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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 一、(2012年天津市中考)1. 我经常帮助妈妈收拾房间。I often help my mum to _ _ the room2. 2010年以来,这个地区发生了很大的变化。Great changes have _ _ in this area since 2010.3. 他们正在建一条隧道,它将穿过这座山。They are building a tunnel, and it will _ _ the mountain.4. 他现在不在办公室。 He isnt in the office _.5. 我想下个星期顺便看望一下吉尔。I think Ill _ _ on Jill next week.二、(2012年北京市中考)1. 很抱歉我没能参加你的生日晚会。_for missing your birthday party.2. 你在课余时间喜欢读书吗?Do you _ in your spare time?3. 杰克会和同学们相处得很好。Jack will _ his classmates.4. 这个演讲非常精彩。我们都听得很认真。The speech _ we all listened carefully.5. 他们很难在这么短的时间内想出新的办法。_ a new way in such a short time.三、(2012年兰州市中考)1、平衡的饮食能使你保持健康。Eating a balanced diet can make you _ _.2、为了鼓舞医院里的孩子们,这位年轻的志愿者常去为他们唱歌。This young volunteer often sings for the children at the hospital to _them _.3、总的来说,法国是个消费很高的地方。In _, France is quite an expensive place.4、新体育馆的设计图样将在图书馆展出。Designs for the new gym will be on _in the library.5、每个人登机前都要通过安检。Everyone must go _the security check before boarding the plane.四、(2012年烟台市中考)1. 据调查,许多学生都会为了实现自己的目标而努力学习。_ _the survey, many students were willing to work hard to achieve their aims.2. 我更喜欢歌词很棒的音乐。 I _ music that _ great lyrics. 3. 你们反对在城里建一个新的动物园吗? Are you_ _a new zoo in the town?4. 我认为年轻人应该把更多的注意力集中在工作上。 I think young people should _more _their work.5. 听到这坏消息,Robert默默地跟他的朋友一起走回了家。 When he heard the bad news, Robert walked home together with his friends_ _. 6. 制作香蕉奶昔的第二个步骤是将香蕉切碎。 The second step of making a banana milk shake is _ _the bananas. 7. 这部电影太乏味了, 以至于我看到一半就睡着了。 The movie was so boring that I _ _ half way through it. 8. 如果你弟弟未经允许拿走了你的衣服你会怎么办? What would you do if your brother took away your clothes _ _?9. 什么时候动身取决于天气条件。 When to start _ _the weather conditions.10. 他在火车站偶然遇到了他的一位老校友。 He met with an old schoolmate of his _ _at the railway station. 五、(2012年黄石市中考)1、外面太热,我宁愿呆在家里,也不愿去钓鱼。It is too hot outside, I would _stay at home _go fishing.2、你介意在我外出度假时照顾一下我的猫吗?Would you mind _ _of my cat while I am out on holiday?3、你应该找份兼职以多赚点钱。You _ _to find a part-time job to earn more money.4、如果你坚持你的梦想,终有一天它会成真。If you hold on to your dream, it will _ _one day.5、很抱歉又迟到了,我保证下次不会了。I am very _ _being late again. I promise no next time.6、为了保持健康,我们别无选择,只有健康饮食和加强锻炼。To keep fit, we have no choice _ _eat healthily and take exercise.7、英语演讲比赛直到下午3:30才开始。The English Speech Contest _ begin _3:30 in the afternoon.8、当观众们看到林书豪时,他们激动得大喊大叫。When the audience saw Jeremy Lin, they got _ excited _they cried out.9、让我们非常高兴的是,刘翔有希望在严重受伤后又夺金牌。_ our great _,Liu Xiang is expected to win gold medals again after he was badly hurt.10、他应该专心学习,而不应该如此关注电脑游戏。He should concentrate on his studies instead of _ so much _ to computer games.六、(2012年自贡市中考) 1尽量仔细一些,下次就会更少犯错误了。Try to be more careful then youll fewer next time2你认为东方广场和新建的大道怎么样?What do you think of the Dong fang and the new ?3学英语最好的方法是尽可能的多说。The best way to 1earn English is to speak it as as 4在二十一世纪,那些观念陈旧的人将落后于时代。In the 21st century, those people old ideas will be left the times. 5嘲笑处于困境中的人是不礼貌的。Its to laugh at those people in 七、(2012年盐城市中考)1、 我打算给Peter买一下礼物。I am going to _.2、 我长大了想当一名社会工作者。I want to be a social woker _.3、 盐城有许多公园,你最喜欢哪一个?There are many parks in Yancheng._.4、 颜色能够改变我们的心情,使我们感觉快乐或悲伤。Colors can change our moods and _.5、 我难以想象未来火星上的生活会是什么样。I can not imagine _.八、(2012年淮安市中考)(可填多词)1、在西方国家,许多家长经常留一些时间带孩子们去博物馆。In _,many parents often set aside some time to _ to museums.3、我们不能只想着自己而不关心他人。We can not only _ourselves and never _ others.4、“素食星期一”建议人们每周至少有一天不吃肉,这样我们可以更好地保持健康。“Meatless Mondays ”advise people _at least one day each week, so we can_in a better way.6、 交通安全非常重要,过马路要小心。Traffic safety is very important.We should _ when _.7、 迈克,你要多做户外运动而不是整天在网上聊天。Mike, you should do more outdoor activities _all day.九、(2012年陕西省中考) 1. 英语是你最喜欢的科目吗?Is English your ?2. 每天读书是个好习惯。Its a good habit to every day.3. 帮助别人就是帮助我们自己。Helping others is helping .4. 汽车站离我家很远.The bus stop is very my home.5. 他通常在放学
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