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系列学术报告摘要:系列学术报告A geometric problem and the Hopf LemmaYanyan Li(Beijing Normal University and Rutgers University)Mathematics Building 214.关键词:学术报告系列学术报告类别:论文报告来源:牛档搜索(Niudown.COM)本文系牛档搜索(Niudown.COM)根据用户的指令自动搜索的结果,文中内涉及到的资料均来自互联网,用于学习交流经验,作品其著作权归原作者所有。不代表牛档搜索(Niudown.COM)赞成本文的内容或立场,牛档搜索(Niudown.COM)不对其付相应的法律责任!系列学术报告A geometric problem and the Hopf LemmaYanyan Li(Beijing Normal University and Rutgers University)Mathematics Building 214Abstract:A.D. Alexandrov proved a classical result in 1958. Let $M$ be a compact smooth hypersurface, without boundary, embedded in $mathbb Rn+1$ with the property that the mean curvature is identically constant. Then $M$ is a sphere. I plan to devote these 6 lectures on the generalized Alexandrov results, and discuss on uniqueness of some Cauchy problems, some Carleman inequalities and unique continuation, some variations to the Hopf Lemma and the strong maximum principle, etc.
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