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高中动词不定式用法讲解和练习Grammar Prese ntatio n- 动词不定式一、不定式的句法功能 不定式作主语? To lear n a foreig n Ian guage is not easy. 学习外语不是一件容易的事。 不定式短语作主语时,常用it作形式主语来代替它的位置,而将真正的主语(不定式短语)移到谓语之后? It a great honor to be in vited to Mary birthday party.很荣幸被邀请参加玛丽的生日聚会。 不定式作宾语 作动词宾语 下列动词常接不定式作宾语,如:agree, arran ge, ask, beg, choose, dare, decide,dema nd,expect, fail, fear, hope, man age, offer, pla n, prepare, prete nd, promise,? They hope to find new resources for man ki nd.他们希望为人类找到新资源。 如果不定式作宾语且有自己的补语,常用“it ”作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语放在后面。下列动词常用 it 作形式宾语,如: believe, consider, feel, find, know, make? I know it impossible to finish so much homework in one day. 我知道在一天中完成这么多的作业是不可能的。 不定式作表语 不定式作表语时,一般紧跟在系动词后,说明主语的内容? The first step is to check the victim breathing.第一步是检查受害人的呼吸。 不定式作补语?Id like the problem to be discussed at the next meeting.我希望这个问题在下一次会上讨论。 不定式作定语?The students have a lot of homework to do every day. 学生们每天都有很多家庭作业要做。 不定式作状语不定式可以作原因状语、结果状语、目的状语以及方式状语不定式在下列句式中作目的状语:so as to do, in order to do? In order to ensure your hair looks its best, pay attention to what you eat.为了保证你的头发是最佳状态,请注意你的饮食。二:不定式考点归纳:考点1不定式的时态和语态:1. -Is Bob still performi ng?-Im afraid not. He is saidthe stage already as he has become an official.A. to have left B. to leaveC. to have bee n left D. to be left2. The n ews reporters hurried to the airport, on lythe film stars had left.A. to tell B. to be told C. telli ng D. told1. A.根据句子的意思“据说他已经离开了舞台”,要用不定式的完成式的主动形式。2. B.用动词的不定式的被动形式表示结果状语。考点2:不定式的功能:不定式具有名词的特征,可以作主语或宾语(例 5),具有形容词的特征,可以作表语、定语或补足语(例4);具有副词的特征,在句子中可以作状语(例 3)。3. It was un believable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours justa look at thesports stars.( 2005 上海卷)A. had B. havi ng C. to have D. have4. I don wantlike I m speaking ill of anybody, but the manager splan is unfair.A. to sound B. to be soun ded C. sounding D. to have soun ded5. In factis a hard job for the police to keep order in an importa nt football match.A. this B. that C. there D. it3. C.本题考查不定式作目的状语。体育球迷们等在体育场外三个小时,目的仅仅是为了看一眼这些体育明星”。4. A. want后面要选用不定式形式,sou nd是连系动词,不能用被动语态。5. D.句子的真正主语是不定式短语to keep order in an important football match 形式主语。考点3:不定式的省略:分为两种:一种是不定式符号“”后面省略实义动词的形式(见考例6);另一种则是对不定式符号“”的省略(见例 7)。6. The boy wan ted to ride his bicycle in the street but his mother told him.(NMET2005)A. not to B. not to doC. n ot do it D. do not7. Paul doesn have to be made. He always works hard. (NMET2005)A. learn B. to lear n C. learned D. learni ng6. A. tell sb. to do sth.的意思是“告诉某人做某事”,其否定形式是在 to前面加not。英语 中,为了避免重复,常用省略形式,因此这个句子省略了do it。选项B如果加上it,也是正 确的。7. B . make, let, have, hear, see, feel, watch, notice等动词,后面接不定式作宾补语时,常省略不定式to。但是,当这类动词用于被动结构作主语补足语时,动词不定式必须带to。考点4:不定式的否定形式动词不定式的否定形式是在不定式符号“”前面直接加上,有进为了强调也可以用否定词来否定(见考例8、9)8. The purpose of new tech no logies is to make life easier,it more difficult.(NMET1999)A. not make B. not to make C. not making D. do not make9. The teacher asked usso much noise.(2003 北京卷)A. don make B. not make C. not making D. not to make& B .动词不定式 to make life easier 和 not to make it more difficult 都作 is 的表语。做这类题 目时,要比较非谓语动词的形式,前后要保持一致,后面不能省略to。9、D 本题考查动词不定式的否定形式作宾语,句子的意思为:老师叫我们不要制造很大 的噪音。考点5:不定式的搭配形式: 不定式常常独立存在的,如果强调其所表动作的时间、地点、 内容、方式等时,可出现“疑问 +不定式”的结构;强调动词不定式所表动作的使用工具、 范围等时应使用“不定式 +介词”的结构(见考例 10)。10. It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows.(NMET2002 )A. it what to do withB. What to do it withC. what to do with itD. to do what with it10、本题考查“疑问 +不定式”和动词作短语do with的用法。根据本题的句意可以看出,由于know不可以直接跟动词不定式而排除D ; “疑问+不定式”结构当然要把疑问词置于前面,从而排除 A; whatdo with实际上是一个常用的短语,在短词中what作do的宾语,句中的it作介词with的宾语,故选 C。Focused Practice (1)- 不定式I基础巩固用动词的适当形式填空1. While she lived, her front gate was always locked and no one ever saw her (leave)or saw anybody (go) in.2. The thieves happened (quarrel) about the treasures when the police went in.3.It is not difficult (learn) a foreign Ianguage if you spend time and effort on it.4. He was ever so happy (admit) to the army.5. The student pretended (study) hard when his mother came in.6. Charles Babbage is gen erally con sidered (invent) the first computer.7. The magazines are not allowed (take) out of the reading room.8. Would you like (go) with me or would you rather (stay) at home ?9. My work is (clean) the room every day.1O.She lets her children (play) in the street.n .运用提高根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1. 我把做最后决定的事交给你了。I will leave it to you .2. 我昨天听见她在隔壁唱过一首歌。I heard her in the next room yesterday.3. 有人看见她胳膊下夹着一本书走进教室。She was seen with a book under her arm.4. 我会认为他是一个诚实的人。I will consider him .5. 问题一提出,他第一个举起手。When the question was out, he was the first one .6. 他没有及时意识到问题重要性。He was the last of this problem.7. 他是个很难对付的老师。He is a tough teacher .8. 恐怕我不能参加你的晚会了,因为我有很多事情要做。I am afrai d l can attend your party, for l
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