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英语自然拼读校本教材一、48个英语国际音标自然拼读教材诗A is for apple 比比比B is for bat b b bC is for cat k k kD is for dog d d dE is for elephant e e e辅音爆破音清辅音ptk浊辅音bdg摩揀音清辅音fsLfl6h浊辅音vZ3引破撫音清辅音tntrts浊辅音d3drdz=宀轻曰浊辅音mn01舌则音浊辅音11r 1 -宀-1-儿曰浊辅音wjF is for frog f f fG is for girl g g gH is for head h h hI is for it i i iJ is for jug ds dsdsK is for kite k k kL is for lion l l lM is for monkey m m mN is for nose n n nO is for orange /D/ /d/ /d/P is for prince p p pQ is for queen kw kw kwR is for rain r r rS is for sweets s s sT is for teddy t t tU is for up 八八八V is for vase v v vW is for way w w wX is for x-ray ks ks ksY is for yellow j j j Z is for zoo z z z 三、26个字母在单词中的发音规则例词, 字母音标 音素拼读,Aa 比am at actBbbbat bagbadCckcat capcadDdddog dadduckEeeegg bedredF fffat fish fitGgggirl gate getHhhham hathaveI iiit isthisJ jdjug jam jeepKkkkid kipkickLlllet legleftMmmmum madmessNnnnag notneckOo打log hotdotPpppig penputQqkwqueenquick quackRrrred ramrapSsssit sadseeTttted tiptickUuAbus cutcupVvvvet vexvaseWwwwed wetwayXxksbox six taxYy j yes yet yep,Zz z zap zoo zoom四、26个字母发音例词小故事Story about AFrank the RatFrank isa rat.Frankisinabag.Frankisinahat.Frankisinapan.Frankisonanapple.Frankisonabat.Oh , no!” Frank is on a cat.Story about BThe biscuitsbiscuitcanbebus.biscuitcanbebike.biscuitcanbeboat.biscuitcanbebanana.biscuitcanbebear.biscuitcanbebutterfly.biscuitcanbebird.Story about CCoolCatCaryis cool cat.Carycan cut carrots like this.Cary can climb a coconut tree like this.Cary can clean a crocodile like this.Cary can catch flies like this.Yes, Cary is cool cat.Story about DDancing DadDad loves dancing.Dad is dancing with the desk.Dad is dancing with the duck.Dad is dancing with the door.Dad is dancing with the dog.Dad is dancing with the deer.Where is Dad?Wow! What a dancing dad.Story about ERed BenBen likes red.Ben paints the egg red.Ben paints the eggplant red.Ben paints the lemon red.Ben paints the hen red.Ben paints the elephant red.Oh, we like red.Story about FThe Frogs Love StoryA frog falls in love with a fox.Fresh fruit for you, dear fox.A fish for you, dear fox.Flowers for you, dear fox.On day, the foxs house is on fire. Help! Help!The fox is frightened.The frog saves the fox.You are my hero.The fox falls in love with the frog.Story about GWow ! A Goat! Wow! A goat!Gaby gives the goat some grass. The goat doesnt like grass.Gaby gives the goat some grapes. The goat doesnt like grapes.Gaby gives the goat her glasses. The goat doesnt like the glasses.Gaby gives the goat her guitar. The goat loves the guitar.Story about HHungry HatThe hungry hat is hungry.Hi, Ham! Im hungry.Hi, Hot dog! Im hungry.Hi, Hamburger! Im hungry.Hi, Hen! Im hungry.Hi, Horse! Im hungry.Hi, Hippo (河马)! Im hungry.HI, House! Im hungry.Im hungry, too.Story about IA Big, Big DayToday is a big, big day.Bill bringsabigship.Rita bringsabiglollipop(棒棒糖).Jill bringsabigdish.Tina bringsabigfish.Lily bringsabig,big kiss.Happy bir thday, Tim.Story about JJack and JimThis is Jack.This is Jim.Jack is wearing jeans.Jim is wearing jacket.Jack is playing with jigsaw (拼图).Jim is playing with jeep.Jack is having jam (果酱).Jim is having juice.Jack is listening to jazz.Jim is listening to jazz, too.Story about KThe King isThe king isAHCHOO啊切(打喷嚏的声音)!A kangaroo flies away.A koala (树袋熊)flies away.A kid flies away.A kite flies away.The kite is in the tree.The kid is in the tree.The koala is in the tree.The kangaroo is in the tree.Story about LLook! Look! Look!Look! A ladybug (瓢虫)!Look! Look! Look!The ladybug is looking at a lizard (蜥蜴).Look! Look! Look!The lizard is looking at a lamb (羊羔).Look! Look! Look!The lamb is looking at a lion.Look out!The lion is looking at you!Story about MIf You Give a Mouse a Mooncake.A monkey gives a mouse a mooncake.May I have some milk?The monkey gives the mouse some milk.May I have some music?The monkey gives th
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