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约稿信、文体概述约稿信是指报纸、 杂志、 文化栏目等媒体邀请别人写稿的信件。 在信中需要介绍该媒 体的栏目特点和媒体的受众范围。在约稿时要指定稿件的内容( 约稿发起人既可以规定要写作的内容,也可让被约稿人根据媒体和栏目的性质自己拟定写作题目和内容) ,并且要约定稿件大致的篇幅和交稿日期。二、高考赏析(2015高考全国I卷) 假定你是李华,你校英文报 “外国文化 ”栏目拟刊登介绍美国节日风俗和中学生生活的短文。 请给美国朋友彼得写信约稿。一、要点如下:1 、栏目介绍;2、稿件内容3、稿件长度:约 400 字4、交稿日期: 6 月 28 日前 Dear Peter,Id like to ask you to write an article for our schools English newspaper.The “ Foreign Cultures ” section in our newspaper is very popular among us students. It carries articles written by foreign students concerning the cultures of their home countries. Would you please write something about the culture in your part of the United States? And we would especially welcome articles about how Americans spend their holidays and festivals, and the everyday life of American senior high students. You can write anything relevant so long as it is interesting and informative. 400 words would be fine. Could we have your article before June 28?Im looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely, Li Hua.Dear Peter,Id like to ask you to write an article for our schools English newspaper.The “ Foreign Cultures ” column provides a nice platformusf students to learn more about foreign cultures. In this column there are a wide variety of English materials available to English learners. And here are some relevant details about the articles we are eager for.To begin with, not only can you write something about the everyday life of American senior high students, but also you can focus on the ways you Americans spend your holidays and festivals. Whats more, your article can have a title made up by yourself with a vocabulary of 400 or so.Last but not least, you are supposed to subscribe your article by June 28. I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.Yours faithfully,Li Hua三、常用语块1. 我想请你为 写一篇文章2. 你可以写一些关于3. 是很受 欢迎的4. 它刊登的文章是由 写的 5. 你能写点关于 吗?6. 我们会特别欢迎有关 的文章7. 你可以写与 相关的任何东西 8. 约 120 个词就好 9. 我们在 之前能收到你的文章吗? 10. 体育专栏 /娱乐专栏 11. 栏目特点 12. 读者范围 13. 语言风格 14. 改编自 15. 延长截止日期 16. 校英语报 the schools English newspaper17. 目的是为了 with the purpose of doing sth.be aimed at doing sth.with the aim to do sth.18. 使某人了解 make/help sb know sth aboutintroduce sth to sb19. 设定栏目来刊登 set up columns/sections to publish20. 热烈欢迎关于 的稿件 welcome articles about.welcome you to contribute to.21. 稿件要求 requirements about the article22. 任何相关的内容 anything relevant/concerned23. 要求要 .be expected/required to do24. 交稿 hand in ones articles25. 截止到 月 日 be due on./the deadline is./ no later than.26. 不超过 400 字的文章 an article within 400 words四、套用句式1. 我期待您的答复在您最方便的时候。2. 我想请你为我们学校的英文报纸写一篇文章。3. 你能写点关于你的学校生活吗?4. 你最好下星期日把你的文章发送给我,字数约120 个字就好。五、模板模板一:Dear被约稿人,rd like to ask you to write an article for 某媒体 .The 某栏目 ” section in our 某媒体 is very popular among 某些媒体受众to 做某事.It carries articles written by 某些别的被约稿人concering 某些话题.Would you please write something about 某些话题? A 方面 and B 方面. You can write anything releva nt so long as its in terest ing and in formative. 某数量 words would be fine. Could we have your article before 某日期?Im looking forward to hearing from you.模板二:Dear Peter,rd like to ask you to write an article for 某媒体.The 某栏目 ” columnprovides a nice platform for 某媒体受众 to 做某事.In this colu mn there are a wide variety of materials available to 这些媒体受众 .And here are some releva nt details about the articles we are eager for.To begin with, not only can you write something about A 方面,but also you can focus on B 方 面.Whats more, your article can have a title made up by yourself with a vocabulary of 某数量 or so.Last but not least, you are supposed to subscribe your article by 某日期.I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenien ce.Yours faithfully, Li Hua六、 习作修改(做短文改错,背经典范文)Dear Nan cy,I dke to ask you write an article for our school Esglish magazine. The “ Nature section provide a nice platform for us stude nts to learn more about n ature. I n this sect ion there are the wide variety of En glish materials availability to En glish learners.And here are some releva nt detail about the articles we were eager for. Firstly, not only can you write anything about the life of wild animals, but also you can focus at the knowledge about natural plants. Secondly, your article can have a title which made up by yourself with a vocabulary of about 300. Fin ally, you may fini shed your article by March 18.I m looking forward to your reply soon.Yours,Li Hua 七、课堂练习假定你是李华,你校英文报 “英语之声 ”栏目拟刊登外国笔友介绍怎样学好英语的文章。请 你给英国朋友 Jack 写一封约稿信向他约稿。要点如下:1. 怎样练习听说读写。2. 怎样记单词。3. 稿件长度:约 300 词。4. 交稿日期: 4 月 20 日前。注意: 1. 词数 100 左右。 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3. 开头语和结束语已为 你写好。Dear Jack,I would like to ask you to I am looking forward to hearing from you.Yours,Li Hua#
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