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练 习 Drct: The ae 20 blank in the flloing psae.oreac blnk tere ae ou chocs mrkedA), B), B) ndD)nthe rigt sid o eape. ushul choosetheONtat best fits tote passage. The mark hcorespdin ter in th Anwr Sheetwh asnle linthrouh theenter. Edy dacs If you have swerved toaoid stepping o crackin he idwalk, you hav dane yoh1e verknt opr, you ave dand.For these actios hefigred imprtant te istor of danc. Danc goes to th beginnig of civiliztn- 4 thetrib.-where ie danced to get 5 heywanted Prmtive dncewas 6 l practc, ntthesocaldancg we knwtoda. Nive apoacecei srousnss asa way thpte trib in heilproce srvva. Dncwasbelieved to be the direct way orepel locusts, t 10rai t all, to insurethat a l eiwould be born, a 1 guarantee vctoy in a orthoming battles. Primii12 was generall oeby many pple moingi the sme aner an direco.1 all ance ad ers, solo dance1 rre Much e was ma f15 rt of the by. And so16 were thes trbe nces tat , if ate 17 is asil tep, he would be tto dath 18h spo. ortunately, the se riid 19tha govened the lives of thes people donot aply in th 0rlaxe ettingf toays ane.1. ) ver B)before C) nver ) ft2. A) ot B) C) for )aoun3. A)orwa B)bck )u )don4. A)t B)for C)of D)to5. A)when )why C)whch D)what. A)abot B)bove C)uder )over7. )itle B) les C)rea )ease8. A)o B)ov C)o D)a9 )mos )firC)lst D)last. )cause B)ppen C)r D)mke11 A)or B)o )t D)t12. )food B)daceC)spells D)havs13. A)inceB)Despt )ThsD)Athough1. A)are)was)were )i5. A)olyB)every )then D)ome1.A)coic )bing C)semn )trng1. A)wul )sou C)ght )could1. A)n B)at C)on )arond19. )tis )messagesC)eview D) ules0. A)le B)oe )leasD)mo Anwr:1 A 2. C 3. 4D5.D6.B 7. B8. C9. A 10. A11 12. 13 A 1. . 16. C17. 18 1. D 20. 练 习 2 Directs:Thee re20banks in te olowig pssae.Foreach ank ther are fourcocesmarkeA),C),B) andD)on the rightsi of th paper.You should chothe ONEthbes fit the passage. The arthe orresondinglettrintheAswereet wit asinlelne houh t cntr. The tritio wedding vo “o stytogeher ill death uso pt” i becoin obolet in t weserncotis 1 divoce rates cntinueto rise steadily. In theUS, forxpe, the ttitics for 178 hw ivorcefor 2to ariages; in tht yea, ove a millon upes tir maries dissole,oen at hi fina and socal 4 Oe fatrbehin te ay ise n raes, codng to socolgts, is h changng 6 ofwen. oe and morewomnre otiuinto ork 7marrie,thu emanigfiacilydepenent. 8, tyabcomn ls o hsbadsho treatthem as sborinaes.0 important far is te gradualrelatioof ivorc 11 nmany sats.is ow 12eayto btai a ivce n th 3 of irretrevable bedownof mariage.14ice ften eonl saisfacto slutin marrie couples o an nolonge5 th sigt o echohe, it canhaea shokingeffectn teir 16 tis etimaed hat one 17 four chidren in thenitd States 8lis wth oy one pat Mny succidre grow up to be emoioaly unsabe to 19 withhe ressure oodern socety.The re theprincipal 20 of dvce. 1. )o B) hile )thog D)as 2. A)evy )te )consid D)ea 3. A)let B)ished C)nt )ha4A)fe B)cag C)du )cost 5)wdn )eath C)ic )ow 6. A)stats B)tay C)tal D)ste 7 A)l B) for C)ater D)nce. A) Still B)reove )Thereb D)wever 9 A)toerae B)tlernt )ntolerable D)noleant 0. A)her B)Aothe )An )One 1. A)rder B)rincples C)w )dsipins 1.)elative B)considrabe )elativl D)consieig13. A)surfaces B)brdrs C)otos D)gronds 4.A)Whie B) A C)ut D)hereo1. )see B)eep )stand D)cah 6. A)ren B)boys
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