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2022年五年级英语上册 Unit 5 Which one do you want教案2 湘少版Teaching aims:1.Have the students to learn these new words: a raincoat / a cheap T-shirt / a thin book / a thick book / Certainly2.Have the students to learn these new sentences: How much? / The short one, please.Difficult points:To teach the new sentences.Teaching steps:Step 1 warming up.1. The teacher and the students make a greeting with each other.2. Play a game: Quick responses. Ask the students to read these words in different way.Step 2 Presentations.1. The teacher to teach the student some new words : a raincoat/ a cheap Tshirt/ a thin book/ a thick book/ Certainly/ nice. And ask the student to read these new words after the teacher.2. Play a game: Do the actions.The teacher and the student do the actions when read these words:Long Long Long, short short shortThin thin thin, thick thick thickYoung young young, old old oldHot hot hot, cold cold coldThen let the class read it together.Step 3 Practices.Using the CAI to teach the new sentences: Which one do you want, the long one or the short one? /The long one , please./ How much is this raincoat? And let the class to read these new sentences together after the teacher.Step 4 Consolations.1. Let the class open their books and listen to the tape recorder. Then ask the students to read the books together after the tape recorder three times. And ask the class to remember the text and act it out.2. Pair works: Let the class to act the Text A in pairs. And act it out in front of the table.Step 5 Homework.Remember the Part A and Part B.
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