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最新教学资料外研版英语1.2 课时作业.用didnt need to do或者neednt have done改写句子1Thank you for telling me the news, but I have already known it._答案:You neednt have told me the news, because I have already known it.2Theres no need for Jim to buy the dictionary._答案:Jim neednt have bought the dictionary.3My mother washed my clothes yesterday, so I didnt do it by myself._答案:I didnt need to wash my clothes yesterday, because my mother did it for me.4I was given a ticket for last nights film, so I didnt buy one._答案:I didnt need to buy a ticket for last nights film because I was given one.5It wasnt necessary for her to pay so much._答案:She neednt have paid so much.用所给动词的didnt need to do或者neednt have done形式填空1I _ (book) in advance; there were plenty of tickets left.2I _ (ring) the bell, because the door was open when I got to it.3We went to the station by taxi. But we _(do)so; it was so near.4You didnt wait for Mike last night, did you?Yes, but we _(wait) for him. He didnt return home at all.5I _ (go) to the office yesterday so I went shopping with my mother.6I _ (buy) a gift for my host family because I already had one.7You _ (wash) all these clothes! We have a washing machine to do that sort of thing.答案:1.neednt have booked2.didnt need to ring3neednt have done4.neednt have waited5didnt need to go6.didnt need to buy7neednt have washed.完形填空When I was about 11 years old, one day, I was at my friend Jennys house after school, and we were doing homework. While I was there a friend of Jennys mom came over to visit.I dont remember her name or _1_ what her face looked like. I just remember her _2_, her voice and the lesson she taught me.I can still see her hands reaching out for mine in our _3_. They were so beautiful, I thought. Then I heard her saying, not at all in a condescending(居高临下) manner. “Oh no, that is not _4_ you shake hands. Let me show you how.”After that, I just remember her voice explaining the _5_ of a good handshake, _6_ a positive sense of _7_, looking the other person in the eye, making that first moment _8_.I think in that exchange I first understood _9_.I respected her for taking the _10_ to teach me about one of those subtleties(微妙的事情) in life. I _11_ the fact that she didnt _12_ down upon me because I was 11 or because I didnt _13_ something. And so because of that I felt somewhat respected, I mean in the way she _14_ me. It felt good to be talked to like a _15_ person, and not like whatever the _16_ perception(观点) of an 11yearold would be. I also appreciate her instilling(逐渐灌输) the idea that if someone doesnt know or isnt _17_ of something, have compassion(热情) and point him or her in the right _18_; dont be afraid to share your _19_.I think of her every time I meet someone _20_ and Im so thankful for her little lesson.1A. else B. evenC. still D. otherwise2A. figure B. armsC. eyes D. hands3A. expectation B. introductionC. interview D. reception4A. how B. whenC. why D. where5A. procedure B. valueC. attraction D. importance6A. indicating B. conveyingC. predicting D. producing7A. self B. prideC. others D. impression8A. preserve B. occurC. matter D. last9A. manners B. equalityC. charm D. respect10A. time B. chanceC. efforts D. occasion11A. recalled B. preferredC. appreciated D. realized12A. look B. standC. bend D. talk13A. know B. likeC. feel D. correct14A. reminded B. treatedC. taught D. helped15A. close B. goodC. real D. great16A. general B. extremeC. realistic D. wrong17A. short B. carefulC. aware D. fond18A. way B. directionC. aspect D. stage19A. knowledge B. senseC. wisdom D. experience20A. important B. strangeC. familiar D. new答案与解析:1B作者此处的表达方式欲擒故纵,为突出后面对方教给她正确的握手方式做铺垫。对方叫什么名字作者不记得,更不记得对方长得什么样。为了突出后面事物的程度,我们用even,而or else连在一起,意思是“否则的话”,相当于otherwise。2D把握全文,作者的中心是对别人教给她正确的握手方式而念念不忘,因此文章围绕着“握手”这一中心话题而展开,令作者感到难以忘怀的也是对方的手。如果选figure“身影”,显然没有扣准文章的中心。3B根据文章的语境和常识判断,作者和对方是第一次见面,要互相介绍,要握手,从而引出文章的中心。选“期望”,“面试”,“接待”,显然是脱离了文章的具体语境。4A根据语境和常识判断,作者是一个11岁的孩子,因此不知道怎样跟别人握手,即不知道握手的正确方式是很自然的事情。其他引导词显然违背了文章的中心话题。5D看到作者不会跟别人握手,对方教给他正确的握手方式,很自然地会谈起正确握手的重要性。四个选项中干扰性比较大的是value“价值”,用来修饰“握手”这一行为,显然不妥当。procedure意思是“程序”,也不能用来表示“握手”。6B此处对方还是向作者介绍正确的握手方式的重要性:正确的握手
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