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The Etiquette in Business NegotiationsZhangwanqunAbstract: Business negotiations means that the two parties help to bring about a trade, or in order to resolve their disputes and uphold their economic interests that they take a kind of bilateral information dissemination. It is one of the common behaviors of business activities. The two parties build up trade relations with each on the basis of equality friendship and mutual benefit .For a successful negotiation they need to reach agreement and eliminate the differences. In the successful business negotiations, there are no necessary factors to get success by observing negotiation etiquette, but if they against it, there will many needless problems for them to solve, even threaten to reach the agreement.Keywords: business negotiation; etiquette; agreement.1 The connection between the etiquette and the business negotiation:Nowadays, the business negotiation is not only a silence, but also an art. As a good negotionator, it requires not only his or her mastery of professional knowledge, mastery of sociology, psychology linguistics, but also the knowledge of etiquette, which will help him or her to copy with the business negotiation very well. The business market just likes a battlefield. Under the conditions of the market economy, between all trades and professions, and the enterprise, the merchant always fight for every inch of profit for their own economic interests. Of course, all this kind of business is not real battlefield. The competition is not a real swords and spears, is not a life-and-death flight. The trials of strength in the business market are the behavior of elegance. If the negotiators in both sides have any dispute or they are deadlocked, then all their words must be polite. All in all, whatever the effort of the negotiation is satisfied or not finally, it is also important for the two parties to pay attention to the etiquette. It is said that the main body of the business negotiation is the person, and peoples contacts are sure to accord with a specified standard of etiquette. If we violate the standard of etiquette, there will be kinds of blunt behaviors, which will not only influence the emotion exchange of the two parties, but also influence peoples appraise on your accomplishment, identity and ability, even influence the result of the negotiation. People judge you at first by what they see, so particular attention should be paid to your personal appearance. In a word, the etiquette plays an important role in business negotiations.2 The main effects about the etiquette in the business negotiations:In the business negotiation, there are five important sides about etiquette for the negotiators to care about:At first, the common etiquette in association; On the second, the etiquette of meetings; Next, the etiquette of conversation; Then, the etiquette of private communication; Finally, the etiquette to accept or refuse a gift.3.1 The common etiquette in associationOn the first point, the first thing is you need to be punctual and keep an appointment. Nowadays, in most western countries, punctuality is viewed as the most basic covenant in business negotiations. It is their friendship and respect for each other. Taking part in the various activities, you are requested to be here on time, the time for your arrival is neither too early nor too late. When you are going to take a visit, it is necessary for you to inform the host or hostess in advance. Please keep that in your mind: Dont pay a visit if the host or hostess doesnt know it. You need to respect the women and honor the old. In many countries, people are in adherence to the principle of Ladies first in the social place,And in their daily life. As one of the etiquette, the negotiators in both sides are supposed to pay attention to it, at least on the formal occasions. Then, the habits and customs of the negotiation are important for you to keep in mind. In our own historical and cultural background, different countries and nations have formed its own customs. Whats more, it must be respected in business negotiations, which can promote the business cooperation between the two parties. Next, dont talk business on catering when you have opportunities to have meal together with the other negotiators. This is mainly because :The more people ,the more talk. On the other hand,if you always talk about business in the catering, the other party will think that you are using the catering as a bait. As a result, they will think refuse you in the negotiation. In business negotiations, as a excellent negotiator, you have to be dignified, be natural and graceful, be with a friendly amiable nature of expression. Whats more, you need to stand well, sit well. Dont talk loudly or talk volubly.3.2 The etiquette of meetingsIn some meetings, introduction is always important. It is viewed as a door that helps the negotiators to know each other. There are two diff
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