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完形阅读综合练(十)1I ws wtchinSportseter lt nit when one o thos“hntrest” stories ca n d reallyrabbemy anio.The 1 a abot a rofsionalport Bass fiemn amedCay Dyer. 2 ,theyplayed i off anthr guy ryingto mke the cut on he Bsmaster tr until tey 3 piteof him.No legs,no arm orraer,he haonly 1/ ohsiht rm.Tas 4 that tegy has. wa such a tory ta Iwas wonerng wat ths guy oul . 6 p,learnd to play asball an asetball,but found ta 7 was is tue calling (事业).Ad 8 itll on hs wn.He casts h fishing lineby 9 hiso ueris hin.H tes his lre (诱饵)withis 1 and h tongu,nev real askin 1 set hlpWhn h sore,hreelsin theline (收线) ad rves t 12 wth his sub (残端) m and iseth.Clay Dyer even 13 how to swim.Sinei oy can produce enough weat,he has o ke a in the lake ve fw hors o kep 5 .e dives njs le anyonese,th somehow 16 wthhis tbarm,then,wit a lile hep,pulhmelfbackup i the 7 dges o fising.Cly yr ha ever looke for thers ty,ha he llowed hi 1 flif i,“I I ca,you cn.” He refse to use specia uipment, 0 ,“I at tdo itwih nehnd hey hey d wit to.”A.prgramor Ccone Dubjec答案 B解析上段的“onof those hm interest stoe”暗示了本题的答案。2.AInthe end BAtr aC.At fst D.Abovall答案 C解析 fit起初,表示在电视节目的一开始。A.shoe BplaCperored Donfrmed答案 解析 sow展示,主持人向观众展示了一张无腿、只有/右臂的C Dyer的照片。4A.wha B.which Cnoe .l答案 D解析空白处填all。后面的tha h gy has为定语从句。句意为:这1/的右臂残肢就是他拥有的一切。.A.oucing B.xcing .annoig D.embaasng答案 A解析ucng动人的,令人同情的。6.Waing .rowg CPickin D.Takin答案 B解析现在分词短语rngup表示伴随状况,句意为:在成长的过程中,他学会了打棒球和篮球。7.readiB.porting CshnD.diing答案C解析 第二段第一句中的ishera暗示了答案。works C.njys D.doe答案 D解析oesit指钓鱼(goes fsi)。.A.carringBhidingCplaci tcin答案 C解析 plce有“放置”之意。他把鱼竿夹在下巴的下面。Bteeth easD.ne答案解析他用牙齿和舌头把诱饵穿在鱼钩上。11A.anyon .oeonenoe .nobody答案A解析前面的never表明本句为否定句,因此填anyo。BfisC.liDrod答案 B解析 他用唯一的残臂来收钓鱼线,用牙齿把钓到的鱼从鱼钩上取下。因此应填fsh。BacquiesC.notcesDknos答案解析 句意为:他甚至知道如何游泳。1.A.et lookdip shower答案 C解析take ip指“在水里泡一泡,洗个澡”。15.A.cool .cod Cwarm D.ot答案解析 i ody an prodce enoswat暗示他时不时地跳入水中是为了“凉快一下”。16.A.aksBswis Cclbs D.wves答案B解析他跳入水中后,用残缺的右臂划水游泳。17.bk Bclke Dboat答案 D解析 借着一些帮助,他可以回到船上继续钓鱼。BspirtuaC.physcl D.fal答案C解析 他身体上有缺陷,因此空白处填hyica (身体的,肉体的)。B.value.eliD.slogan答案解析 motto座右铭。他的座右铭是“如果我能,你也能”。B.sayingCeakinD.shotin答案 解析现在分词saying表示伴随状况,意为“说道”。2(202X昆明调研)Animals seem to he he snse to et wen they are hungr a ty o otatmore hnther dis need.t ha ben proved hara will,hen gien ahoiceove a prid time,efe wtewith vits o watr witoutvitains,evn though thre is no differnc in ter sl between t two water otlsh frra faor as added to th itanenrice fluid (流体), ras did seem o velo atfritad kept drnking it,evn ater tevitms werechagdo h clea waterI time,however,they brke t hbit nd wenback t whre th necsa vitains wre.In assiceperint,bbies f6 to 1 onths old e led in a afeteri(自助餐厅) feding rangement,wit awiecoie ofab fod befoe hm.hy ere gien aeve foodthey ponedto rppareintese n.W are ldtairt tey shoed soe unusul eating ptte,bu ht vera peiod of ime tey mngd too a wellaac dit.oincoong food,ats and babies o sem toknwand t wht,the a kin of “boy isdom”,whih humans so loseMost ofs do ot at aswislyacould.Myofour f preerencsar culturaly dtermine and ifluced y ong stbishe (建立的) bitsSome peopl eat fx,dos and bacirs,hile w eat cos a pigs.So wat pople ea ahw uch they ea seem o be greatly iunceby whati gongon ao tm1Why was aagralav ddedtothe rats drinkg watri th exprimet o rtsA.To fndutsprefreein lavor.B.To encrage rats to drivitaineched werCTo test hethr ats kowhich ri i oodor themD.T sho h vitmis are astless.答案 C解析推理判断题。根据第一段中的第三句“When arara lavrwa added tothe viainenrich flud,therats id ee todevlo a taste for itaneptdrikig it,.”一句可知本题选C项。2.Wt imity do bab
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