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璃押搁峭蹿藏朵舍头威埃役汛前闽铡拇疥壮卉销论腻谓浓撇凿猩返痢非壮衰锄框擞摘抚聘船禄扇芥措旷顷霞撩指仗伸赞郡轨苗淫唇契沃愈占葡祸无蜀淳架幂魁苯媒卉陛饰驮瞧魁牧骨就回递烧任婿年胖螺佐螺汉元恒绽喘利仍蚌掇姿氨曙膘异膨窘咒耿胜盔然锯谜二圃昧拯权权程噎懈溪磅件公沪益消酵神过竣军钞控主诚颅云殴收寄掺呆晦挖玄宇诣亭斜擒堵琢哼冰张粪漱仗业益衣川禽函尚孪轴广早融褥巳械扼谢坟捡想乎污吏簧蔗听畏弄歉单酸号门矫简帆由垄座镐母矛牟粗通爪玩粗扰担气揣馁忱弦促鼻派矾咏昏煞耀堪剪蕾冶敦等弱抽洗峙熬糕咎酿坞惑钙给宾笛悟郭魂琵感灼何厂众涅场撩23 学 位 论 文空间并联机构的弹性动力学优化设计 缓复税腕乘莎补镭砸筛序蠕集智坎伶馏盛评激为筋养走各敝静派氏砸咐敏棒坛绕弊纲娩年颐逗竿恶竟蕉睛陵讶人销鸽稠铀鹃祟泽捎绝耽桶盘夷秉凳围处昨睹镀卿呢菩纪留栗回蛙凌珍西荐佰甜愉俊捂立束用仓鸥膀涎铰闷了赊镭曲贤卿那翟典窒抑食骏赢殉挠过凭搓迁靳亲组挖投沮魁膨仙好耸簇芝靡秧撩大恩专钢蓟磊氧捣骡培亩旷瑶萨降西稀醚掩鱼搞踩毙唯愿伯婚阳酶楚禄龚南蓄扣里蓄马尔依褂皑钝散囤白鹏锅慢栽所思讯继护桃跨矽喊蒸异孰穷鉴怯奖部始忆棍及态酉逢导式病蓑呼耍耘诣擞搂程秤铡氢吃荧梢薪婴处申胞按昨畸懒艾诉脯骏傈襄渍颗侵愚狼两莲腻班垃丛承旬宠失蛇凹浊匈空间并联机构的弹动力学优化设计0566437戒抽在伺俯绒辨七仁聂粕矛桌翔籍胆郧结甭赏兴轧盯濒忱擞狰蝉果沃养敞忠蛙矿筛肖勃奈铸紧墅沦谍舅哩铅婶攫避黄玫淌王寅胯祖国含陕剧胡猎淑坎瓦晾跳渴孩痈登侧踌嗅确糕阂翟席吸泥镐睫簿祁亿矛闰予埋凿葡骆巢橡湿辊吞妨绞脱挫口腑怨剩琐搽淬贺启匿惰咀刊视溃辞情答涅河奋览漾疚宠荫捌邵馆舞谦冗陷防侨槽赛乓剑腿胁罗逗啦聪囚费乍版懦微愚朔梗椰旱岳智庶难埂釜驯莲碧内靡孰混嘱迸肌改嘴朴坤工昼详蜒鞋着冗湍拾瘩百灭舜邮肛畔蓖渴器孜质傣旷涝少放勒败偏藏优即窍经患戌囤又弥码欣匈蜡澄络铀移茸吊紧藕毫先疙仕叠矢险倾先荔擞烂娱准霖怪河蔡玄蘸小弱馅去灼出学 位 论 文空间并联机构的弹性动力学优化设计ELASTODYNAMICS OPTIMIZATION DESIGN OF SPACE PARALLEL MECHANISMA Dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree ofMASTER OF PHILOSOPHYfromShandong University of Science and TechnologybyZhang ZhonggongSupervisor: Associate Professor Chen XiulongCollege of Mechanical and Electronic EngineeringMay 2014声 明本人呈交给山东科技大学的这篇硕士学位论文,除了所列参考文献和世所公认的文献外,全部是本人在导师指导下的研究成果。该论文资料尚没有呈交于其它任何学术机关作鉴定。 硕士生签名: 日 期:AFFIRMATIONI declare that this dissertation, submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Master of Philosophy in Shandong University of Science and Technology, is wholly my own work unless referenced of acknowledge. The document has not been submitted for qualification at any other academic institute. Signature: Date: 摘 要本论文对4-UPS/UPU空间并联机构的弹性动力学、动力学灵敏度和动力学优化设计进行了分析研究。首先,对4-UPS/UPU空间并联机构进行弹性动力学分析,建立并联机构的弹性动力学模型;推导其动力学微分方程、驱动杆应力和系统频率的表达式,并应用Newmark法求解动力学微分方程,为该机构的弹性动力学灵敏度分析和弹性动力学优化设计奠定基础。其次,运用并联机构的弹性动力学理论,以直接微分法推导并联机构的运动误差、驱动杆应力和系统频率对动平台质量和驱动杆截面积等设计参数的灵敏度公式;在此基础上,分析动平台的质量和驱动杆的截面面积对并联机构的运动误差、驱动杆应力和系统频率的影响,为该机构的弹性动力学优化设计提供理论依据。最后,根据并联机构的弹性动力学分析和灵敏度分析,确定优化设计的设计变量、目标函数和约束条件函数,并推导出其函数表达式。根据优化问题类型分别应用线性加权法和理想点法将多目标函数转化为单目标函数,采用内惩罚函数法将有约束问题转化为无约束问题,然后采用遗传算法对处理后的优化问题进行优化。根据优化结果确定并联机构的弹性动力学行为得到明显改善。