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精品资料Unit4 Topic1 SectionB 能力提升训练一、从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话。其中有两个选项是多余的A: What can I do for you, sir?B: 1 A: OK, these are all for men. 2 B: I like blue.A: 3 B: Oh, I like it. 4 A: One hundred yuan.B: Oh, its too dear.A: 5 It is fifty yuan.B: All right. Ill take it. Thank you.A: Youre welcome.A. How much is it?B. What color do you like?C. What about this one?D. I want to buy a coat.E. Can I help you?F. OK. Here you are.G. What do you think of that blue one?1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 二、阅读理解Hi, kids! Big T-shirts, pants and shoes sales(减价出售) at Smiths Shop. We have T-shirts in many colors: red, white, blue, green, black and yellow. We have pants in blue and green. We have shoes in black, blue and white. The T-shirt is $42. The pants are just $32 and the shoes are $66. We also have something else (别的,其他的). Please come to Smiths Shop and see for yourselves.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。() 1. We can only (仅仅) buy T-shirts, pants and shoes in this shop.() 2. You can take blue shoes, green pants and yellow T-shirts in this shop.() 3. You can buy one T-shirt and a pair of shoes with $100.() 4. The T-shirts are all in five colors.() 5 This shop sells (出售) clothes and shoes for kids.参考答案及解析一、1-5 D BCAG二、1. F 由We also have something else.可知这里并非只卖这些东西。2. T 由短文内容可知所列举的东西店里都有。3. F 一件T恤和一双鞋的价格是42 +66 = 108 (美元)。4. F 列举的T恤的颜色有六种。5. T最新精品英语资料
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