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小专题17:写作定语从句有人称汉语是左向式结构而英语是右向式结构,这主要体现在汉语和英语作定语的语位上。汉语中的定语,在修饰词的左向放置,无论多长,传统是这样。但定语太长影响读者或听者对中心词把握,因此无论是古代的文与白的书面典籍的语句不是很长,即使是现代的汉语书面语和口语语句的实际操作也都不是很长。汉语定语,尤其是含谓语结构的定语是前嵌入的,又没有连接性的词或结构,而英语中后置的定语从句有连接性的关系词。因此,英语定语从句不仅是英语学习的重点也是难点。学习定语从句的用法,需仔细揣摩关系词在从句中的功能。关系词“that”功能甚多,但还是有其使用的常规和禁忌。认真研究下面的定语例句,看看哪些关系词可以用“that”替换,哪些不能用“that”替换。1. 关系代词 “who” Firstly, at the festival, young people who are busy have some days off. Firstly, as far as participants are concerned, only those who come from Senior Grade Three in our school are permitted to take part. Not only is the environment polluted but also some viruses may be spread to people, who will suffer. 2. 关系代词 “which” A主语 While the others were not present, he quickly replaced his broken bench with a good one, which was not his but another fellow students. The activity is meant to improve our English writing skills, which will benefit us students a lot. Please try turning to fruit, which is delicious and protective. Therefore, a large quantity of trees which would otherwise be cut down may beautify and protect the environment. As is known, filial piety, which is part of traditional Chinese culture, deserves to be preserved. B. 宾语 Next, they are symbols of our cities, in which we take pride. Undoubtedly, different people have different experiences, from which some good ideas will surely be worth adopting. C. 接续性定语从句 Thirdly, we students may talk about something interesting, which contributes to strengthening our friendship. Some of them take too much time to watch TV, which does harm to their eyes. They live an abnormal life, which affects not only their body but also their mind. Thus, spelling mistakes are unavoidable, which affects what they express. To do the job, three requirements have to be satisfied, which is no problem for you. They argue that the interviewers are likely to be subjective and one-sided, which leads to unfairness. However, we actually had to buy some tickets, which was beyond our original budget. To sum up, in the last tourist trip we suffered a lot, which was due to your companys fault. On the other hand, after the products are consumed, the packaging items are littered here and there, which affects our environment. As a result, too many particulate matters have built up in the air, which results in hazy weather. 3.关系代词 “whose” Next, children are unique to their parents, whose expectations do good to them. 1. 关系副词 “where” After two hours we came to Zhuyu Peak, where we had a group photo taken. Meanwhile, a grand reading contest will be held where nice poems and prose will be read aloud and appreciated. 2. 关系副词 “when”It was 1:00pm when we had lunch and took a rest. 3. 关系代词 “as” As is known, this contributes to a good sleep. As is known, their usual days are less interesting. As is known, English pronunciation is closely related to English spelling. As is known, practice makes perfect. As is known, filial piety, which is part of traditional Chinese culture, deserves to be preserved. 通过以上例句可以看出,接续性定语从句表达力强,“,which”可以用“and this”来替换。然而,替换之后,整个句子由原来的含定语从句的复合句转变成了由“and”连接的并列句。在逻辑上,原来的关系词“which”焊接性强,前后的主句和从句层次性强,这里“which”不能用“that”替换。1
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