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2020年精编仁爱版英语资料 Unit 4 Our world Topic 3 Section C导学案Knowledge aims:1. 能根据音标正确拼读下列生词:correct, safely, true, perfect, cheat, search。2. 能理解下列单词的含义并能拼写其中的黑体词:perfect, true, correct, search。3. 能够正确使用“主语+及物动词+宾语+宾补”的结构。 4. 能够用英语谈论因特网的利与弊。 Skill aims:1. 能听懂本课文本材料,及其他介绍因特网的文章。 2. 能在图片或者关键词的提示下,介绍一件事物的正反两方面。3. 能读懂本篇文章以及与之水平相当的文章。4. 能通过调查,写出他人使用因特网的情况。Emotional aims: 通过对因特网利与弊的学习,学生能够明白任何事物都有两面性的道理,教育学生正确使用因特网。二、学习重点(Key points): 1. 复习“主语+及物动词+宾语+宾补”的结构。 2. 学习用英文介绍因特网的特点。 3. 利用所学知识、结合调查的结果写一篇有关同学们使用因特网情况的文章。三、学习难点(Difficult points):根据采访结果写一篇报道。 四、学习策略(Learning strategies)1. 在学习因特网利与弊的时候,对比记忆,一条优点与之对应的不足,可以让你在辩论的时候借助对方的信息,还击对方。2. 采访结束之后,你应该将采访的结果用文章的形式记录下来。五、知识链接一、自习自疑(一)、词汇过关I.看第137页P.101的新单词,试拼读,并小组内相互拼读。II.熟记并默写。1.完美的;最佳的 2.安全地 3.确实的,真的;真正的 4.欺骗;作弊 5.正确的;恰当的;改正,纠正, 6. 搜索,搜查 (二)、阅读教材一. 写出下面动词的第三人称单数形式。1. make- 2. do- 3.help- 4. use- 5.spend- 6. think- 7.chang- 8.get- (三)、 在文中划出下列短语并翻译1.after class 2.an important part 3. all kinds of 4. on the internet 5.share sth. with sb. 6. make friends 7.each other 8. chat online 9.do shopping 10. listen to music 11.watch movies 12.not all of 13. use sth.to do sth. 14. get money 15.spend on sth. 16.and so on 17.for the better (四)、 在文中找到下列句子并翻译总结1.Some people use the Internet to hurt others and try to get money by cheating. 译 : .use sth. to do sth. 用某物做某事。 我不能用语言描述我的感受。I a word my feeling.by 介词:用.(方式,手段) 。 cheat v.&n.意为“欺骗,作弊”。这个男人骗取了这套房子。The man got the house .2. Some young people usually spend too much time playing games and so on.译: 。spend动词:花费;度过。主语是人。常用结构有:spend.on sth和spend . (in) doing sth. 3.The Internet can change our lives for the better , but we should use it carefully.译: 。for the better向着较好的情况(转变),相对应的词组为for the worse.carefully副词:小心地,认真地。英语里,有很多形容词+ly,变为副词。如:strongly,easily,happily等4.However,there are two sides to every story.译 :_however意为“然而,但是”。是较正式的用语。可位于句首、句中或句末,且常用逗号与其他部分分开。but常位于句中 。如:I called him yesterday no one answered.He was ill, ,he decided to go.5.宾语补足语:是补充宾语的成分,通常置于宾语之后。宾语和宾语补足语共同构成复合宾语。 用作宾语补足语的有:名词短语、形容词短语、介词短语、不定式短语和分词短语等。 二、 我想问:将预习中不能理解的短语和句子写下来,等待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。_ 家长签字_预习等级_组长签字_三、自主探究活动一:Read and understand 1. Read the passage and do 1b 2. Written work(3)活动二:Work alone(listen and fill the blanks) 四、 自测(一)根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1. John comes from Australia and speaks (完美的)English.2. I believe my dream will come (真的) one day.3. Its not (恰当的)to speak with your mouth full.4. Can you show me how to (搜索) information on the Internet.5. I often visit some English (网站) to learn English.(二)用括号中单词的适当形式填空。1. Youd better remember English words by (use) them.2. We should use Internet (safe).3. Internet can make our lives more interesting and (easy).4. Dont spend too much time (watch) TV. Its not good for your eyes.5. Some parents dont think Internet is (use) for young children.(三)阅读理解。Do you know about computers and the Internet? Maybe your answer is “Yes”. 1 Some young men even think the Internet is the most important thing in their lives. 2 Today computers are getting smaller and smaller, but they work faster and faster. The Internet came a little later than computers. 3 On it we can read books, write letters, do some shopping, play games and so on.Many students like the Internet very much. 4 They make friends on the Internet but maybe they will never see each other. They are so interested in making unreal“friends” that they cant set their heart on their studies. 5 But at the same time, we should remember that we cant do well all things on the Internet. 阅读上面的文章,把方框中的句子还原到文章原处。A It appeared in the 1970s.B We can use computers and the Internet to learn more about the world.C Today almost e
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