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nit 3 ParA第一课时一、听录音,判断听到的单词与图片是( T)否(F )相符。.( ) 2( )3.( ) .( )5.( )二、听录音,选出听到的句子。1A. I havea nw clasom.B. I have newfrin. A hats her nm er name is Lcy.What hi name sname i Lucy. Really A English friedB. Reall A Chine fren4. . Hes tal,but ot stng.B. Hestall n ong. A. Shes mygo fied. Shes tall dthinB. Shes my good frend. Ses ort and tin三、听录音,根据听到的内容补全对话。A: Mum, I hve an. B. His na isLily. C.Hes namisTom( ) 3 一sJak yor ew rind 一_. A. Ys, is. B.Y, is. C ,hes( ) 4 一Llii _ _.A. very fiendB. relly. fiendly( ).My good fiend istallad _ _. A. shortB.stongC nw六、把下列句子排成一段对话。( ) IsLi Mingfrindy( ) Yes, hes very frindly.( )His amisL ig.( ) Mum, I haveanew frie.( ) Ye, e i( )Whais ame( ) Really Chise fnd七、根据给出的单词,仿照例子写对话。例: Zhang Peng, al ndstron Myfrend ang Png istandstro.1. Lucy, tll dthi _2.Lly, tiu _3. Jack, hort andstong _答案一、1.T 2. 3. T . 5.T二、.B . A 3. B 4.B 三、1. frind. Really 3. hinese . frinly5. nae 6nme7. tal8. ton四、1 C2 B3 B4. C5. A五、1. B2. .B.C5. B六、1.2 3. . 5 6 7. 七、1. friend Lcy s tlland tin. 2. fiend ily s bautiful3. My rie Jcks shoradstrong.听力材料一、听录音,判断听到的单词与图片是( T )否(F )相符。1.thin2. strong .eafulal5. friedl二、听录音,选出听到的句子。1. Ihaanew frid.2. Whats her aHram is Lcy. RallyA Chinesfrien4. Hes tl andstro5. Shesmy good frind. Ses tl and thi.三、听录音,根据听到的内容补全对话。A: Mu, have a newfrindB: Ral A Chinee friendA:Yes, he vey fried.B:Whats is nmeA:Hes nameihngPe Loo! Hes tall andstrn.: Yes, he is.h: /
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