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课时训练(二十四) Unit8(九上)(限时:30分钟).选择填空1.Everyone must follow the traffic rules and guard any possible danger on the road. A.overB.againstC.withD.at2.2019宜宾改编 of them felt tired but quite happy after sports meeting. A.Every one; the two-dayB.None; a two-day C.Everyone; two daysD.None; two days 3.2019宿迁Anna, how does the dress look on me?To tell you the , it doesnt fit you well.A.tradeB.trustC.truthD.treat4.2019常州He chose to study in a junior school near his home. It to be a wise decision.A.put outB.put onC.turned outD.turned on5.Dont worry! Im sure youll your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them. A.catch up withB.be pleased withC.get on well withD.agree with6.2019兰州We are supposed some housework with our parents when we have free time.A.to shareB.sharingC.shared D.share7.2019盐城一模Listen! Who is singing in the next room?It must be Sally. I often hear her there.A.singingB.singsC.to singD.sing8.2019无锡You havent said a word since last Friday. Whats wrong?Nothing. Just leave me alone.A.simpleB.singleC.similarD.silent9.2019贵港Why was Jim late for work this morning?He got up late.A.nearlyB.graduallyC.hardlyD.probably10.2019淮安The charities have helped more children with the money people raise.A.whoB.whatC.whereD.which.2019连云港一模完形填空When I was about 12, I had an enemy, and I always thought Id never speak to her. She is a girl 11 liked to point out all my disadvantages. Sometimes she said I was thin. Sometimes she said I was 12. Sometimes she said I wasnt a good student, and so on. At last, I became very 13. I ran to my father with tears in my eyes.He listened to me quietly, and then he asked, “Are the things she said about you 14 or not? Mary, didnt you ever wonder 15 youre really like? Go and make a 16 of everything she said and 17 the things that are true. Pay 18 attention to the other things she said.”I did as my father told me. To my 19, I discovered that about half of the things that the girl pointed out were true.I brought the list back to my dad. He 20 to take it. “Thats just for you,”he said. “You know yourself better than 21 else. When something said about you is true, youll find it will be 22 to you. Dont shut your ears. Listen to them all, hear the truth, 23 do what you think is right.”Many years have 24. The situation often appears in my mind. In our lives we often meet with some 25 and we often go to someone and ask for advice. For some advice you will treasure all your life!()11.A.whoseB.whereC.whoD.which()12.A.lazyB.strongC.funD.tall()13.A.happyB.angryC.stressedD.tired()14.A.trueB.seriousC.difficultD.suitable()15.A.whyB.whereC.whoD.what()16.A.moneyB.silenceC.listD.paper()17.A.changeB.markC.ignoreD.cancel()18.A.noB.someC.moreD.any()19.A.surpriseB.markC.delightD.horror()20.A.wantedB.expectedC.refusedD.disliked()21.A.someoneB.anyoneC.nobodyD.anything()22.A.worriedB.easyC.afraidD.helpful()23.A.andB.orC.butD.yet()24.A.passB.pastC.passedD.passing()25.A.troubleB.changesC.rewardsD.success.2019扬州阅读理解That morning, we noticed a cab following Sir Henry and Dr. Mortimer in London. But who?We went to Sir Henrys hotel. Holmes asked Dr. Mortimer if anyone with a black beard lived in or near Baskerville Hall.“Yes,” said Dr Mortimer, “Barrymore.”“We must send a telegram to check whether Barrymore is in London or at Baskerville Hall,” said Holmes.Sir Henry said he wanted to go to Baskerville Hall.“OK,” said Holmes. “But you mustnt go alone. Watson can go with you.”Sir Henry and I agreed to take the 10:30 train on Saturday.Holmes thought deeply on the way home: the story of the Hound, Sir Charless death, the strange letter, the missing boot and the black-bearded man. He sat in his room all afternoon, smoking and thinking.Just before dinner, a telegram arrived. It said, “Barrymore is at Baskerville Hall.”“That becomes a dead end, Watson. We will have to look for another way to go forward.”Just then the door bell rang. It was the cab driver who drove the man with the black beard. “I got a message that you are asking for me,” he said. “Ive never had a complaint. I came here to ask you what you had against me! ”“No, no,” said Holmes.“Instead, Ill give you money if you tell me about the man in your cab this morning. He watched this house at 10:00 and then told you to follow the two gentlemen.”The driver looked surprised and then answered, “The man said he was a detective and that I shouldnt tell anyone about him.”“Its serious, my friend, and you may be in trouble if you refuse to answer.”“His name,” said the driver, “was Sherlock Holmes.”Id never seen Holmes more surprised. Th
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