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Green Dot TechnologiesOur TeamThea Zimnicki, co-Chief Executive and Financial OfficerHoda Rifai, co-Chief Executive and Financial OfficerRoman Stolper, Chief Technical OfficerVictor Mateas, Chief Regulatory OfficerElijah Li, Chief Marketing OfficerSam Sia, Faculty AdvisorI. Executive SummaryVaccination spoilage at the provider site is a major problem throughout the world. In the developing world, this is due to unreliable power grids, untrained and overworked personnel, and lack of resources for vaccine purchase. With the limited resources of NGOs in the developing world, vaccine spoilage reduces the ability to vaccinate against easily preventable and sometimes deadly diseases. In many cases, this leads to the administration of spoiled vaccines, which gives the illusion of protection or, worse yet, can be toxic to the patient. We have designed a refrigerator accessory that will prevent this by minimizing power consumption and cold loss during regular refrigerator use as well as informing against the administration of spoiled vaccines and maintaining a simple inventory system. This will be a cost effective solution because even a reasonable reduction of 10-30% in energy consumption would allow the user to make up the cost of the product in energy savings within 1-3 years. The potential for our product to save both energy and lives is great motivator for our team.Green Dot Technologies is made up of five biomedical engineering students from Columbia University. Wc have acquired the tools to build a company from the ground up and have a wide variety of programming, modeling, biomedical, and legal backgrounds from which to contribute. Our sensitivity to the needs of the developing world make us particularly capable of tackling these difficult problems.We intend to market this product to Non-Governmental Organizations, Governments, and other relief agencies in the developing world. We would like to partner with these groups to give them a reliable method by which to maintain and dispense vaccinations. In the developed world, we hope to market versions of our product to healthcare facilities including pharmacies and hospitals and in the future to refrigeration companies who will market it to individuals for home use.since the results from the pilot study will provide further support for the use and development of our product. Wc plan to make our first sales in 2011, most likely to NGOs operating in areas near the pilot study locations. We expect to keep 30% of sales profits, with the other 70% going to our refrigeration partner. Research and development costs will continue to rise in 2010 through 2013 as we continue our pilot study and then develop the two subsequent product models for the developed world. These costs will flatten out in 2014, after the release of these new models, and will he used to improve components of existing models.Break Even AnalysisBreak-Even AnalysisVanaote um cm:Total wiu* cosu S240 000Fteod cwt 20000Total o al costs S260.000CmoocIW urn sabs 4mTotal roveM* S320.000Prce per um 无SW.OOOBreak-Even AnalysisVanaote um cm:Total wiu* cosu S240 000Fteod cwt 20000Total o al costs S260.000CmoocIW urn sabs 4mTotal roveM* S320.000Prce per um 无SW.OOOSate, VoltMeBreak-Even Analysisunt costTom vortaoto costs gOOOfwod co! 2QQCOTottl o al cot SCO.OOOunt tatotTool $120.000Pra pOf uM eoo$60 000B63k-Even at 50 MtsSale* VbluiweDeveloping world product, first two years ofsales. Break even at 1.000 units.Developing world product, first two years ofsales. Break even at 1.000 units.Developed world healthcare product, first year ofsales. Break even at 50 units.Break-Even AnalysisHome user product, first year of sales. Breakeven at 100 units.5如 unt coat100Toui vOftBDto OMtA S50 000Ftaod coot200XTotal c ol coats $70.000DcDOClM UM Sg500Tctolrcvcru Si 50.000Prce po300Profh $80.0003 While we expect to break even in our second year of sales in the developing world, our sales in the developed world have enormous potential for profit with our first year of sales projected at above $2.5 million. The potential is even greater with proper regulation of energy consumption and a refrigeration market currently valued at $6.3 billion.With regulation focused on reducing energy consumption, we will be at the forefront of the reduction and thus have a competitive advantage. Furthermore, our product pays for itself in savings and environmental benefit. The few energy efficient refrigerators that would compete against us are potential partners rather than competitors. This puts our product in a particularly favorable position to profit from the movement toward reducing our reliance on energy while also providing reliable vaccinations in the developing world and alleviating a portion of the global health crisis.II. Company OverviewOur product will have the dual purpose of reducing the energy dependence of
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