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桥梁工程合同技术附件(中英文)TECHNICAL ANNEX DOCUMENTS OF CONTRACT OF BRIDGES WORKSPART I GENERAL第一部分,概况1.1DESCRIPTION描述A. Work included: Contractor shall provide all materials, labor andequipment requiredfor a complete and proper installationof the bridges.工作内容包括:承包商须提供所有材料,劳动力和建成合格桥梁所要求的技术B. Bridge design: 桥梁设计1. The bridge details and specifications have been prepared for theSite by the Engineer namedon the Project Directory in the Project Manual. 桥的细节和规范2. The bridge details and specifications will be provided to the Contractor. 需提供桥的所有细节和规范给承包商。C. Related Work: 相关工作1. Documents affecting the Work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditionsand Sections in Division 1 of these Specifications.影响这部分工作的文件,不仅仅局限于总体情况,附加情况和在第一章对这部分的规定。2. Designer s Drawings, which show the general location and lengthof the proposed bridges. 设计师的设计图显示桥梁的大概位置和所建议的桥梁长度。1.2QUALITY ASSURANCE质量保证A. Contractor shall use adequate numbers of skilled workmen who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the Work of this Section.承包商应采用足够数量的技术工人,所要求的工人在必要的技术中须通过培训而且能够完成B. Contractor shall use equipment adequate in size, capacity and numbers to complete the Work in a timely manner.承包商须提供足够数量不同规格,不同功能的设备以备工程的如期完成。C. The Engineer named on the Project Directory in the Project Manual will observe the performance of the Contractor relating to the Work of this Section.工程项目负责人须按工程进度检查承包商的工程进展如这部分工作所提及的D. Contractor shall readjust Work performed that does not meet thetechnical or design requirements of the Engineer named on the Project Directory in the Project Manual, but shall make no deviation without specific and written approval from the Owner.承包商须按需要调整工作。 工程项目负责人 在工程进展中提出的技术和设计要求时,但这必须保证不能背离业主的书面提出的建议。1.3SUBMITTALS遵守A.Contractorshallcomply withpertinentprovisionsof Section01340of these Specifications.承包商须遵守Section 01340 of these Specifications里的相关规定。1.4PRODUCT HANDLING产品处理A.Contractorshallcomply withpertinentprovisionsof Section01640of these Specifications.承包商须遵守 Section 01640 of these Specifications里的相关规定。PART 2 PRODUCTS2.1MATERIALS材料A. Contractor shall provide all materials required per the details and specifications prepared by the Engineer named on the Project Directoryin the Project Manual.承包商须按要求提供工程项目负责人按工程计划需准备的材料2.2OTHER MATERIALS其它材料A. Contractor shall provide other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation, asselected by the Contractor, subject to the approval of the Engineer named on the Project Directory in the Project Manual.承包商须按照业主的选择,并经过工程师的批准,提供其它没有规定的但属于用于完成安装的材料,PART 3 EXECUTION3.1SURFACE CONDITIONS桥面 / 地基条件A. Contractor shall examine the areas and conditions under which theWork of this Section will be performed. Contractor shall correct anyconditions detrimental to the timely and proper completion of the Work. Contractor shall not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions arecorrected.承包商须检查这部分工作实施所涉及的场地和条件 . 承包商须克服不利于工程按时顺利完工的任何条件 . 承包商须把不利条件排除再施工 .3.2INSTALLATION 桥梁建筑B. Based on the Contractor s completion of grading and compacting perSection 02210 of these Specifications and the Designers approval ofthe locationand lengthof the bridge,Contractorshallcomplete the Workof thisSectionper detailsand specificationsprepared by the Engineernamed on the Project Directory in the Project Manual.在承包商按照 Section 02210 of these Specifications逐渐完成工程和设计师所同意的桥梁位置和长度的基础上 , 承包商须按工程项目负责人照工程计划需准备的材料完成工作 .A.B. Once the Contractor has completed the bridge installation, Contractor shall backfill and compact surrounding soil materials,complying with pertinent provisions of Section 02210 of these Specifications.承包商完成了桥梁建筑后 , 周围的土材料 , 遵守 Section 02210 of these Specifications 中的有关规定 .3.3TESTING AND INSPECTION检测A. Contractor shall provide the personnel and equipment necessary, and shall perform tests required to demonstrate that the Work of this Section has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents.承包商须提供所需的人力和材料,还应进行与合约一致的检测.3.4PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS工程合约A.Contractorshallcomply withpertinentprovisionsof Section01720of these Specifications.承包商须遵守 Section 01720 of theseSpecifica
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