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语法填空专项练习一一不规则动词一网打尽I. 综合练习(基础篇)I. A sudden thought(strike) Frankhe had not done his gooddeed for the day. (struck)2/3 The visit (leave) Frank touched, and with an unexpectedflicker of joy in his heart He(understand) that his sorrowwasn t the only sorrow in the world(left/ understood)4/5 The idea soon (spread) and in 1924, President CalvinCoolidge supported the idea of a national FatherJ s Day on the request (send) to him by Dodd(spread/ sent)6/7. When the king looked closely, he(see) behind the waterfalla tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock In the midst of the rush of angry water (sit) the mother bird on her nestin perfectpeace(saw/ sat)8. (know) as one of the most thril ling sports, bun gee jumping has become very popular all over the world(Known)9. On March 3* , 1866, Powell(ride) his horse down the mountaintoward the valley. (rode)10. An unsent text message was found that(read), Dear baby,if you could survive, please remember that Mum always loves you!” (read)II. Peter Goodrich died in the seco nd plane that(hit) the WorldTrade Centre(hit)12. Without tel ling her family, the n ext morning, she(hold)a meeting in her private hospital, discussing suitable medical services for the disaster area(held)13/14 From what we(see) and (hear), it 11 be daysbefore help can get through(have seen/ heard)15/16 I(be) very busy these days since my husband(go) abroad for his two-year study. (have been/ went)17. Scotland s radio stations (lose) tens of thousands oflisteners last year(lost)18. He was aware of the wide chasm(鸿沟)between words and actions He(know) that our lives always speak louder than our words (knew)19. Zhen Zhe (grow) up in Changchun, the capital of JilinProvince, located in northeast China(grew)20/21. Che Jiajun already has half a year of teaching in the United States She (spend) six months in San Diego, Calif,where she(teach) at an area primary school and served as a teacherJ s assistant at San Diego State University(spent/ taught)22/23 Four Chinese students (win) god medals in the 401International Chemistry Olympiad(hold) in Hungary scapital Budapest on Sunday. (won/ held)24. In the early 1980s, Shirley Gardner, a mother of 10, started a small network of homeschool parents which in 1983 (lead) to thefirst state meeting of the Arizona Families for Home Education. (led) 25 The competition started last Tuesday and(draw) 535participants from 101 countries and regions(drew)26/27/28/29. As he (drive) the main street of his town, he hadthe strangest thought, Stop and buy a gallon of milk He(shake) his head and (say) out loud, God, is that you?nHe didn t get reply and started driving toward home But again, the thought(occur), Buy a gall on of mi lk n Okay, God, incase that is you, I will buy the milk ” (drove/ shook/ said/ occurred) 30/31/32/33 I thought I was entering an empty store, but suddenly I realized it was not empty at all. Three robbers(be) in theprocess of a robbery and my entrance into the store(catch)them by surprise One of the criminals immediately (shoot)me. I (fall) down. (were/ caught/ shot/ fell)34/35 Volunteers from the community teach businesses, how they are organized, and how products (make) and (sei 1). (aremade/ sold)36. Should he go to Paris and risk not being at his wife s side when theirbaby (bear) ? (was born)37. I was shocked It was a beautiful life that(fly) away inan instant(flew)38/39/40/41. In the past banks (lend) money to people whocouldn t pay it back, which(mean) some banks(run)out of money, and (go) out of business(lent/ meant/ ran/went)42. When people learn that you (pay) so much for a dead horse,they will certainly offer it if anyone gets one(have paid)43. A group of scientists (lead) by Professor Angelo areteaching a child-behaving” robot to speak(led)44/45/46 She loved them all, but there was one piece and she often (refer) to it as her motivational stained glassn She (tell) me that she (hang) this particular piecein her kitchen window where she would see it every day. (referred/ told/ hung)47/48 Refusing to look back at the cookie thief, she boarded the plane, and (sink) in her seat Then she(seek) her book,which was almost complete(sank/ sought)49/50. The photos (take) many years ago (lose) lastweek(taken/ were lost)51. The number of overseas students studying at UK universities(rise) to 330,000one in seven of the total by now(has risen)52. Oh, Rudy, you (forget) me, haven t you? (have forgotten)53. The study involved crops(grow) in six provinces of northernChina between 1992 and 2007. (grown)54. One day, a poor traveler arrived in the village He had no food ormoney, and he (eat) nothing for days(had eaten)55. The trees(blow) down in the storm have been moved off theroad. (blown)II综合练习(高级篇
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