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拓展阅读8A unit 3Transportation in the UK英国交通Cars are very popular in the UK. Almost every family has cars. People drive to work every day. It is not so expensive to buy a car in the UK, but it is not cheap to drive it, because the petrol(汽油) is very expensive in the UK and they have to pay high tax(税). For example, a full tank of petrol costs about 50 pounds with about 37 pounds for tax. Taking a bus to go to school or go to work is very convenient(方便), too. The buses usually come on time. I stayed in the UK for three months. During the three months, I took a bus to school everyday. Only once the bus was 5 minutes late, because they were mending the road. People will say hello to the driver when getting on and say goodbye to him or her when getting off. The bus drivers are very friendly, too. When they see the disabled(残疾的) people getting on the bus, the drivers will go to help them. They will do the same thing when they get off the bus. The roads in the cities of the UK are not so wide as those in China and there are so many cars, but traffic jam(堵车) is seldom seen. Thats because most people are polite. At the red traffic light, people will stop, even when there is nobody there. When you are in the street in the UK, you can easily find the entrance to the underground. In London there are nearly 320 entrances to the underground, so its easy to take the underground to go anywhere.
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