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提高英语听力的通用秘诀提高英语听力的通用秘诀听说小伙伴学了很久英语,却发觉自己还是听不懂其他人在说什么?别担忧,因为往往进步都是潜移默化、难以察觉的。在今日的学习中,让我们来看看一些提高听力技巧的方法吧。Don’t be afraid不要胆怯!When you are having a conversation with someone in English and there is something that you haven’t understood, don’t be afraid to ask them to repeat.当你和其他人用英语交谈的时候,假如没有听懂,不要胆怯让对方再说一遍。This is very important because it gives you the chance to hear the words again to try to hear them another time at their standard speed.这对你来说特别重要,因为你获得了以标准速度再听一遍的机会。If you still don’t understand- ask for it to be repeated at a slower pace or until you understand the message.假如你还是不明白,让对方放慢语速再说一遍直到你听懂为止。What happens if you still don’t understand?假如你还是不懂,怎么办?If someone has said something to you in English that you cannot understand after many times of asking them to repeat, try asking them to change the structure and words of their sentence so that the meaning is the same but the structure different.接上文,假如对方重复了几遍,你还是不懂,尝试让他们换一些更简洁但意义相同的结构和表达。By doing this, you are still giving yourself the challenge of understanding in English without having to use any kind of translation tool or device.这样做了以后,你仍旧是靠你自己去理解他说的话,而不是借助翻译工具和设施。Don’t get stressed and panic不要惊恐担心!In a situation when you are talking to someone and you feel like you don’t understand what has been said to you, don’t panic or get stressed as this will cause you to lose any concentration that you may have had.假如你和他人说话的时候,你感觉你并不能理解他的话,不要惶恐担心,因为这会是你分散你的留意力。Always stay calm and focused on the conversation at hand, maintaining confidence in your own ability to understand.要时刻保持镇静,镇定自若的面对正在进行的谈话。记住!信任自己能够听懂(,这一点也很重要)。What can be done in your own time to improve?怎么用闲暇之余提高听力?If you find that you are exposed on a daily basis to a specific type of English like British or American for example, it is important to familiarise yourself even more with that style of the language.假如你发觉自己处于一个相对特定的英语类型,比如英式英语或者美式英语时,重要的是让自己熟识这种语言类型。If you are surrounded by British English speakers on a regular basis, it would be recommended to watch British television shows and communicate more with the British speakers around you.假如你四周的人说英式英语,那英大举荐你去看英国的电视节目,同时与更多的说英式英语的人沟通。Doing this will improve your understanding of the accent as well as increase your knowledge of the slang vocabulary associated with the precise style of the English language.这样做可以提高你对于英语腔调的理解水平;同时可以增加你在这种英语环境下对俚语单词的驾驭。What’s the most important thing to remember?记住以下几点,很重要:Always remember to stay calm and don’t get stressed- losing any confidence in your ability will make a situation worse.第一,时刻记住保持镇静,不要惊慌!不自信只会使状况更糟糕。Make sure that you are never afraid to ask someone to repeat what they said.其次,敢于让别人重复他们的话语,恒久不要感到不好意思。本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页
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