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教学内容Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.(B 3a-3c)课时Period 8教学对象九年级执教者林乐丽一、教材内容分析本单元的中心话题是谈论人们的变化。本节课是人教版义务教育新目标Go for it九年级上册第四单元Section B的3a-3b部分。这节课围绕谈论一个人的变化展开话题,主要学习用used to be/used to do/didnt use to do描述一个人过去的外貌、性格、爱好及其他。用一般现在时态描述一个人现在的样子,谈论一个人最大的变化及理由。并学会用书面形式写一篇文章表达出来。 这节课是本单元的第八课时,通过前面几课时的学习,学生已经对过去时积累了一定的经验并有了一定的运用能力。这些都为今天的学习打下了基础,这节课是一节写作课,也是这个单元综合运用能力的体现,因此,这节课具有举足轻重的作用。二、学情分析本节课的教学对象是九年级学生,九年级学生相对于七八年级来说,不再那么喜欢积极表现。但他们更具有一定基础的听说读写技能和表达能力,同时也积极了一定量的词汇。在八年级已经接触过used to do的用法,因此这节课的语言知识运用对他们来说不难。但这是一节写作课,我觉得对学生来说有一点枯燥也有一定的难度。三、教学目标(知识,能力,情感态度与价值观)(一)知识目标:1. New words and expressions :general, introduction, general introduction2.Sentence structures: My life has changed a lot in the last few years.I used to be/doI didnt use to doI amI like/ enjoy/ have/The biggest change in my life wasThis is the most important change because(二)能力目标:通过这节课的学习使学生能够谈论一个人的变化情况并以书面形式写出来。(三)情感态度价值观:通过对一个人的变化的描述,使学生明白每个人都在发生变化,每个人也都会发生变化,我们应该努力使自己变得更好。 四、重点、难点学生能够写一篇文章描述一个人的变化情况。五、教法选择、学法指导教法:以任务型教学法为主,辅助于听说法、读写法、认知法、交际法、图片直观引导法,讲解法,总结法,自主学习与合作探究法。学法:结合学生的已有的知识经验,根据教法的引导,学生也相应的采取听说与读写相结合,自主学习与小组合作探究相结合,知识学习与技能培养相结合。六、资源准备多媒体,分发材料七、教学过程教学任务教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备Step 1、开门见山、出示目标。(1分钟)1.Greet Ss.2. Show the title and the aims:Today we are going to talk about how people have changed, and well learn how to write about it.1. Greet the teacher.2. Listen and know the knowledge theyll learn and the aims theyll reach.直接出示单元课题和这节课的学习内容及学习目标,使学生明白这节课要干什么,为学习过程做好心理准备。Step 2、示范引导,探究新知。(15分钟)1. Invite some Ss to talk about their past and now.2. Show some pictures of me, let Ss talk about my past and now.3. Show Ss a chart of my differences between my past and now. Ask them to talk about me in pairs according to the chart.4. Try to fill in the blanks to finish a passage about“How my English teacher has changed!”1. Ss talk about their past and now.2. Look at the pictures and talk about me.3. Look at the chart and work in pairs to talk about my differences between my past and now.4. Fill in the blanks.先由学生谈论自己的过去和现在的变化,激活学生的已有语言。接下来引导学生根据图片谈论我的变化,在积累了一定的语言表达的基础上完成补全短文练习,这一过程是在帮助学生梳理写作的难点,通过一步步的引导,学生很容易完成短文填空,同时也给学生提供一篇完整的范文写作指导,学生在补充的基础上充实自己的文字,培养与训练学生的技巧。Step 3、观察分析,总结提纲。(5分钟)Lead Ss to think about how to write a passage about peoples change.Follow the teacher to sum up how to write a passage about peoples change.在学生动笔写作之前引导学生列出提纲规划应该从哪几个方面去写自己的过去和现在,并明白写作的过程中应该注意什么,从而降低学生写作焦虑。Step 4、写作实践,运用新知。(15分钟)1. Ask a student to write the passage on the blackboard, and others write it on the paper.2. Lead all the Ss to check the passage on the blackboard according the check chart.3. Ask Ss to check their partners passage like this.4. Invite some Ss to read and share their passage.1. Ss try to write their own passages.2. Check the passage on the blackboard.3. Check their partners passage.4. Ss read and share their passages.在上一步写作提纲的指导下学生独立完成写作。再引导学生一步步检查自己的文章结构和内容。培养学生养成完成写作后自己检查的习惯。同时分享他人的文章,与自己写的文章对比,学习别人是如何写的,相互学习,取长补短。Step 5 归纳总结,内化新知。 (3分钟)Ask Ss what we have learnt this class?Ss share what they have learnt.为使学生明白这节课重点学了什么。小结采取学生自主小结与引导概括相合。小结中学生“谈收获、议困惑”及时梳理记忆,使学生加固知识结构。Step 6分层作业,延伸新知。Homework(1分钟)1. You must: Correct your passage carefully and copy it on your exercise book.2. If you can: Try to write a passage about how your best friend has changed.Ss choose one or both of them to finish the homework.针对不同学生的实际,本次节作业分为homework1 and homework 2两项作业,以适应不同层次的学生。作业a比较简单,是所有学生必做题。作业b要求介绍最好的朋友,无疑是为中上等学生准备的一道丰盛的午餐。这种分层设计使每一个学生都有所获,有事做。体现新课程的理念尊重学生的个体差异。八、板书设计 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section B 3a-3bappearanceA students writingpersonality1.My pasthobbiesothers2.Now 3.Biggest change and the reason
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