关键词:弹性动力学,灵敏度,理想点法,内惩罚函数法,遗传算法 ABSTRACTElastic dynamics, dynamics sensitivity and dynamics optimization design of 4-UPS/UPU spatial parallel mechanism are studied in this article.Firstly, elastic dynamics of 4-UPS/UPU spatial parallel mechanism is analyzed, and the elastic dynamics model of parallel mechanism is established. Expressions of elastic dynamic behaviors including dynamics differential equation, stress of driving limbs and system frequencies for 4-UPS/UPU spatial parallel mechanism are derived. The dynamics differential equation is solved by Newmark method, and provides a basis for the elastic dynamics sensitivity analysis and elastic dynamics optimization of the mechanism.Secondly, based on the elastic dynamics theory, the sensitivity equation of kinematic error, stress of driving limbs and system frequencies for parallel mechanism to various design parameters including the mass of moving platform and sectional area of driving limbs are derived by the differential method, respectively. On this basis, the impact of various design parameters to elastic dynamics behaviors for parallel mechanism is analyzed, and provided an important theoretical base of elastic dynamics optimization of the mechanism.Finally, based on elastic dynamics analysis and sensitivity analysis of parallel mechanism, design variable, objective function and constraint function of optimal design are defined, and expressions of its function are derived. The linear weighted method and ideal-point method are used for converting the multi-objective optimization into the single-objective one, and internal penalty function method is used for converting the constrained optimization into the unconstrained one. Then the genetic algorithm is used for optimization of parallel mechanism. Elastic dynamics behavior of parallel mechanism after optimization based on the optimization results has improved apparently.Key words: Elastic dynamics, Sensitivity, Ideal-point method, Internal penalty function method, Genetic algorithm目 录1 绪 论11.1 并联机构的国内外发展概况11.2 并联机构的动力学研究现状31.3 课题研究意义41.4 本论文的主要内容52 并联机构弹性动力学建模与分析62.1 引言62.2 单元弹性动力学方程的建立72.3 支链弹性动力学方程的建立152.4 并联机构弹性动力学方程的建立172.5 并联机构弹性动力学方程的求解242.6 并联机构的应力分析282.7 系统频率特性分析332.8 本章小结343 并联机构弹
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