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5B Unit 5 At the weekend第三课时 Read a storyTomorrow教学设计教材及本课内容分析:本单元是牛津英语5B Unit 5 At the weekend,本单元是通过调查讨论引出问句what are you going to do this weekend?要求学生学习用一般将来时询问别人的周末计划,同时能够向别人介绍自己周末打算做的事情。本课时的教学任务是read a story通过小猴子修房子的故事,进一步巩固重点句型,并在故事中让学生懂得今日事,今日毕的道理。学情分析:五年级学生处于高年级学段,有大量的词汇和话题积累,也对游戏、竞赛还有兴趣。大部分学生对英语还有着浓厚的学习兴趣,但也有少数学生由于遇到困难,学习兴趣会随之减弱。我在教学中始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。教学目标:1语言知识与技能:1). 能在语境中正确运用本课的核心词汇。2). 能用特殊疑问句“What are you going to do this weekend?询问他人周末计划,并能用Im going to介绍自己或他人周末计划。3). 能读懂本课的小故事,并能理解其蕴含的道理。2. 过程与方法:1).掌握课文中出现的tomorrow, next, cry, build等词语,以及了解 Dont wait until tomorrow.的使用语境, 2).通过阅读小故事讨论生活中的好习惯。3. 情感态度与价值观:1). 培养学生制定计划,充分利用好时间的好习惯。2). 让学生懂得“今日事,今日毕”的道理。教学重点难点:重点:掌握词汇tomorrow ,next, build, cry, until; 掌握句型 Dont wait until tomorrow难点:one 在本课中作为代词出现,学生理解起来有一定的难度。当句子主语为第三人称单数时,be动词要做适当的变化。教学方法与手段:1. 通过听音及提问的方法学习故事,掌握课文中出现的tomorrow,next,build,cry,until以及句型Dont wait until tomorrow.的使用语境。2. 通过独立阅读理解成段的语篇。3. 通过阅读的方法帮助学生理解story的课文意思及文中出现的新词汇。4. 通过group work 的方法讨论给小猴子的建议,文本再构。教学评价:及时奖励,全班共同努力装点花篮, 培养集体荣誉感板书设计:Tomorrow What are you going to do this weekend? Im going to New wordsFriends need to help each other. next until cry build Dont wait until tomorrow.教学过程: Step I. Pre-task preparations1. Sing a song- Days of the week(歌曲活跃课堂氛围,带入话题)2. Free talk.T: Whats the song about? What day is it today?Ss:Friday T: Today is Friday,What about tomorrow?Ss: Saturday.T: Saturday is tomorrow, and the next day is Sunday, they are? Do we need to come to school? We are free! So do you have some plans?(板书标题tomorrow)3. Q:What are you going to do on your weekend?S1: I am going to do my homework at the weekend.S2: I am going to play football at the weekend.T: These are all good ideas, do you know my plan?Step II. While-task procedures1. Lead in T: I am going to read a story.Do you want to enjoy the story with me? Now lets listen first.(听故事,整体感知语篇)Qs: What animals did you hear in the story? (板书小主人公图片,PPT带入语境)Where is the monkey now? How is the weather? Is he happy?(设置情境,引发思考:If you are the money, What are you thinking now?)S1: Im cold. Please help me!S2: I miss my mom, I want an umbrella.S3: I want a house.2. Really? Lets check(展示文本, 播放语音,抛出问题)Qs: Little Monkey, Little Monkey, What do you need?(角色扮演,带入情节) I need a house. Little Monkey, Little Monkey, What are you going to do? Im going to build a house.(板书并讲授build,PPT举例说明字母组合ui 的发音规则,讲授音标)3. (PPT)T: What are you going to build? S: Im going to build one house.(PPT讲解one 作为代词在这里的用法)T: Is the little Monkey going to build the house? Why?(带上头饰,展开想象: If you are the monkey, What are you thinking now?)S1: I like the sunshine, I am going to play football.S2: I like sleeping in the tree.4. T: The Little Monkey is lying on the branch, enjoying the sunshine ,and daydreaming all day, So the second day passes by quickly, the third day comes!Is the Little Monkey going to build the house? Lets find the answer from your card.(阅读任务一, 完成独立思考并回答老师的问题)T: Time flies, the Sixth day comes, lets look what will happen.5. (展示PPT) He plays every day,until the sixth day,and it is raining again.What does the Little Monkey say?(鼓励同学模仿小猴子的语气演示出来)6. (抛出问题,故事发展到现在,评价小猴子的特点):What do you think of the Little Monkey?S1:He is lazy.S2: He doesnt like to work (老师及时板书,总结学生给出的词汇)T: Yes, Little Monkey has a lot of bad habbits, he is in a trouble now, he needs help! His friend comes, What is the Little Rabbit going to say?板书:Dont wait until tomorrow(板书until并讲解)7. What do you think of the Little Rabbit?(总结小兔子的特点,给出结论)板书:Friend should help each other!Step III. Post-task activities1.Now lets help the Little monkey, write a letter and give him some advices!Group-work time:(小组合作,共同探讨,通过写信的方式给出建议来帮助小猴子,劝他珍惜时间,养成良好的生活习惯)Dear Little Monkey:I have some good advice(建议)for you.Dont_.You should_and_.Time _.Please save your time! Try your best, I trust(相信) you! yours, _2.Letsummary(对学生进行情感教育,给出几条建议,珍惜时间,今日事,今日毕!)Dont wait until tomorrow!Tomorrow never comes back!Dont play all the time!Step VI. Homework. Choose one of your favorite and finish it1.Retell the story to your families.2.Continue to write the story.3.Find some simillar stories and do a report.
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