroys the special quality that distinguishes one family from another, a quality that depends to a great extent on what a family does, what special rituals,games, recurrent jokes, familiar songs and shared activities it accumulates.1.The reason for why early illustration about television shows an entire family watching TV together might be( ).2.The quotation in the third paragraph illustrates that( ).3.According to the passage, television brings changes to all of the following spheres EXCEPT( ).4.What does television do to domestic life according to the author?5.The aim of the author in writing the passage is( ).问题1选项A.that people regarded TV as a means to bring together the whole familyB.that early TV programs were so intersecting that everybody is the family was attracted to themC.that people at that time couldnt imagine that they could afford more than one television at homeD.that people had a more leisurely life than they do now问题2选项A.television exerted a great influence in societyB.some authors wanted to relieve the parents worries about the possible negative effect of television on children.C.television did exert a bad influence on childrenD.television changed the already existed pattern of influences问题3选项A.technologicalB.religiousC.domesticD.educational问题4选项A.It destroys the formerly peaceful environment that is typical of a family.B.It isolates each individual family.C.It sharpens the difference between one family and anotherD.It makes all families the same in terms of their domestic activities问题5选项A.informB.commentC.explainD.change a long-standing view【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:C【解析】第1题:细节事实题。第二段指出: Of course television sets were enormously expensive in those early days. The idea that by 1975 more than 60 percent of American families would own two or more sets was preposterous (当然,电视机在早期是非常昂贵的。到1975年,超过60%的美国家庭将拥有两套或更多的电视机,这种想法在当时看来是荒谬的)。因此C项“当时,人们无法想象一个家庭拥有一台以上电视机”正确。第2题:细节事实题。对第三段引号部分内容的理解可参考第三段第一句: After the first years, as childrens consumption of the new medium increased, together with parental concern about the po
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