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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 七年级下 unit1-4 错题练习单选( ) 1. -Whats your favourite fruit? -Apples. You know, _apple a day keeps the doctor away.A. aB. anC. theD.不填( ) 2.My home is about two hundred metres _our school.A. awayB. far from C. fromD. to( ) 3. The shopping mall is a good place _ if you like _. A. to buy things; shop B. buying things; shopping C. to buy things; shopping D. buying things; shop( ) 4.Excuse me, may I speak to Jill, please? _ A. Yes, I am. B. Do you know him? C. I am speaking. D. This is Jill speaking.( ) 5. There _a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A. is going to beB. will have C. is going to haveD. will go to be ( ) 6. - _? - Well, its a large and bright house with 20 rooms.A. What is your dream home like?B. How is your dream home like?C. What does your dream home like?D. How much is your dream home?( ) 7. I am not feeling_. Can you help_ the book here?A. well; bringB. good; bringC. well; takeD. good; take( ) 8. -I like staying with children, so I want to be a teacher. - .A.Youre wrongB. That sounds great.C. You cant be a good teacher.D. That looks interesting.( 9. Is the girl a dress your classmate? Yes. She is a new student in my class.A. to B. on C. in D. with( )10 Sally is a good girl. She often hello to her teachers when they meet. A. talksB. tells C. speaks D. says( )11. Andy, what do you think of your teachers? I think are very nice to . A. they; us B. they; our C. them; us D. them; we( )12. Parents love their children, theyd like to do everything for them.A. because B. for C. but D. so( )13. Every morning I go to school . And in the afternoon I walk back home, too.A. by bikeB. on footC. by carD. by plane( )14. Can you get some paper for me, please? Can you say it again? A. Of course. B. No, I cant. C. Please dont. D. Pardon?( )15.Is it time _ sports? Yes, its time to _ sports. A. to; have B. for; have C. to have; / D. for; /( )16.The pair of glasses _ in my handbag. A. is B. are C. am D. be( )17 All these books are _ the girls.A. for B. at C. with D of ( ) 18. I hope your mother to our school tomorrow.A. comeB. comesC. can comeD. to come ( ) 19. There are many green trees on side of the street.A. bothB. everyC. allD. each ( ) 20. My boy, you should do your homework after school. A. oneB. firstC. the firstD. the one( ) 21. We go to the Reading Club Sunday morning. A. on theB. on everyC. inD. every ( ) 22. - your friend like his father? - Yes, they are both tall and strong. A. DoesB. IsC. DoD. Are ( )23. , Kitty reads story books for in the evening. A. Sometimes ; some timeB. Some times ; sometimeC. Sometime ; some timeD. Sometimes ; some times ( ) 24. There football match tomorrow afternoon. A. will haveB. will isC. hasD. will ( ) 25. The boy late for school, he? A. is never ; isB. never is ; isC. is never ; isntD. never is ; isnt ( ) 26. _ girl with _ apple in her hand is _ volunteer in our community center. A. A, the, a B. The, a, the C. A, an, a D. The, an, a ( ) 27. Iam afraid_ snakes soIm afraid _ catch(抓) them.A. to; to B. to; of C. of;of D. of; to ( ) 28. How can _ boy sing the English song?A. a one-year-old B. one year old C. an one-year-old D. one years old ( ) 29 -Would you like to go shopping with us this afternoon?- _,but I must do my homework first.A. Yes, lets go B. No, I wont C. Id love to D. It doesnt matter. ( ) 30. Lets ask _ to help us with the problem. A . Dicks and Lilys fathers B. Dick and Lilys fathersC. Dicks and Lily father D. Dicks and Lilys father ( ) 31. Its too cold. How about _?A. making fire B. make a fireC. making a fireD. make fire ( ) 32There are lots of great _ there. A work of art B. works of artC work of arts D. works of arts ( ) 33. Taiwan is _ the south-east of China and Japan is _ the east of China. A. on; toB. to; toC. to; onD. in; to ( ) 34.We have to learn _
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