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精品资料双基限时练(十六)Module 4Section 基 础 夯 实.完成句子1We _ _ _ _ _ (一直在打扫教室) all the morning.答案have been cleaning the classroom2_ _ _ _ (我受不了了); I will quit.答案I cant stand it3Wherever there is _ _ _ _ _ (充足的阳光和雨水), the fields are green.答案plenty of sun and rain4_ _ _ (使我们惊讶的是), she won the match.答案To our surprise5He _ _ _ _ _ _ (与叔叔待在一起) in the past two years.答案has been staying with his uncle.单句语法填空用适当的词或所给单词的适当形式填空(不多于3个单词)1My grandmother _ (like) dancing all her life. Whenever I hear 1940s dance music I _ (think) of her.答案与解析liked; think句意:我祖母一生喜欢跳舞。每当我听到20世纪40年代的舞曲时就会想起她。表示感情的动词如like,hate等不能用于现在完成进行时。因like与主语grandmother为主动关系,故用liked作谓语。第二空表示经常性的行为,故用一般现在时。2Marys grandfather _ (grow) roses all his life; whenever she sees flowers, shell always think of him.答案与解析has been growing句意:玛丽的祖父一生都在种植玫瑰。因此无论何时她看到鲜花,她总能想到他。根据all his life和后句中的将来时可知玛丽的祖父从过去到现在一直种植玫瑰,而且现在还正在种植,故应使用现在完成进行时。现在完成进行时表示从过去开始一直持续到现在的动作,强调动作一直在进行。3The fans _ (wait) patiently for hours, and they will wait till the movie star _ (arrive)答案与解析has been waiting; arrives句意:影迷们耐心地等候了数小时,他们将一直等到那位电影明星到来。由句意可知wait这个动作从过去某时一直持续到现在,还将持续下去,故应使用现在完成进行时。在till引导的时间状语从句中可用一般现在时表示将来。4The scientist _ (go) Canada and he will give us a talk when he _ (come) back.答案与解析has gone to; comes句意:那位科学家已去了加拿大。他回来后将给我们做一个报告。由句意可知科学家已去了加拿大,还没有回来,故用has gone to。在when引导的时间状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来。5 I will come to attend your lecture at 10:00 tomorrow. Im sorry, by then my lecture will have ended and I _ (meet) my guests in my office.答案与解析will be meeting句意:明天10点我将来听你的讲座。对不起,到那时我的讲座已结束,我将正在办公室会见一些客人。因说的是明天10点将正在办公室会客,故应使用将来进行时。6She _ (work) on this essay for 20 minutes but she has written only about a hundred words.答案与解析has been working现在完成进行时侧重表示动作还在继续。7 Isnt it hard to drive downtown to work? Yes, thats why I _ (go) to work by subway.答案与解析have been going强调动作一直持续并在进行中,故用现在完成进行时。8Ever since the Greens moved to the country a year ago, they _ (enjoy) better health.答案与解析have been enjoying时间状语ever since决定此处要用现在完成时,句意又着重强调一直进行到现在的动作,故用现在完成进行时。9 Have you thought of the topic for the composition? Not yet, I _ (consider) it very carefully, but I havent decided.答案与解析have been considering由not yet和I havent decided可看出是“我一直在仔细地考虑”,因此用现在完成进行时。10 You havent got enough money for your project. I know, but I _ (try) to raise it for the past three weeks.答案与解析have been trying根据上文可知“钱还没集够”说明还要继续下去;据下文可知“在过去的三周里一直在筹集钱”说明应用现在完成进行时。语 篇 提 能.阅读理解AAs you research music, you will find much that is familiar to you. You will find music, which tells of interesting places and exciting things to do. You will find music which expresses feelings that are often of your own.Music is an expression of the people. As you research, you will find music of people at work or at play. You will find music expresses love of the country, love of nature and love of home.Music is also expression of the composer. The composer expresses his own music ideas. He studies the materials of music and discovers ways of using them. He looks for new kinds of musical expression.Music can suggest actions and feelings which we all share. We can enjoy playing and singing music, dancing and listening to the music of the people and the composers of different times and places.1In the first paragraph, the writer tells us_.A. to find pleasure and our feelings in musicB. how to research musicC. how to express your feelings in musicD. to discover the things and places in music答案与解析A首段中作者说研究音乐会发现音乐中有趣的地方,令人兴奋的事情及表达自己的情感。2Form the second paragraph we know that_.A. music sings of the country, nature and homeB. if we love music well love the country, nature and homeC. we may listen to music at work or at playD. music can express how people live, work and think答案与解析D第二段首句是主旨句,与D项对应。3The last paragraph shows that music makes it possible_.A. that music can express actions and feelingsB. people can enjoy singing and dancing to the musicC. to bring understanding between people of different times and placesD. to make people of different times and places happy答案与解析C文章尾句照应C项。4Through music, the composer_.A. wishes you to study music with himB. expresses his feelings and ideasC. studies the materials of musicD. shows his love of the country答案与解析B作曲家用音乐来表达其思想与情感,他研究音乐是为了更好地利用音乐,并不是单纯地研究它。BZoology is the part of science that deals with the study of the animals growth, home and behaviour. It has nothing to do with people, so many students are left wondering why they have to learn it.Our nature includes not just humans but plants and animals as well. Everything
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