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牛津小学英语6B Unit 1单元教材分析教材解读本单元的主要话题是两种事物的比较,通过Ben, Jack和Su Hai之间的闲聊引出本单元的主要语言项目:形容词比较级。教师可创设情景,用实物或动作将比较级的概念清晰明了地传播给学生,同时注重比较级单词的读法与写法规律。学情分析1、本单元重点学习形容词及其比较级用法。教学中,教师在每个环节中都要注重对情景的设计。利用实物进行比较,让学生对比较级有直观清晰认识。另外本单元牵涉到人物的比较,教学中可联系学生实际进行语言交际,让学生在真实的交际中体会语言,学习语言。2、注重对语法知识的渗透讲解。学生刚接触比较级对其用法易模糊,特别对于“than”和“asas”两句型易混淆,因此教学中教师有必要对学生对此句型进行简单梳理,讲清两句型特点及区别。3、注意对“Whos(比较级)than?”和“Whoseis(比较级)?”两句型的区别讲解,在教学中学生对这两句型的构成易混淆,教师要注意在新授时帮助学生理清句式特点及句意。教学目标1、能听懂会说、会读、会写单词tall, young, old, heavy。2、能听懂会说、会读单词和词组twin, minute, centimeter, child, also, chat。3、能听懂会说、会读日常交际用语:Im as tall as you. Su Yangs twenty minutes younger than Su Hai. Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine?4.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whos taller than David? Gao Shan is taller than David。5.了解字母组合or在单词中读音。6.会唱歌曲I wish I was taller。教学重点1、能掌握本单元的四会单词、句型。2、灵活运用形容词的比较级于真实情景中。教学难点掌握形容词比较级的读写规律及用法。课时设计第一课时:B. Look read and learn C. Work in pairs第二课时:A. Listen, read and say第三课时:C. Work in pairs D. Listen and write第四课时:E. Look, read and judge第五课时:F. play a game G. Listen and repeat第六课时:H. Sing a song 完成补充习题教具准备录音机.磁带.挂图.图片.相关的实物等Period 1主备人:徐剑梅 执教人: 备课组成员:徐剑梅 沈婵 赵培源 陈宏平Teaching contentsB、Look, read and learn. C、Work in pairsRepeated prepare lessonsTeaching aims1、能听懂、会说、会读、和会拼写单词tall, Young, old, heavy。2、能听、说、读懂本单元中所学的形容词及比较级。3、能听、说、读句型Whos taller than? is taller than。Teaching focal points1、掌握本部分所学的形容词及其比较级,并能运用于情景中。2、掌握句型“Whos than? Whoseis?”。Teaching difficult points了解并掌握形容词比较级在语音与字形上的变化。Teaching aid prepares录音机、磁带、相关实物、图片等Teaching stepsStep 1 Warm up.1. Listen to a song: I wish I was taller2. greetings3. Free talk可围绕以下句型与不同学生展开:Hello. Good morning! Nice to see you at new term. How old are you now? Oh, Youre younger than me. Look, he is tall. Whos taller than him? Look at my scarf. Its long. The scarf is longer than this ruler(随着手拿一尺子)Step2 Presentation1. Learn long, longer由Free talk引出long, longer.并出示单词指导生朗读,并比较两词区别其间教师不断地出示实物,边比较边发音long-longer.Practice in pairs指导生利用现有实物练说long-longer2. Learn Whoseis, yours or mine?教师将围巾与学生围巾放在一起问:Whose scarf is longer, yours or mine?并指导生回答。Practice in pairs生利用现有实物进行问答练习Ss act.3. Learn old-older, young-younger出示图画,引导生观察,随机出示两组单词指导生朗读。操练句型: Whosthan?师随意问两个同学的年龄后;指着两个学生问其他学生:Whos older/ younger than?并引导生回答。4.出示单词:tall-taller, short-shorter, small-smaller引导学生根据发现的规律进行练读。总结比较级一般情况下的发音与书写规律。5.出示big, fat, thin, heavy鼓励生写出比较级,并适当出示正确单词。强调特殊情况下比较级单词的变化规律。指导朗读。5.拼读old, young, tall, heavyStep3 Consolidation1. Listen to the tape and read after the tape.2. Look and read出示图片进行比较,指导生认读。3. Work in pairsPicture 1-2,出示挂图,师示范并随机板书句子。Groups work.出示相关图片,引导学生进行替换练习。Step 4 Homework1. Listen to the tape and repeat.(B部分)2. Write the words of pant B two times.3. Make dialogues use the words.板书内容:句子:A: Whos than? B: is. A: Whoseis , yours or mine? B: is, I think.单词:B部分出示的单词教学后记:Period 2主备人:徐剑梅 执教人: 备课组成员:徐剑梅 沈婵 赵培源 陈宏平Teaching contentsA Listen, read and sayRepeated prepare lessonsTeaching aims1、能听懂、会说、会读单词词组:minute, twin, child、 also, chat.2、能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Im as tall as you. Su Yangs (twenty minutes) younger than Su Hai.3、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whos taller than David? Gao Shan is taller than David.Teaching focal points1、能正确、规范地朗读课文,理解课文内容。2、掌握句型“Whosthan?”。Teaching difficult points1、流利、规范朗读课文。2、灵活运用句型:“than”与情景中。Teaching aid prepares录音机、磁带、相关实物、图片等Teaching steps:Step1 Warm up1. Listen to a song: I wish I was taller2. Greetings3. Free talk利用室为现有物品围绕上节课所学句型与生交谈.如:Hello, Is this your ruler? Wheres her/his ruler? Whose ruler is longer, yours or hers/ his? How old are you? Whos younger/older than you? Do you know. Whos fat/thin? Whos taller/shorter than? Look, is as tall as(此句重在引导生理解asas句式为本课学习新型做铺垫)Step3 Presentation1.学习引言部分Listen to the tape and answer the questions.a. On Sunday morning, Who went for a walk in the park?b. Who did she meet?c. What did she do?根据回答随机出示并学习词组“go for a walk have a chat, meet-met”Listen to the tape and repeat.Read together.2.学习twin, look the same, twenty minutes, one day.出示Su Hai和Su Yang的图片谈话形式引出“twin, look the same, twenty minutes”如:T: Look at the picture. Who are they?S: Theyre Su Hai and Su Yang?T: Yes. Theyre twins.(出示单词)They look the same.(出示词组)Do you know. Whos younger?Su Yang is twenty minutes younger than Su Hai(出示词组twenty minutes)Do you want to meet them one day?(出示“one day”)指导朗读出示的词组。3.Listen to the tape and answer questions.Do Su Hai and Su Yang look the same?Is Su Hai as tall as Su Yang?Whos younger, Su Hai or Su Yang?Does Jack has any brothers or sisters?Whos Jimmy?How old is Jimmy? Whos younger, Jimmy or Jack?Step4 Consolidation1. Listen to the tape
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