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初一英语第二学期重点句子总汇Module 1-21. 我们去参加学校郊游正玩得很开心。Were on a school trip and were having a good time.2. 他正躺在太阳下。 He is lying in the sun.3. 人们不是在起床和穿衣服。 People arent getting up or getting dressed.7. 我们非常喜欢学校的郊游。 Were enjoying the school trip a lot. 8. 我们在照很多相。 Were taking lots of pictures.9. 他们在等公共汽车和赶火车。 They are waiting for buses and running for trains.10. 一些人在家里喝下午茶。 Some people are having afternoon tea at home.11. 谢谢你的明信片。 Thank you for your postcard.12. 我们正在准备春节。 Were getting ready for the Spring Festival.13. 红色意味着好运。 Red means good luck.14. 我们通常用剪纸来装饰门。 We usually decorate the doors with paper cuts.15. 每个人在春节剪发。 Everyone has a haircut at Spring Festival.16. 在新年,我们穿上新衣服。 On New Years Day, we put on our new clothes.17. 我们通常吃一种叫“元宵”的食物。 We usually eat a kind of food called yuanxiao. 18. 他们一年到头给我们带来好运。 They bring us good luck all the year round.19. 我们几天不打扫房子。We dont clean the house for a few days.20. 孩子们对圣诞老人感兴趣。Children are interested in Father Christmas.Module 3-421. 在周末你打算做什么?What are you going to do at the weekend?22. 你愿意来吗?我愿意,那是个主意。Would you like to come? Yes, thats a good idea.23. 我打算呆在床上,然后为我的测验复习。Im going to stay in bed. Then Im going to revise for my test.25. 我正盼望着见到我的女儿。 I am looking forward to seeing my daughter.26. 我打算坐飞机去北京。I am going to take the plane to Beijing . 27. 你是怎么样从纽约到达北京的?How do you get from NewYork to Beijing?28. 我想和动物交朋友。 I want to make friends with animals.29. 每个人使用钢笔。没有人使用计算器。Everyone uses a pen. No one uses a calculators.30. 将来有学校吗?不,没有。 Will there be schools in the future? No, there wont. 31. 老师们将不用粉笔写在黑板上。The teachers wont write on a blackboard with chalk.32. 将来在每个人的桌子上有一部电脑。There is going to be(= will be ) a computer on every desk in the future.34. 将会有大雨和强风。There will be heavy rain and strong winds.35. 机器将会做农场单调的工作,因此将没有人干重活。Machines will do the dull jobs on farm, so no one will do heavy work.Module 5-636. 上海的人口是多少?上海的人口是130万。Whats the population of Shanghai? The population of Shanghai is 13 million.37. 上海的人口比香港多。The population of Shanghai is larger than that in HongKong.38. 伦敦在英国的南部。 London is in the south of England.39. 顺德以清晖园而出名。 Shunde is famous for Qinghui Garden.40. 英国的首都是有700万人口的伦敦。London is the capital of the UK, with seven million people.41. 这条河有336千米长。这座山有1,000米高。The river is 336 kilometres long. The mountain is about 1,000 metres high.42. 他擅长数学。 He is good at maths. ( He is better at maths than me 他数学比我好)43. 跑步比滑雪更便宜和安全。 Running is cheaper and safer than skiing.44. 乒乓球比体操更受欢迎。 Table tennis is more popular than gymnastics.45. 他们需要尽快学会和讲好英语。 They need to learn English quickly and speak it well. 46. 老师讲得大声和缓慢。 The teacher speaks loudly and slowly. 47. 学英语对老年人来说更困难。 Its more difficult for old people to learn English.48. 来观看奥运会的游客将会观光游玩,她准备带着他们参观北京的一个四合院。The Olympic visitors are going to do some sightseeing and shes going to take them around a Beijing Siheyuan.49他昨天直到十点才睡觉。He didnt go to bed until ten oclock.Module 7-850. 汤姆是怎样到达学校的? 坐公共汽车。 How does Tom get to school? By bus.51. 他住得离学校最远。 He lives farthest from the school.52 她的家离学校最近,所以她走路。 Her home is closest to the school, so she walks.53. 这是最贵的,但它是最舒服的方式。Its the most expensive way, but its the most comfortable way.54. 它是到校的最好的方式。 It is the best way to get to school.55. 这个旅程开车要花30分钟。 The journey takes about 30 minutes by car.56. 每年有超过3百万人参观北京。 More than 3 million people go to visit Beijing every year.几百万人坐飞机去北京。 Millions of people go to Beijing by plane.57. 从伦敦到香港什么是最便宜的方式?Whats the cheapest way to get from London to Hong Kong?58. 英国航空公司是最繁忙的国际航线之一。British Airways is one of the busiest international airlines.59. 你在哪里出生?我出生在山西省的一个小村庄。Where were you born? I was born in a small village in Shanxi Province.60. 这座村庄的名字是什么? What was the name of the village?61. 她很严格但很友好。 She was strict but very nice.62. 老师们对他们的学生很严格。 Teachers are strict with their students. 老师们对他们的工作很严格。 Teachers are strict in their work.63. 他的性格怎么样?他很友好。 What is he like? He is very friendly.64. 有很多的事情要做。 There were lots of things to do.65. 有一个有鱼在里面的池塘。 There was a pond with fish in it.66. 有一天,我将会回来。 One day, Ill go back.67. 他们以前淘气吗? 是的。/不。 Were they naughty? Yes, they were./ No, they werent.Module 9-1068. 从前,金凤花姑娘住在森林里。 Once upon a time, Goldilocks lived in the forest.69. 她决定在森林里. She decided to go for a ride in the forest.70. 她匆忙走到房子那里询问她在哪里。She hurried to the house to ask where she was.71. 金凤花姑娘从床上跳出来,没有拿她的篮子就匆匆走出房子。Goldilocks jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basket.72. 我的碗里什么都没有了,我的椅子也碎了。There is nothing in my bowl and my chair is in pieces.73. 她再也没有回过那森林了。 She didnt return to the forest again.74. 很快她就在床上睡着了。 Very soon she was asleep
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