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2023年对曼德拉的评价英文版 名人的故事伴随着我们成长。但是自我评价要怎么写呢?下面是范文参考网小编为大家带来对曼德拉的评价英文版,信任对你会有帮助的。 对曼德拉的评价英文版篇一 South African spiritual leader of human rights Mandela. He was really gone,but left freedom and equality for mankind. He taught us to forget hatred and open the process of national reconciliation. Mandela,forever,is the world of Mandela. He no longer belongs to us,he belongs to all ages.- Obama Nelson Raleigh Hera Hella Mandela was born on July 18,1918,in Transkay,South Africa,has won the University of South Africa Bachelor of Arts and Witwatersrand University Bar.He was the national secretary and chairman of the ANU Youth League.From 1994 to 1999 the South African president,is the first black president,is known as the father of South Africa. Prior to his presidency,Mandela was an active anti-apartheid and a leader of the National Spear of the Armed Forces of the African National Congress.When he led the anti-apartheid movement,the South African court convicted him of conspiracy to overthrow the government and other charges.According to the verdict,Mandela served a prison sentence for 27 years.After being released from prison in 1990,he moved to support mediation and consultation and to lead South Africa in the transitional period of promoting multi-ethnic democracy.Since the end of the apartheid regime,Mandela has been praised from all walks of life,including former opponents. Mandela has won more than 100 awards in 40 years,most notably the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize.In 20xx,it was chosen as the greatest South African.December 6,20xx,Mandela died in Johannesburg residence at the age of 95 years.South Africa held a state funeral for Mandela,the national flag. Mandelas grandfather was king,his father was a tribal leader,but he himself has become a revolutionary.In order to overthrow the white racist rule of South Africa,Mandela undertook an arduous struggle for as long as 50 years (1944-1994) for 28 years (1962-1990).Eventually,from the prisoners jumped into South Africas first black president,for the new South Africa to create a democratic and unified situation.Lifetime Honorary President of South Africa.Because the face often with a smile,the South African people called smile ambassador.Nelson Mandela was one of the most dazzling pacifists of Africa in the 1990s and the world.The ANC he led played an extremely important role in ending racism in South Africa.The birth of the new South Africa in April 1994 marked the successful completion of the political liberation task of the African continent against imperialism,colonialism and against apartheid.Was elected to the history of South Africas first black president,enjoy a high reputation,known as the global president.Even in prison,Mandela has repeatedly become the focus of the world,his appeal and influence throughout the world,the worlds 53 countries,20xx mayor Mandelas release and signature petitions;78 members of the British published Joint statement,more than 50 mayors in London dress parade,asked the British Prime Minister to exert pressure on South Africa,to restore Mandela freedom.Mandela is a sign that he represents the political transformation that the South African people have traded at the cost of their lives.For this country,he played the role of father of the nation.Glory daysis Hong Kong rock singer Huang Jiaju for South African black human rights spiritual leader Mandela a carol of freedom.Bell sounded the signal home in his life as if a little bit of black skin to his sense of meaning is a lifetime of sacrifice color fight in the years Have changed to do tired eyes with hope only residual body today to meet the glorious years in the wind and rain in the hold free life after a struggling self-confidence can change the future to ask who can do it regardless of the color of the boundaries of this land regardless of You and I show the beauty of high and low color is because it does not separate each color. For the factional group with radical ideas within the non-Congress Party,Mandela actively worked to clarify that the one man,one votesystem should not,and could not,mean immediate black majority rule under the current balance of power.The radical Pan-African National Congress,which splits from the ANC,is working in multiple ways,exchanging views,coordinating positions and striving for its participation in political negotiations.The ANC made a major adjustment to the negotiating strategy through the discussion of the National Working Committee of the Policy-Making Organs.The strategy of forcing the current regime to surrender by negotiationwas adjusted to a strategy for a phased transition through negotiation.Nelson Mandela made a clear conclusion: even if the ANC won the election,but also with the election losers to share power.He told a group of radical blacks that it was not time to get whites into the sea,but to throw your weapons into the sea.
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