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八年级下学期英语阶段测试卷(Module 5)一、单项选择。(共25分)1. Lets _ down this street.A. walkingB. to walkC. walkD. walked2. Look! The boys are trying to climb_the tree to pick some apples.A. with B. off C. of D. up3. Come a little earlier next time,_youll miss the best part of TV play.A. and B.but C. or D. till4. -You dont look well today.Jenny. Whats the matter with you? -My grandmother is ill. I am_her health.A. interested in B.surprised at C. worried about D. pleased with5. She asked me_.A. what was the matter B. what the matter wasC. what is the matter D. what the matter is6. Lingling could hardly hear the traffic,_?A. couldnt she B.cant she C. could she D. can she7. Sally has tried her best to practice, because she wants to get the first prize in the _competition.A. final B.finally C. at last D.finalest8. Your parents told you_too much sweet before going to bed.A. to eat B. ate C. not to eat D. to not eat9. I wish you can look after _.A. myselfB. oneselfC. yourselfD. himself10. My mother often asks me _ early.A. get upB. got upC. getting upD. to get up11. Her father decided _ his holidays in Beijing.A. spendB. spendingC. to spendD. spent12. After finishing your paper, look it over to _ there are no mistakes.A. find outB. try outC. make sureD. think about13. After the P.E. class, the teacher offered us something _.A. drinkB. drinkingC. drunkD. to drink14. The teacher often warns the boy_swim_in the sea because its dangerous.A. dont ; aloneB. not; by himself C. not to; by himselfD. not to; lonely15. We are always ready _ others.A. to helpingB. to helpC. helpD. helping16. There are some books on the floor. Will you please _ for me?A. to pick up it B. to pick them up C. pick up itD. pick them up17. Excuse me, would you please tell me _ buy a digital camera?A. what toB. where toC. what I canD. where can I 18. Which is_ of all the lessons?A. difficult B. more difficultC. the most difficult D. most difficult19. Miss Green has lived here since she_ to New York.A. will move B. movesC. move D. moved20. The teacher was_ angry_ say a word that day.A. too, so B. so, to C. too, to D. very, to21. They arrived early_ a Friday morning.A. on B. in C. from D. at22. How long does it_ us to travel from Guilin to Guangzhou?A. spend B. take C. pay D. cost23. She cant go swimming with you today. She has a lot of work_.A. doing B. to do C. do D. does24. Many young people enjoy_ video games.A. to play B. playing C. play D. played25. “I dont know if his uncle_.” “I think he_ if it doesnt rain.”A. will come, comes B. will come, will comeC. comes, comes D. comes, will come二、句型转换 (25分)1.When does he arrive? Please tell me.(改为宾语从句)Please tell me _ _ _.2. I think this is a good idea.(改为否定句) I _ _ this _ a good idea.3. “Do you want to try something new?” Toms mother asked him. (同义句)Toms mother asked him _ _ _ to try something new.4.Was the watch made in Shanghai? I dont know. (改为宾语从句)I dont know _ the watch _ made in Shanghai.5. When does the train arrive? Please tell me.(改为宾语从句)Please tell me _ _ _ _.6.What does he do? Do you know? (改为宾语从句)Do you know _ he _?7. Do they want fried chicken? He asked the boys. (改为宾语从句) He asked the boys _ they _ fried chicken.8. I think theres too much fighting._ _ _, theres too much fighting.9. What do you think of the shirt?_ _ you _the shirt?三、改错(指出句中错误之处,并改正。注意每句均有错误) (10分) 1. He said that he will do his work.2. Could you tell me when does your father get up every day?3. Do you remember what does the teacher say last week?4. My parents told me dont to get up too late.5. She asked if Lily had a notebook or not.6. My mother said light traveled faster than sound.7. She asked them waking her up at six oclock in the morning.8. The doctor said that the disease bird flu(禽流感)will overspread(广泛流传) if we couldnt do something with it.9. She asked me that my mother liked the blue one.10. Jim doesnt understand which are the way to the museum.四、完型填空(10分)Not everyone has a chance to be a detective(侦探)But I got one when I was thirteen years
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