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.tentacle 英 tentkl美 tentkln.(动物)触角;触须Each tentacle has 5,000 stinging cells and enough toxin to kill 60 humans.每根触须都有5000个带刺的细胞,上面的毒液足以杀死60个人。bundle英 bndl美 bndln.捆;束;包;大笔钱v.捆;把 . 扎成一捆;匆忙地走He collected a bundle of sticks.他收集了一捆树枝。Can you bundle up the sheets for me?你能替我将这些单子捆起来吗?strap英 strp美 strpn.皮带;带子vt.(用带子)捆扎;(用带子)抽打The strap had been fretted away.皮带已经被磨损了。The nurse will strap up your wound.护士会绑扎你的伤口。iteration英 tren美 trenn.迭代;迭代法;循环;重复At the end of each iteration, the customer decides if the task is complete or not.在每次迭代的终点,客户来决定这项任务是否完成。mimic英 mmk美 mmkvt.模仿;模拟n.模仿者;仿制品adj.模仿的;假的He mimicked his uncles voice and gestures perfectly.他把叔叔的声音和姿态模仿得惟妙惟肖。This parrot is an amazing mimic.这只鹦鹉很会学舌。At the international level sport is frankly mimic warfare.国际级比赛简直就是一场模拟战争。reconfigure英 riknf(r)美 riknfjrv.重新装配;改装A reboot or shutdown to reconfigure existing hardware or software.重新启动或关机,以便重新配置现有的硬件或软件。spawn英spn美 spnn.卵;产物;后代;结果vt.产卵;种菌丝于;产生;造成vi.产卵;大量生产I found a mass of spawn in the fish before cooking.烧鱼前,我发现鱼里有很多鱼籽。But bellicose intercontinental ballistic missiles were not the only spawn of Sputniks launch.There was also the satellite itself.洲际弹道导弹不是太空竞赛的唯一产物,卫星也是。Many sea fishes spawn in rivers.许多海洋鱼类是在淡水河里产卵的。retract英rtrkt 美rtrktv.缩回;收回;撤销I decided to retract what I had said before.我决定收回前面说过的话。wrap英 rp美 rpv.包;裹;覆盖;隐藏n.围巾;披肩;包装材料You should wrap up the gift in a paper.你应该把礼物用纸包好。Over her shoulders was thrown a much-mended wrap.她的肩上搭着一件补了多次的围巾。animation英 nmen美 nmenn.活泼;生气;兴奋;动画片;动画片制作They talked of their holiday plans with great animation.他们非常起劲地谈着度假计划。fanatic英 fntk美 fntkn.狂热者;极端分子;盲信者adj.狂热的;盲信的My roommate is a fanatic of Michael Jordan.我的室友是迈克尔乔丹的狂热粉丝。Nothing is blinder than fanatic passion.再没有什么比迷信更盲目的了。extensive英 kstensv美 kstensvadj.广泛的;广阔的;广大的;大量的I have benefited a lot from extensive reading.广泛的阅读使我受益匪浅。rig英 r美 rn.装备;帆具;服装;钻井架;钻塔v.装配;装扮;临时赶造;操纵Our camping rig includes cooking pots and sleeping bags.我们的野营装备包括锅子和睡袋。I will have our people rig them with explosives.我将会用炸药让我们的民族装配他们。volume英 vljum美 vljumn.卷;体积;册;音量;容量This volume contains selections from his early works.该卷包含了他的早期作品文选。procedural英 prsidrl美 prsidrladj.程序的n.警察疑案作品Laws are sometimes referred to as substantive or procedural.有时候法律被称作被称作实体的或程序的。generate英 denret美 denretvt.产生;发生;引起75% of Frances electricity is generated by nuclear reactors.法国75%25的电能产生于核反应堆。spacing英 spes美 spesn.留间隔;间隔;空间;字距The atoms are large, relative to their spacing.原子和它们的间隔相对而言是大的。drip英 drp美 drpn.滴;点滴;乏味的人v.滴下;漏出A drip of water fell from the tap.从龙头滴下一滴水。The patient is on a drip.病人正在输液。Water is dripping from the pipe.水从管中滴落。contraction英 kntrkn美 kntrknn.收缩;痉挛;缩写式The contraction of muscle is a reaction of the body.肌肉的收缩是人体的一种反应。flip英 flp美 flpvt.掷;轻击;弹vi.翻转n.(跳水或体操动作中的)空翻;轻弹;浏览adj.无礼的;冒失的;轻率的Lets flip a coin to see who goes first.我们来掷硬币看谁先去。The plane nearly flipped when it landed.这架飞机在着陆时差点儿翻身。He flipped to a fresh page and began to write.他翻到另外一页,开始写了起来。The gymnast had to do a double back flip.这个体操运动员得做一个360度后空翻。Dont be flip with me.不要对我油腔滑舌。I dont want a flip answer to a serious question.我不希望看到对严肃问题的轻率回答articular英 atkjl美 atkjladj.关节的Osteoarthritis is due to wear and tear with loss of articular cartilage.骨关节炎源于关节软骨的磨损破坏甚至丧失。Osteoarthritis英 stirats美 stiorratsn.骨关节炎I think you have osteoarthritis.我认为您得了骨关节炎。articulate英 tkjulet美 rtkjuletadj.发音清晰的;善于表达的;有关节的v.清楚地讲话;发音;以关节连接Articulate speech is essential for a teacher.对教师来说,口齿清楚是必不可少的。I can not articulate the dissatisfaction I feel.我的不满难以表达。cartilage英 ktld美 krtldn.软骨The cartilage in such areas is almost inextensible.这些部位的软骨几乎一点儿也不能伸展。pose英 pz美 pozv.摆姿势;把.摆正位置;造成;提出;假装n.姿态;姿势;装腔作势The artist posed his model carefully.这个艺术家仔细地把他的模型放好。She always liked to strike a noble pose.她总是喜欢摆出一副高贵的样子。refrain英 rfren美 rfrenv.抑制;避免;克制n.副歌;叠句;重复I carefully refrained from looking at him.我留意着避免朝他看。Sunlight can refrain the growth of melatonin in the body.阳光能抑制身体中褪黑激素的生长。Refrain makes the poetry beautiful.叠句让诗歌更优美。limb英 lm美 lmn.肢体;枝干;树枝vt.肢解Men and women have four limbs; two arms and two legs.人都有四肢,两只胳膊两条腿。He stood up and stretched his limbs.他站起来,伸了伸胳膊和腿。scamper英 skmp(r)美 skmprn.蹦跳;奔跑v.蹦跳She loves to scamper through the woods of the forest.她喜欢在森林里的树林中穿梭嬉戏.organic英 nk美 rnkadj.器官的;有机的;有组织的;根本的;接近自然的n.有机物质I am not good at organic chemistry.我的有机化学学得不好。slash英 sl美 slv.猛砍;乱砍;鞭打;割伤;尖锐抨击;大幅减少n.猛砍;斜线;长切口;衣衩;撒尿;沼泽
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