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剑桥英语动词词组 2011.12.101. wear a dress 穿裙子2. make a bed 铺床3. wash face 洗脸4. bruch teeth 刷牙5. comb hair 梳头6. have breakfast 吃早饭7. eat eggs/bread 吃鸡蛋 吃面包8. drink milk 喝牛奶9. make tea 泡茶,沏茶10. drink tea 喝茶11. go to school 上学12. cross the street 穿过马路13. take a bus 乘公交车14. go bike-riding / ride a bike 骑自行车15. take a seat 请坐16. read books / read a book 看书17. read a story book 看一本故事书18. have classes / have lessons 上课19. have a Chinese lesson 上语文课20. make words 组词21. guess riddles 猜谜语22. have an English lesson 上英语课23. have a Maths lesson 上数学课24. count (the) numbers 数数25. go home 回家26. have lunch 吃午饭27. eat meat 吃肉28. eat fish 吃鱼29. eat vegetables 吃蔬菜30. drink soup 喝汤31. eat rice 吃饭32. have a rest 休息一会儿33. have a Computer lesson 上电脑课 34. play computer games 玩电脑游戏35. have a Music lesson 上音乐课36. sing a song 唱一首歌37. play the piano 弹钢琴38. play the guitar 弹吉他39. play the violin 拉小提琴40. play the flute 吹长笛41. play the accordion 拉手风琴42. have a PE lesson 上体育课43. play a game / play games 玩游戏44. play hide-and-seek 捉迷藏45. play hopscotch 跳房子46. play pick and put 捡起来放下47. play on the see-saw 玩跷跷板48. bounce th ball 拍皮球49. kick the shuttlecock 踢毽子50. catch the beanbag 接沙包51. throw the beanbag 扔沙包52. play table tennis 打乒乓球53. play tennis 打网球54. play football / soccer 踢足球55. play basketball 打篮球56. play baseball 打棒球57. play badminton 打羽毛球58. play hockey 打曲棍球59. make a good shot 投一个好球60. have an Art lesson 上美术课61. draw a picture 画一幅画62. paint a picture 绘画63. draw the clowns nose 画小丑的鼻子64. do homework 做回家作业65. have supper 吃晚饭66. watch TV 看电视67. see a puppet show 看木偶表演68. tell a story 讲故事69. listen to music 听音乐70. listen to the story 听故事71. read a newspaper 看报纸72. go for a walk / take a walk 去散步73. open the windows 开窗74. close the door 关门75. water the flowers 浇花76. smell the flowers 闻花香77. wash hair 洗头发78. wash clothes 洗衣服79. take a bath 洗澡80. go to bed / go sleeping 上床睡觉81. go shopping 去购物82. go swimming 去游泳83. go boating 去划船84. go fishing 去钓鱼85. go running 去跑步86. go climbing 去爬山87. go jogging 去慢跑88. go skating 去滑冰89. go skiing 去滑雪90. blow balloons 吹气球91. catch a butterfly 捉蝴蝶92. take a photo 拍照片93. climb trees / climb the tree 爬树94. fly a kite 放风筝95. talk with friends 和朋友聊天96. go to the zoo 去动物园97. see animals 看动物98. feed the bird 喂鸟99. help mum 帮助妈妈100. do housework 做家务101. tidy the books/room 整理书籍/房间102. sweep the floor 扫地103. scrub the floor 刷洗地板104. mop the floor 拖地105. clean the window 擦窗子106. clean the kitchen 打扫厨房107. clean the cupboard 清洗橱柜108. have a birthday party 举行生日聚会109. make a birthday cake 做生日蛋糕110. light the candles 点蜡烛111. give a present 赠送礼物112. sing a birthday song 唱生日歌113. make a wish 许愿114. blow out candles 吹灭蜡烛115. cut the cake 切蛋糕116. eat the cake 吃蛋糕
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