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译林版(三起)六年级英语上册期末考试试题1语音辨析。判断划线部分发音是否相同,相同的(T),不同的(F)。(4分)(1)cook cool ( ) (2)hardArm ( ) (3)mother girl ( )(4)year bear ( ) (5)smoke hot ( ) (6)look zoo ( )(7)rubbish ruler( ) (8)dance gate ( )2英汉互译(14分)(1)举办一场时装秀_ (2)看舞狮_(3)浪费能源_ (4)我们的手机_(5)小心地滑_ (6)中国新年_(7)下周_ (8)their plans for Christmas_(9)reuse water_ (10)makeA sentence with “cake”_(11)save energy_ (13)messyAnd dirty_(13)protect the Earth_ (14)World Environment_3My mother_a lot of things for New Years Day yesterday.A.saw B.bought C.went4Its the 23th of December._ is coming.A.Helloween B.Easter C.Christmas5Helen is writing emails _ her friends.A.for B.to C.of6What do the signs_? The signs_“No parking”.A.means,means B.mean,means C.mean,mean7He is _his books.He _ it for his lesson.A.look for,bring B.looking for, brought C.looking for,brings8In the library, we should not_.A.be careful B. eat or drink C.read books9_Chinese New Years Eve,IAlways haveA dinner with my family.A.In B.At C.On10There is not_ coal or oil on earth. We should save energy.A.many B.any C.much11Mike likes_in the city, but I_.A.living;cant B.lives;dont C.living;dont12The weather became_And _.A.wind;cloudy B.wind;cloudy C.windy;cloudy13Earth Day is on the _.A.5th of June B.22th ofApril C.5th of July14-What does “No smoking”mean?-It means we cant_here.A.skate B.swim C.drink15用括号内正确的形式填空。(8分)(1)_you_(watch)A film next Friday?(2)Look, the girls_(jog) in the playground.(3)We couldnt _(swim) ten yearsAgo.(4)Where _(be) you last weekend? I_(be) on the farm.(5)My brother usually _(fly) kitesAfter school.(6)Did you _(see) my pen? No, I didnt.16句型转换。(5分)(1)Mikes family went to Shanghai yesterday.(改为否定句)(2)Mikes family_ _to Shanghai yesterday.(3)They were in the office just now.(改为一般疑问句)(4)_ they in the office just now?(5)WeAre going to seeA parrot show tomorrow.(划线部分提问)(6)_you going to_tomorrow?17根据上下文内容,完成对话。(7分)It is Sunday morning. Liu TaoAnd Yang LingAre going to the cinema_bike. TheyAre coming toA crossing.Yang Ling:Stop! Liu Tao!Liu Tao: Why? Its late. We _hurry up. Yang Ling:LookAt the light. Its red now,And it means“Danger”. The carsAnd the buses must_and we must_here.Liu Tao: What does the _light mean?Yang Ling:It means“wait”. We should wait till the light is _.Liu Tao:Yes, I see. The light is green now. We can_now!Yang Ling: Ok! Lets go.18根据短文内容,判断正误。(正确的写T,错误的写F)ThereAre many people on the bus. Some have seats, but some have to stand.AtA bus stop,A woman gets on the bus.An old man is near the doorAnd tries (试着) to stand up.Oh, no, thank you, the woman forces(强迫) him back to the seat.Please dont do that. I can stand.But, Madam, let me.says the man.IAsk you to keep your seat. the woman says. She puts her hands on the old mans shoulder (肩膀). But the man still tries to stand up.Madam, will you let me.?Oh, no. says the woman. SheAgain forces the man back. At last (最后) the old man shouts (大声喊),I want to get off the bus!(1)All the people have seats in the bus.(2)An old man gets on the busAtA bus stop.(3)The old man wants to give his seat to the woman.(4)The woman sits the old mans seat.(5)The old man wants to get off the bus.19根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。ItsA quarter to eight on Monday morning. Its time for Tom to go to school.Classes beginAt 8:00. But Tom is still in his room. His mother says,“Tom, its late. You must be quick.” “Mum,where is my pencil box? It was on the desk last night. I cant find it. I cant go to school.” TomAsks his mother.LookAt Toms room. WhatA mess! His booksAre on the floor. His shoesAre on the desk.A kiteAnd some clothesAre in his bed. Toms mother comes to help him. She puts the booksAwayAnd says,”Look,your pencil box is under the books. You must lookAfter your things.”(1)What time is it now?A. Its 7:40. B.Its 7:45. C.Its 8:15.(2)Where is Tom now?A.In his room. B.In the street. C.At school.(3)Can Tom find his pencil boxAt first?A.Yes,he can. B.No, he cant. C.HeAsks his mother.(4)Where was Toms pencil box?A.On the desk. B.In the bed. C.On the floor.(5)“Mess”means_.A.整洁的 B.干净的 C.杂乱的20翻译。(8分)(1)昨天你在哪里?我在常州。Where _ you yesterday? I _ in Changzhou.(2)昨天我吃了一个鸡蛋。我没有吃蛋糕。I _An egg yesterday. I _ eat cakes.(3)下周他们打算看电影吗?_they going to _A film next week?(4)五年前,我不会使用手机,现在我会了。I _ _ mobiles phones. Now I can
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