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最新版英语学习资料 .Match the word with its meaning.1terrify A追逐,追赶,追踪2chase B害怕,恐惧3disgust C呼吸4emotion D使惊恐,使受惊吓5murder E拒绝6refuse F对照7breathe G谋杀8contrast H冲,猛冲9rush I使觉得恶心;使厌烦10fear J感情;情绪答案:15 DAIJG 610 ECFHB.Write down the meaning of phrases in each sentence.1The cold weather contrasts with last weeks heat. 与形成对照2I was struck with amazement as I saw the great ship for the first time. 第一次3Teachers, like a candle, burn out themselves to give light to others. 燃尽,烧完自灭4She wanted to cry out, but she couldnt make a sound. 发出声音5When leaving the airport she waved again and again to us. 一再,屡次6I threw myself on the bed and fell asleep immediately I got home. 扑倒在上 1Look at this photo. What is it? Could you tell the class something about this photo?参考答案:It is the photo of Dolly the sheep (19962003)Dolly became a scientific sensation when her birth was announced in 1997.Her relatively early death in February 2003 fuels the debate about the ethics of cloning research and the longterm health of clones.2What are your opinions of cloning?参考答案:Cloning has some advantages we can make use of. For example, we can clone some organs used for curing some serious illnesses or we can clone some animals which have died out. However, I think cloning humans is unacceptable because it can bring about many unexpected problems. .FastreadingMatch the following parts with their main ideas.Part 1 AHow the scientist felt when he saw the ugly creature he created.Part 2 BThe main plot of Frankenstein.答案:Part 1B Part 2A.CarefulreadingChoose the best answer according to the text.1Why could Frankenstein create the monster?ABecause he wanted to prove his ability.BBecause he had some magical power.CBecause he wanted to make more money.DBecause he discovered the secret of how to create life.2Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe monster hated all the people around him because they all treated him badly.BThe monster could speak but didnt have human emotions.CThe monster died in the ice and snow in the end.DThe monster chased the scientist to the Arctic.3Which word can be used to describe the scientists feeling after seeing the monster?AExcited. BRegretful.CSatisfied. DAstonished.4Why did Frankenstein wake shaking with fear?ABecause he had terrible dreams.BBecause the monster kept touching him.CBecause the monster kept talking to him.DBecause he saw his dead wife.5How did Frankenstein like his creation?AIt was a success.BIt was a failure.CIt was a wonder.DIt was a small achievement.答案:15 DCBAB.StudyreadingAnalyze the difficult sentences in the text.1The creature, which is very large and strong, and is also extremely ugly, terrifies anyone who sees it.句式分析 尝试翻译 这个怪物异乎寻常地高大强壮,并且极其丑陋,吓坏了所有见到它的人。2Feeling very anxious, I prepared the equipment that would give life to the thing that lay at my feet.句式分析 尝试翻译 它躺在我的脚边,我紧张不安地准备好赋予它生命的设备。 阅读理解ALast spring, I worked in Washington DC. There I visited Fords Theater and looked at Abraham Lincolns impressive memorial (纪念碑)But at the National Museum of Health and Medicine, my nose could almost touch pieces of the man himself: a lock of his hair, pieces of his skull and a handkerchief with his blood on it. As I stood there, I wondered, “Could we clone Abraham Lincoln?”Since Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1996, scientists have cloned mammals from mice to mules, but weve never cloned a human. Maybe its a horrible desire, but if we ever decided to clone someone, I would vote for Abraham Lincoln.After Abraham Lincoln was shot, his doctors and friends collected bits of his skull and bloody pieces of cloth for autopsy (尸检). Locks of his hair were passed around like holy relics. Long before they knew about DNA, these pieces of Lincoln represented the essence (本质) of the man.While we do have his genes, we probably dont have the entire DNA sequence needed for cloning. Sheryl Bernauer, lab supervisor for the DNA Sequencing Facility at UC Davis, said that when cells die over time, the DNA becomes less useful. The DNA in Lincolns 145yearold bloodstains and hair is probably futile for cloning. “The hair itself would be very hard to get the entire DNA sequence from unless you have a complete follicle (毛囊),” Bernauer said. We dont have any of Lincolns follicles, so thats a nogo.Still, its interesting to think about how the development of cloning has changed the way we view human remains. Humans have always honored the dead, but now we know that in DNA at least part of the dead lives on.语篇解读:作者思考了我们是否可以克隆出Abraham Lincoln的问题,但目前来说条件不允许。1At the National Museu
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