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美丽厦门之英文介绍大全集(一)01:厦门英文介绍 About Xiamen02:厦门八大景八小景Tour Xamen03:鼓浪屿英文介绍1 Gulangyu Island04:鼓浪屿英文介绍2 Gulangyu Island05:厦门市市鸟白鹭City Bird-Egrets06:厦门市市花三角梅英文介绍City Flower-Bougainvillea glabra07:厦门南普陀英文介绍Nanputuo Temple08:集美旅游景点英文介绍Jimei Tourist Area09:同安旅游景点英文介绍Tongan Tourist Area01.About Xiamen厦门英文介绍Xiamen is an island city with a rich and dramatic history replete with pirates, rebel leaders, and European merchants. Now linked to mainland Fujian by a causeway, Xiamen retains a strong international flavor. Known in the West as Amoy, Xiamen has a long history as a port city, and later became a center of British trade in the 19th century. Their foreign settlements, later taken over by Japanese invaders at the start of World War II, were established on the nearby small Gulangyu Island. Many of the old treaty-port and colonial buildings in Western styles survive. Xiamen was declared one of Chinas first Special Economic Zones in the early 1980s, taking advantage of the citys heritage as a trading center and the proximity to Taiwan. Today Xiamen is one of Chinas most attractive and best-maintained resort cities.Xiamen was founded in 1394 at the beginning of the Ming dynasty as a center of defense against coastal pirates. Its prosperity was due to its deepwater sheltered harbor, that supplanted nearby Quanzhou, the port that had been the center of the maritime trade with the Indies.In the mid-17th century, Xiamen and Gulangyu Island became a stronghold of Zheng Chenggong, known in the West as Koxinga, a Ming loyalist who held out against the Manchu invaders until being driven to Taiwan. Born in Japan to a Chinese pirate father and a Japanese mother, Zheng became allied with holdout Ming princes in the south who hoped for a restoration. He built up a resistance force of some 7,000 junks and a mixed force of three-quarters of a million troops and pirates. In 1661 he drove the Dutch from Taiwan and set up another base there, before his death in 1662.After the Opium Wars Xiamen became one of the first treaty ports to be opened to foreign trade and settlement following the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842. Gulangyu Island was transformed into an international settlement, where many Victorian and Neoclassical style buildings still survive. The citys prosperity was due both to trade and to wealth sent back by Xiamens substantial emigrant community of overseas Chinese.Prosperity returned to Xiamen in the early 1980s when Xiamen was designated one of the four Special Economic Zones (SEZs)02. Tour Xiamen旅游厦门,八大景八小景)Xiamen is a well-known tourist port city in the Southeast coast of China. It is one of the Cleanest Cities of China, the Garden Cities of China, the National Environmental Protection Model Cities, and the best sightseeing cities in China. Not only being wealthy with travel resources, Xiamen has also temperate weather, fast and convenient transport and communication, and complete travel establishments.In the old times, there were Eight Major Landscapes and Eight Minor Landscapes Landscapes Beyond Landscapes in Xiamen and altogether 24 scenic spots were included in the three general terms. Some of the 24 sights, such as Wonderland of Gulang, Five Old Gentlemen Reaching the Clouds, Watching Sunrise on Hongji Summit, Night Moon by Tiger Brook, White Deer Spurting Smoke, still can be traced today.By reorganizing old landscapes and developing new sceneries, Xiamen has formed five main Tourist areas- Gulangyu Island Tourist Area, Nanputuo Temple Tourist Area, Wangshi Rock Tourist Area, Huangcuo Tourist Area and Jimei Tourist Area. Beside its richful travel resources and pleasant weather, Xiamen also provides fast and convenient transportation and communication, and complete travel establishments. All makes Xiamen one of the most suitable cities for investors and tourists in China.O3.Gulangyu Island鼓浪屿英文介绍1A ten-minute ferry ride off the southwest side of Xiamen, the 2 square km (3/4 sq. mile) Gulangyu Island (Island of Blown Waves) was the center for foreign communities who settled here after 1842. Many built Western-style mansions, churches, warehouses, and government buildings which still survive. Sunlight Rock (Riguang Yan) dominates the island from its modest 93-meter height. The island includes a statue of Koxinga and a Koxinga Museum (Koxinga bowuguan), which documents the career of that pirate turned resistance leader. The Xiamen Museum (Xiamen Bowuguan) includes more than a thousand exhibits, including porcelain and jade collections. On the southern shore of the island is the Shuzhuang Garden, which once belonged to a Taiwanese businessman who moved to the island after the Japanese took over Taiwan in 1895.04.Gulangyu Island鼓浪屿英文介绍2Gulangyu, separated from Xiamen by the 500-metre-wide Egret River, with an area of 1.77 square kilometres, enjoys a lauditory title Garden on the Sea. The original name of the islet was Yuan Zhou Zi. In the Ming Dynasty it wa
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