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202X年秋季学期钦州市钦南区期中质量调研考试九年级英语试题( 考试时间:2分钟,满分:150分 )ass: _ Nm:_ Fllmark: 50 Your mrk:_第卷(选择题 共100分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节:(共5小题;每小题15分,满分7.5分)( ) wid Sa learngrammarwel ( )2.Wha ubjtdoeshe anpoby teah ( )3. Wha day i it oday ( )4 Wht di Peter ue to lot ( )h istesig 第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分2.5分)( )6.WeresEris nglishr fro. Cina. Caaa. C. Britain.( )7. What rete senoingA. anin. inging.Drinking.( )8.owmuchaethe gren applesA 12 yuan akilo. . 10 yua ailo . 8 yuan a klo.( )9. Whtsrong ith he woma Shegot a ba grade.B. She arud with her fed. . he lost hr mobe h.( )10. WhrwillSaho this smmer hliday .h UniedStaes. Gery.C. France.听下面一段材料,回答111题( )11. Waday is i ody A. Fria. B.Stura. C. Sday.( )12. Wha re he two saker oig todotorw A.Cean thesco. Pla football.Cantees.听下面一段材料,回答13-1题新$课$标第一网( )13. en doestdilguk plce. Tim for brekfast. . Tme for lnch. C. Time or ea.( )1. Hwoon is ChritaA In 15 days. B I 0 as C. I5dy ( )15. H oes the cke steA. alty. B. Sweet . Sour.kb 1听下面一段材料,回答620题( )6 What is S Blak prbl A. A gude. B. A echer. . docor.( )1 ow ln ll tudens lea Eglih i h moning A One hour. B o hours. C. Three ous.( )18. Wer cn sudentshvlnc A.A chool. .In the retarn. n the hostamly.( )9. Wha wiltudent d i e evenig A. Do anything tey like B. Ptc Eglsh. C ach fils.( )0. Watcnwe owabout th exam A.tuens cant bingnhg wih hm B. It illbea month atr . t willnotbevry hard第二部分:基础知识运用(共两节,满分25分)第一节:单项填空(共10小题;每小题分,满分10分)( )21. 以下选项中发音重音位置不同于其他两项的是 _。A. olicean B.prodct C. pronouc ( )22. Coud ou tellme_last nhtI wthd thfil Tiy ims 4. A hatyu did .what you do.what did yu o 来源:学科|网ZXXK( )3Lii, _ do u kow h nes tha Hfi uzhu iseedilway statd eatiBy searcngth Inent. hy. how. n( )24. Gina sed to _ weekends, ut noshe isudt _ inets wth herfriend. watch TV; stdy B. wchigV; studing C. watc;stuy ( )25.Tere is ltle milk in the milk bg, _her A s .isnt C. arent ( )26. Mmdoes love a and us._ she e fr he aml, _ she fe.A.The mst; te happier B.The mre; te ier C.Th more; hest ( )2.Ppe i de _ wod; i oter words, woo is made _ paper. A fom; into B.int; om C. in; b ( )8Mike _ mr thn 800 eole inthe ls wo year.A.is nterviewng B.has inerviedC.intrviws( )2_ set music! Doyoulik i -M, t _beautf!A w, liten Hoa, sunds C What, sous ( )30. Were gon o vea prttocelbrate Halowen._. I wato join youA.No y B I dnt greeC. unds like fun第二节:完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分5分)AI satown o ead er an ltrein e par. A yon by an tme. He to right efor me th sheon ndsaid 3 ,“Look hat oud!” n hi hn ws aflower, t he ower s d and 32 .I gave h sall smile nd thetuned my yesawao that e culd tke his ry flower andgo off t pay 33 , he sat neto me dlced h loer to is nose and saidi urpri, “I smels swet an ts beauiful, too at 34 I pckd i Hr, its foyou” heflwerfmas ded.Bu I kn I mst 35 it, o hemight neer lve S Iacced the flower. ust hen,for th firs time otice tatthe bowas bid!( ) 31. A.saly B. agrilyC.exitedly( ) 32. d BfreshC. sof( ) 33. .hough . rbablyC.However ( ) 4 A.how B w where ( )5A.trainB. toucC. acct Bi Yeud to e a happgrl. heused to 36 eery day and wat o be a daner. ut veryhng 37 i 20X. Te of02 was a(n)38yer r Li Yue. Sh was raped (使困住) dsometones dung te Wencua eatqake (地震). Atersomei, L Yu was saved Hower, se lst one of h
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