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PEP三年级英语下册Uint 2基础知识梳理一、重点单词。(英汉互译)(12分)1. 父亲_2. (口语)爸爸_3. 男人_ 4. 女人_5. 母亲_ 6. 姐; 妹_7. 兄; 弟_ 8. (外)祖母_9. (外)祖父_10. (口语)(外)祖父_11. (口语)(外)祖母_12. family_二、重点句子。(汉译英)(6分)1. 那位男士是谁呀? _2. 他是我爸爸。_3. 那位女士是谁呀? _4. 她是我妈妈。_5. 她是你妈妈吗? 是的, 她是。_6. 他是你爸爸吗? 不, 他不是。_三、核心语言点。(24分)本单元我们学习了如何简单询问有关家人的情况。请根据提示补全单词来梳理知识吧。家人询问人物身份家人称呼1.grandf 7.W is that man?2.grandm 8.H is my.3.fa 9.W is that woman?4.mo 10.S is my.5.bro 11.-Is h /s your.?6. sist -Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isnt单元强化检测四、读一读, 判断下列所给单词是否与句中画线单词为同一类, 同类写“T”, 不同类写“F”。(10分)()1. dadHe is a teacher. ()2. family That is my grandpa. ()3. father This is my mum. ()4. boy Look at that girl. ()5. brother Is that your sister?五、单项选择。(10分)()1. Whos that_? He is my dad. A. girlB. boy C. man()2. Is he your _? A. grandpa B. sister C. mother()3. She is my _. A. dad B. grandmaC. grandfather()4. That _ is my sister. A. boy B. man C. girl()5. Is _ your mother?A. he B. she C. I六、读一读, 根据图片提示圈出单词, 补全句子。(10分)1. Whos that (boygirl)?(HeShe) is my(brothersister). 2. Is (heshe) your (grandmagrandpa) ?Yes, (heshe) is. 3. Is your (fathermother) a teacher? (YesNo). 4. This (boygirl) is my (brothersister). (HeShe) is a (teacherpupil). 5. Look at this (manwoman). (HeShe) is my (fathermother). 七、连词成句。(8分)1. boythatWhois(? )2. shemotherIsyour(? )3. familyismyThis(. )4. Hegrandfatherismy(. )八、阅读短文, 完成任务。(20分)Look, this is a family. This little boy is Tom. He is ten. He is a student. This man is his father. He is a teacher. That woman is his mother. She is an actress. She is beautiful. That little girl is his sister. She is only one year old. They are a happy family. (一)根据短文内容, 选出正确的选项。(12分)()1. _ is Toms family. A. B. ()2. Toms father is a(n) _. A. teacher B. doctor C. actress()3. Toms _ is an actress. A. father B. mother C. sister(二)根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。(8分)()4. Tom is a pupil. ()5. Toms sister is a student. 答案基础知识梳理一、1. father 2. dad 3. man 4. woman5. mother 6. sister 7. brother8. grandmother9. grandfather10. grandpa11. grandma 12. 家; 家庭二、1. Whos that man?2. He is my father. 3. Whos that woman?4. She is my mother. 5. Is she your mother?Yes, she is. 6. Is he your father?No, he isnt. 三、1. grandfather2. grandmother3. father4. mother 5. brother 6. sister 7. Who8. He 9. Who 10. She 11. he; she单元强化检测四、1. F2. F3. T4. T5. T五、1. C点拨:由答句可知问的应是男士, A选项被排除, 而且回答为爸爸, 应该是位成年男子, 所以选择man而不是boy。2. A点拨:he为“他”, 用于男士, 只有A选项是男士。3. B点拨:she为“她”, 用于女士, 只有B选项是女士。4. C点拨:由sister可知这是一位女性, 只有C选项符合。5. B点拨:mother为女士, 应选择she与之搭配使用。六、1. boy; He; brother 2. he; grandpa; he3. mother; No4. girl; sister; She; pupil5. woman; She; mother七、1. 2. 3. 4. 八、1. B2. A3. B4. T5. F
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