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第八章 科技SCTIONI:英译中 2D(Two imnionl gaphic mages d nimate imes) 平面3D (Tr dimnsnl aphicsimges and aiated imge) 三维3 Reing 三维渲染Aaerial toressing 空中施肥dvancedtecholog 先进技术aglectrnic tecnoy 模拟电子技术animatio n 动画片AL (merica ie) 美国在线pCorportion苹果公司atifa itllgece (AI) n 人工智能详析Afeld ofscienc hathas ttmpted o improve copuersby ryin to incorraecharactesic o human intelliene, suc sthe ailitoundrstad ntura languageand toperfrrasoning uder ertain coniios of uneait.artifica lif (ALor Alif) n 人工生命 详析 Newdiscilinehat studiesnaal life by tempti to rcrea iolgicalphenoen frm rat witn copurs n otherrtifical media. life mplmets he adionl nalyic apprc of tradtiona ilogywth yntetic ppoach i which, hethan tuying bologcal pheomenby ain par lvin oganisms tose hotywk, oe ttp to put togersysems thtbh ike livi ogsms SI (Amerian nard Code fr IfmonInehngecopute haracterse) 美国信息互换原则码A (Automatic TellrMhne) 自动柜员机audo crd n. 声卡udio onfernce n 音频会议;电话会议BBitechnoogy n. 生物工程pliction whichinolve th dliberte maniplaton o he DNA mecules, te sustwhi cells thtcarrs te recipefr the orans ndis inherteby offsping fromares.Bnd C 公司对公司(商家对商家),及公司对消费者的电子商务bawidth 带宽r cde n条形码详析Altentestandardsfo markng poducts r oer itms forrading by lase beamsBS (Bulleti Board Sysems) 公示板系统,论坛oomark n 电子书签broser n. 浏览器ullin n. 子弹头列车Ccache memry . 高速缓冲存储器cler I dipy 来电显示camcorder n 便携式摄像机 Burng光盘刻录CDTD 码分多址 (一种扩频多址数字式通信技术 )详析 Cde isin Multipe AcessnTime Diiin Mltl Acces ua-mde cela teepnes that id the recving of faxandcomputernewor a on couts ndPAs.CD-RWor DRewrtable 可重刻h lins o chatooms n. 聊天室PU (Cetr Procesng nit) n 中央解决器cybrse n. 电脑空间cotor n导体convection. 对流cotx 大脑皮层rocs n. 人体冷冻法 详析abrnc o siecett ais to evelopeersiblesended aimaioncttig-ege. 优势;前沿,极其重要的状态或位置 Dabase n数据库desktopideconferencing n(桌面)视频会议al-p onncon . 拨号连接Digal Video(V)/ Camcodr n. 数码摄像机dstane edatio (E) . 远程教育 E, FEearnig(or Webaedtrinng) . 电子学习ncyptin n. 加密rewall n 防火墙Fla 由macromed公司推出的交互式矢量图和 Web 动画的原则frntie scince andehnlogy 科技发展前沿FTP(Fie TansfrProool use for dnloaingiles o theIeet) 文献传播合同eti engineering n. 遗传工程 详析 the procss f ransferring N frm one gais into anothe tt reslts in a gentc modifcati; te produton oa rsgenc organs,hacker (preakr) n 黑客,骇客hrd iv n.硬盘驱动器hemispher n.大脑半球high scitific nd tcnologicalconet 科技含量高om age n. 主页nsulato n 绝缘体nteacive elvio (IT) n. 互动电视B= nternationa Bsines Machnes Corortion 美国国际商用机器公司intrnetsuing n 网上冲浪interne n. 互联网iranet . 公司内部互联网(局域网)SO (Interntionl Orgaizatin for Stdardztio) 国际原则化组织 J,K,oysk (电脑游戏等) 操纵杆详析 rmteconroldevice that cn bue iplaef kyboardoa moust allo foriteractionsbeteena computer d its user. Jyicks are coonl sefor copter gams ad sualy connect through eral port jukebox n. 自动点唱机Kosk n 多功能信息商亭详析 muimeia diplay ysem sch asthose used inmarketing diplays t conferences and in stoes CD(Liud rstal Dsplay) 液晶显示屏 Ma(Macosh) n. 苹果机magl trai (mgnei levtatn rain) n. 磁悬浮aned pacfigt n. 载人航天飞行D(mindis) n.小型磁盘MIDI (MusialIntumentDigta Interface) . 迷笛,数码音乐microcircuit n.微电路oe n猫,调制解调器utimedi . 多媒体详析Theablty to comie audi, visual,a pssibly other typsf hrdware it a presentationmleursciee n.分子科学Nnaturalsciene . 自然科学 . 不善社交、用心致志搞科研或精于科研的人;书呆子 详析 A ersnwihno scia skills, usualy obesd wt scince or techlgy (geeis moe omputr spific) Nrds ar nofor hirpocket poetos, taped gasses, an li shirts My neds are aseeks, uing hene a a scrn to hidebein while practicigteir socialilseuron n 神经元
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